Eureka’s ever-expanding mural inventory now includes an entry inside the walls of the Humboldt County Correctional Facility. Earlier today, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office shared a heartwarming clip celebrating the artwork of inmate Jackson Parrott who recently completed an ambitious nautical-themed piece inside the facility’s medical unit. The mural is Parrott’s first. 

“It was a big learning process,” Parrott notes in the clip. While he’d been an avid drawer prior to tackling the project, he’d never before painted anything. But when correctional facility staff asked inmates to submit art samples to be considered for the mural gig, Parrott pursued the chance to hone a new skill. After being selected for the job, he took four months to complete the work. 

“It’s awesome,” Parrot said. “It’s the opposite of how I usually do my time. I think there’s a lot more people in here could probably do some cool stuff too if given the opportunity.”

Sheriff’s Office staff say they’re open to inmates beautifying other blank walls inside the facility. 

Check out Parrott’s work in the clip above.