On Wednesday the Outpost received word from the Humboldt Folklife Society that it had made the difficult decision to call off its Friday night St. Patrick’s Barn Dance at the Arcata Veterans’ Hall. It was the first local event cancellation we’d received that cited coronavirus as its motivation.
“In light of the global virus outbreak and current public health recommendations,” HFS wrote, “dance organizers and musicians are taking on the social responsibility to help reduce spread in the wider community – cancellation of large social gatherings is a preventive measure that has been proven effective historically. Many people in our community are at higher risk, by virtue of their age, their compromised immunity, or other issues.”
Just a day later — and in light of some newly released gatherings guidelines from California public health officials — the cancellation/postponement list is growing. So, in the interest of keeping Humboldt in the know as to which local events they should NOT plan on attending, we’re going to keep an easily bookmarked running tally, below, here on LoCO. (Click the links for more details, when available. Also, these cancellations are coming in fast. If you planned to attend any near-future events, you might double check with someone to see if they’re happening):

Adorni Center
- April 4: Humboldt Math Festival
All-County Music Festival:
Arcata Community Center:
- March 21: Jacoby Creek Children Education Foundation Auction and Dance
Arcata High School:
- Rent. March 26-April 4
Arcata Main Street:
- March 13: Arts! Arcata
Arcata Playhouse:
- March 17-29: A Woman’s Place is in Her Home
- March 26: Thad Beckman and Terry Robb.
- March 28: Rebel Craft Rumble
Arcata Veterans’ Hall:
- March 13: St. Patrick’s Barn Dance
Arkley Center for the Performing Arts
- March 14: Dancing Stars of Humboldt
Bayside Community Center:
- March 14: The Power of Pollinators
Blue Lake Casino:
March 20: Napoleon Dynamite LiveMarch 25: Sebastian Bach- All March events.
Calvary Lutheran Church, Eureka:
- March 27: Rafael Trio (part of the Eureka Chamber Music Series)
- All school field trips for March.
- March 17: The Underwater Bubble Show
- March 20: On a Winter’s Night
- March 22: Drive-By Truckers
- March 26: Covet
- April 1: Yamato Taiko Drummers of Japan
- April 7: Camerata RCO
Center Activities/Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center:
- March 22: Family Fun Day
- March 24: Backpacking Seminar
- March
28: Rafting the Trinity River
- March 28: Twilight Paddle
- March 28: Intro to Indoor Climbing
- March
29: Intro to Surf
- March 29: Intro to Kayak Rolling
College of the Redwoods:
- All classes, Mar. 23-27
- All spring sports
- March 13 & 14: Keep the Fires Burning
Discovery Museum
- March 21: Perilous Plunge (Now “Post a Plunge”)
D Street Community Center
- March 22 and 29: All Seasons Orchestra
Eureka Theater
- All March events cancelled or postponed. Likely April events as well.
Ferndale Repertory Theatre
- March 19-April 12: Clue
Fortuna Kiwanis Spaghetti Feed
- March 22: Postponed to April.
Fortuna Library
- March 14: Book Sale
- All events and classes canceled until further notice.
Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival
- Postponed. Possible replacement event in Fall 2020.
Humboldt Bay Mycological Society:
- March 14: Mushroom Foray
- March 18: Monthly Meeting & Presentation
Humboldt Brews:
Humboldt County Libraries:
- All programming canceled through March. Libraries “will maintain regularly scheduled open hours and provide core services.”
Humboldt County Science Fair:
- March 16-20: Canceled.
Humboldt County Office of Education:
Humboldt IPA and Priority Care Center:
- April 9: Humboldt County Opioid Safety Summit
- Pathways To Health Workshops
- Exercise Classes at the Priority Care Center
Humboldt Literacy Project
Humboldt Permaculture Guild:
- March 28: Seed, Plant and Scion Exchange
Humboldt Senior Resource Center:
- Adult day care center closed through the end of the month.
Humboldt State University:
Kate Buchanan Room:
- March 21: 12th Annual Humboldt Wine Festival
- April 3-5: Flood50
Mad River Brewing Company
- March 14: Home Cookin’
Manila First 5 Playgroup
- Closed through the end of March.
Mateel Community Center:
- March 21: Community Equinox Celebration
Morris Graves Museum
North Coast Repertory Theatre:
- March 13-April 12: Hamlet
The Old Steeple:
- April 13: Sierra Hull
- All courses suspended until further notice
- Brown Bag Lunches at Hospice of Humboldt cancelled through April
Om Shala Yoga
- Classes March 13-20 suspended
RampArt Skate Park
- March 14: DisBeatCrasher Show
Redwood Acres Fairgrounds:
- March 12: Humboldt Roller Derby Scrimmage
- March 21: Humboldt Roller Derby Doubleheader
Redwood Art Association:
- 62nd Spring Exhibition postponed until June/July.
- March 21: Watercolor Painting Workshop with John Hewitt
Redwood Coast Energy Authority:
- March 21: Electric Bike Workshop
Redwood Curtain Theatre:
Rio Dell Scotia Kiwanis
- March 28: Fruhlingsfest Beer Festival
Sacco Amphitheater:
- April 4: Kinetic Classic (youth race)
The Sanctuary:
Weekend events canceled- All events canceled until further notice.
Sanctuary Forest
- Saturday, March 21: “Pulling Together to Save Our Coast” invasive removal event.
Savage Henry Comedy Club:
- March 13/14: Shane Torres
- March 15: Democratic Debate Watch Party
Six Rivers Brewery:
Sequoia Conference Center:
- March 29: “We Said Yes” Wedding Show
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[HEY, HUMBOLDT EVENT PLANNER-TYPES: If you planned an event that you no longer feel you can responsibly hold, feel free to drop us a line.]

Humboldt wisdom