Local Agencies Are Teaming Up to Provide Relief to Small Businesses
A press release from the Redwood Region Economic Development Commission:
Local economic development and business support organizations have formed the COVID Economic Resilience Committee (CERC). CERC is focused on supporting North Coast businesses through the COVID 19 pandemic by ensuring the coordinated delivery of critical information, resources and services to local businesses experiencing economic injury.
CERC participating agencies include the North Coast Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Humboldt County Office of Economic Development, Redwood Region Economic Development Commission (RREDC), Arcata Economic Development Corporation (AEDC), Humboldt Made, local chambers of commerce, representatives from local and state governments, financial institutions, and other organizations that provide direct economic development and business support services. These organizations are meeting daily to coordinate resources and respond to local business’ needs.
As part of this effort to support local businesses and keep them informed, the North Coast SBDC is maintaining a COVID-19 web page that provides links to business resources, FAQs, and the most recent information on local, state and federal programs to help business owners and entrepreneurs respond to the pandemic. It is located at https://www.northcoastsbdc.org/covid19
The North Coast SBDC will continue providing 1:1 business counseling, educational workshops, group business coaching, enhanced Rapid Response services for businesses considering or facing layoffs, and more. Information on these programs can be found via the SBDC COVID-19 webpage.
In addition, the Humboldt County Office of Emergency Services has created an Economic Development Branch. The branch is tasked with collecting and disseminating information to partner agencies and businesses, documenting the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and serve as OES’ economic development Primary Point of Contact to external state and federal agencies. They have created a business hotline, 707-268-2527
Organizations interested in learning more or contributing services to the CERC should contact Lynette Mullen at lynette.mullen@gmail.com.