To Help Prevent Spread of COVID-19, Arcata City Hall Will Limit Public Access
From the City of Arcata:
In collaboration with state and federal recommendations that support efforts to prevent or slow the spread of COVID-19, Arcata City Hall will have limited access to the public beginning Wednesday, March 18. Face to face interaction with City staff will only be available by appointment.
To continue to serve the public during this unprecedented time, the City has made the following adjustments:
Water & Sewer Billing
The Finance Department will continue to receive water and sewer payments during this time.
Residents have the option to pay water and sewer bills online at or by phone by calling the City’s automated bill system at (707) 827-1114. Credit and debit cards will be accepted with these payment methods.
For those who require cash or check transactions, drop boxes are located in the City Hall parking lot off 7th Street and next to the USPS mailbox outside of City Hall on F Street.
Call (707) 822-5951 (dial 1 to reach a live representative) or email to make special service requests, in-person appointments or for other City-related billing inquiries. Building & Engineering
Building permits and Inspections can be submitted or made by emailing or by calling (707) 822-5956 or (707) 825-2128.
Information related to encroachment permits, parking permits, sewer lateral certificates and other general information inquiries can be made by emailing the Building & Engineering Department at or by calling (707) 825-2128 or (707) 825-2174.
For inquiries related to Streetlights and Water & Sewer email or call (707) 825-2175. Community Development Planning To reach the Community Development Department please email or call (707) 825-5955.
General Inquiries related to allowable use, zoning, or development standards call email or call (707) 822-5955.
Submit a planning permit application to or call (707) 822-5955.
For project specific related questions, contact the assigned planner or call (707) 822-5955 to be directed.
Foodworks Culinary Center and business assistance inquiries can be emailed to .
Cannabis-related inquiries can be emailed to .
Residents with Tenant-Based Rental Assistance questions are asked to email or call (707) 825-2152.Public Transportation
Arcata & Mad River Transit (AMRTS) will be operating with reduced bus service until further notice. The Orange Bus Route will be the only operating bus route available from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. until further notice. Email transit inquiries to or call (707) 822-3775.
Amtrak Tickets can be purchased at or by calling 1-800-872-7245.
Greyhound tickets can be purchased at or by calling 1-800-231-2222.
Arcata Police Department Service
Emergency services provided by the Arcata Police Department will continue to operate 24 hours a day.
In order for first responders to prepare accordingly, when calling 911 for emergency assistance, community members are asked to let the dispatcher know if experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Community members are encouraged to call (707) 822-2428 for non-emergency related assistance to reduce potential COVID-19 exposure to the community and first responders before visiting the Police Department office.
Parking tickets can be paid on-line at or by calling (707) 822-2428.
Preferential Parking applications can be paid for and made on-line also at .
Alarm permit payments may be paid over the phone or by calling (707) 822-2428.
All cash or check payments can be dropped off at the drop box located outside the Police Department Office or mailed to City of Arcata Attn: APD.
Records Requests can be submitted via email to faxed to 707-822-7936
Live Scan fingerprinting services have been suspended until further notice. Environmental Services & Recreation Please email or call (707) 822-8184 to reach the Environmental Services Department
The Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center is closed to the public until further notice.
City Playgrounds are closed.
Public open spaces, City Parks, the Arcata Community Forest and the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary will remain open. All public trails remain open to the public, and community members are highly encouraged to practice social distancing while enjoying the trails and playgrounds.
All recreation programs have been suspended until further notice. Email or call (707) 822-7091 to reach the Arcata Recreation Division.
For ongoing and future recreation programs call (707) 822-7091.
To help protect the health of older adults in the community, the Humboldt Senior Resource Center has modified in-house dining service until further notice, including the senior lunch program at the Arcata Community Center. As of now, HSRC’s three Senior Dining Centers will continue offering their Home Delivered Meals and offer a take-out meal service. Reservations for take-out meal service is required and may be done so by calling 707-825-2027.
For facility rental information, call (707)822-7091.
City Manager’s Office
For all general inquiries, email or call (707) 822-5953.
Public records requests can be made by emailing the City Clerk at .
Community members who wish to submit public comment for the City Council teleconference meeting taking place on Wednesday, March 18 are asked to email or drop off written comments via the drop boxes located in the City Hall parking lot off of 7th Street and next to the USPS mailbox outside of City Hall on F Street. Public comment must be received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18.
Members of the public may view the City Council meeting live at 6 p.m. online at or on YouTube .
Community members may choose to watch the teleconferenced meeting in City Council Chamber at Arcata City Hall, located at 736 F Street. City Council will not be physically present, and a portal will be available for attendees to make public comment during the meeting. Those who choose to attend the meeting in-person are asked to follow social distancing guidelines and stay 6 feet apart. Every other chair will be available for use, and overflow will be allowed in City Hall’s lobby. Those who are feeling sick, seniors and individuals with underlying health issues are advised to watch the meeting from home and submit public comment in advance by email.
The City of Arcata is monitoring COVID-19 and is working with, and following all recommended guidelines from, the Centers for Disease Control, the California Department of Public Health and the Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services. The City is dedicated to keeping the community and informed during this unprecedented time, and istaking these steps for the health and safety of the public. Please visit for the City’s latest COVID-19 updates.