in Chicago, Illinois, on December 21, 1943, to Dorothy Francis Roth
Lange and George Kohler Lange, John Lange traveled to Sacramento at the age of three. He attended local elementary schools and
graduated from Sacramento High School, class of 1961. Drafted in
1965, John served in the U.S.Army, First Battalion, Eighth Infantry,
Fourth Infantry Division. From 1966 to 1967, John was in the central
highlands of Vietnam.
Returning honorably discharged from Vietnam, John pursued an electrician apprenticeship and upon completion worked out of the local IBEW 340 in Sacramento area until his retirement in 2004. In 2003, he married Mary Lou Asp after being introduced to each other on a blind date by their mutual good friends, Paul and Carolyn Hansen. In 2004, John moved to Fortuna where he resided in the home that he had built until his death from cardiac arrest on January 8, 2022.
John is survived by his wife Mary Lou, his stepchildren, Andrew Asp and his friend Jessica, John Allen and his wife Becky, and Matt Allen. He is also survived by his grandchildren, August, Daisy, and Amelia. He is survived by his sister, Joyce Greene, and nephews Pete and Brad Greene, Todd and Troy Lange, and niece Tanya Lange. Sisters in law and traveling companions, Edie Huson and Joel Silver, and Leta Sinnen and brother in law Herb Sinnen survive him. John was predeceased by his parents and his brother James Lange and his niece, Heather Lange.
Prior to moving to Humboldt County, John spent many summers fishing in the Sea of Cortez with his late brother-in-law Don Greene. John loved his life in Humboldt County and enjoyed traveling the world with his wife taking many tours, cruises, and river trips over the years. They enjoyed New Zealand, the Hawaiian Islands, Canada, and Europe. Of late, John adored his labradoodle Lucky and their daily trips to the Fortuna Dog Park where they both had friends. John’s health was compromised with cardiac problems and leukemia, both the result of Agent Orange. Despite ill health. John was good-natured and known for his jokes, good and bad. Life will be duller without him, and he will be missed terribly by his friends, neighbors, and family.
Our family thanks the heroes who work in the emergency rooms of Redwood Memorial Hospital and St. Joseph’s Hospital. We thank the Fortuna Police Department, the Volunteer Fire Department, and the emergency team who man the ambulances. The family would appreciate that any charitable donations made in his name go to them.
Graveside services will be at 1 p.m., Saturday, January 15, at Sunrise Cemetery, Fortuna.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of John Lange’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.