If you’re feeling lonely or bored in these isolating times — and we at LoCO sure are sometimes — we invite your ears to enjoy the latest edition of “Humboldt Holding Up,” where we zoom chat with other humans in our beautiful county to find out how they’re keeping sane in the times of COVID.

Coppock and his ‘stache
This week the Outpost‘s Andrew Goff and Stephanie McGeary are joined by Joshua Coppock — a man who wears two hats and one glorious mustache. Back when dining in restaurants was the norm, Coppock may have been your friendly server at Annie’s Cambodian Cuisine in Eureka. When he isn’t busy waiting tables, Coppock does social work with the homeless population through the county’s Housing and Disability Advocacy Program (HDAP).
Listen to Coppock discuss topics including working with the homeless during the pandemic, how he’s managed to keep his upbeat attitude working in the service industry for so many years and the story behind his trademark ‘stache. Plus he shares his favorite flavor combo from Annie’s.
Click on the audio player above to hear the Outpost and Coppock zoom it up.