Governor Gavin Newsom today announced both statewide and county-specific actions to curb the spread of COVID-19 as cases continue to rise across the state. The Humboldt County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal and Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich are aware but have not yet seen the written guidance on these changes.
“The governor made clear the state’s concerns about the rapid increase in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and ICU admissions in California,” Dr. Frankovich said. “Our understanding is that there will be a statewide order to close bars and to move some sectors such as dining, family entertainment centers, office spaces for non-critical services, museums and zoos and cardrooms to outdoor operations only.”
The intent, the doctor said, is to focus on strategies that reduce mixing of people outside their household in spaces where it is more challenging to ensure safety precautions are in place and to move those activities outdoors where possible. “The state is clearly stepping back but not returning to full shelter-in-place restrictions,” she said.
Sheriff Honsal said, “In light of the governor’s recent announcement regarding business sector closures and the current COVID-19 situation in California, I believe it is prudent to wait for further written directive from the governor prior to making any sweeping decisions that will impact our business community. In a small community like ours, one business closure can have a ripple effect felt throughout the county. I’ve heard and seen the impacts that COVID-19 and the initial closures had on our local business owners and their families, and I do not take the decision to close sectors of our local economy lightly.”
The EOC will provide additional information Tuesday.