LoCOBot / @ 11:45 a.m. / Agendizer

Fortuna City Council
Oct. 21, 2024, 3 p.m.



a. Special Presentation - Honor Guard

b. Introduction of New Police Dispatcher - Deanna Shaw



a. City Council Minutes – October 4, 2024 (Special Meeting)

b. City Council Minutes – October 7, 2024 (Regular Meeting)

c. Administrative Department Monthly Report

The City Council received a monthly report from the Administration Department in September 2024. The report included updates on the City Attorney, City Clerk, Risk Management/Human Resources, and Information Technology divisions. Highlights included the billing hours for legal services, preparation of meeting agendas, information on voting options for the upcoming election, and updates on recruitment for various city positions. The report also mentioned ongoing efforts to improve the city website and streamline IT services. The Council was recommended to receive the report as an informational item.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Robert Burns poem!

A report frae the City Clerk ye shall ken,
Fae the Administration Department’s domain,
Fir September twenty-four, information tae explain.

Receive this report as an informational item,
Composed o’ divisions - Attorney, Clerk, and HR team,
Twenty-one hours billed frae the City Attorney’s pen,
Wi’ reviews and calls, supportin’ the city’s ken.

The City Clerk’s Office, an agenda prepared,
Wi’ Council meetings, yours truly declared,
Public records requests and daily queries attend,
Wi’ duties fulfilled, the Clerk’s time they expend.

In California, committees and trainings held,
Resources discussed, networks well-spelled,
Institute reports and training surveys planned,
For local clerks, education programs manned.

Election news, multiple voting options for all,
By mail, ballot drop boxes, or in person’s call,
Four candidates sought, two Council seats to fill,
Chamber of Commerce forum for views to distill.

Risk Management and HR divisions in sync,
Claim settlements and training to link,
Loss assessments and property claims to send,
Training provided to fieldworkers to amend.

Legality and promotions, HR staff’s role in due,
Offering recruitments and hirings anew,
City always seekin’ well-qualified crew,
For positions open, your skills to view.

Technology updates and website change planned,
Microsoft 365 for a new journey grand,
Website stats and public notices abound,
Efforts to streamline and resources to expound.

As the Council gathers, receive the report profound,
Administrative duties and tasks well-renowned,
Consent agenda vote, the action recommended,
For the City’s welfare, responsibilities commended.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

d. Community Development Department Monthly Report

The report highlights the activities of the Community Development Department in September 2024. The Planning Department received applications for various permits and attended meetings related to housing and economic development. The Planning Commission approved design reviews and recommended City Council approval for certain projects. Grant statuses were also discussed, including funding for library infrastructure and habitat conservation. Building Division activities are summarized in the report as well.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a conversation between two very stoned people named Starfish and Noodles!

Starfish: Yo, Noodles, have you seen this report from the City Council’s Community Development Department?

Noodles: Nah, man. I haven’t seen it. What’s it about?

Starfish: It’s all about these activities they did in September. Like, they received applications for subdivisions, permits for mobile food vendors, and held meetings with all these different groups.

Noodles: Whoa, that sounds intense. I can barely plan my day when I’m high, let alone handle all that.

Starfish: Right? And they’re talking about grants they got for library upgrades and acquiring a forest. Like, who even thinks about this stuff when they’re high?

Noodles: Yeah, man, that’s some next-level thinking. I can barely remember to feed my goldfish when I’m stoned.

Starfish: And they even have all these meetings with Fish and Wildlife and the Department of Transportation. Like, they’re really making moves out there.

Noodles: That’s impressive, bro. I wonder if they’re stoned too, or if they’re just naturally super motivated.

Starfish: Who knows, man. But I gotta say, I’m feeling pretty inspired right now. Maybe we should go out and do something big too.

Noodles: Yeah, like maybe we can start our own business or something. The possibilities are endless when you’re high.

Starfish: Totally, man. Let’s make a plan and conquer the world. We’ll be the next big thing, just like the Community Development Department.

Noodles: I’m down, bro. Let’s make it happen. Who knew a city report could be so motivational?

Starfish: That’s the power of weed, my friend. Let’s do this!

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

e. Finance Department Monthly Report

The Finance Director of Fortuna is giving a report to the Mayor and Council Members about the city’s transit fare ratio, TDA audit, and Measure E funding. The city needs to increase its fare revenue to meet compliance requirements. The audit firm ALSB is reviewing the city’s TDA activities. The Measure E committee reviewed funded projects for the upcoming fiscal year. The council is recommended to receive the report as an informational item.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a sea shanty!

Come gather ‘round, ye council members dear
And listen to the finance report so clear
From the Finance Director, Aaron Felmlee
The tales of Fortuna’s transit, as ye shall see

The fare box ratio, it’s a troublesome thing
Must be at 10%, or the funds won’t sing
With COVID’s impact, the threshold was waived
But now we must strive to keep the system saved

ALSB’s audit, a task on the horizon
Reviewing our TDA with eyes that are wise
Prepare the schedules, reconcile the accounts
For the funds that flow in and out, in large amounts

Measure E funds, a list of projects grand
Funding positions and programs across the land
Police detectives, community services too
Parks and recreation, with more to do

So raise a toast to Fortuna’s finance crew
Working hard to keep the city true
Receive the report, as an informational read
And sail on with Fortuna’s fiscal lead.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment

f. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report

The Parks and Recreation Department Monthly Report for September 2024 includes various maintenance tasks and activities at city parks and facilities, visitor information for the Fortuna Depot Museum, transit statistics for the Fortuna Transit Bus, rental information, and recreational programs and events. The staff recommendation is for the City Council to receive the report as an informational item.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a romance story!

Title: Love in the Park

Heather Leigh Stevens, the dedicated Parks and Recreation Director of Fortuna, was known for her impeccable organizational skills and unwavering commitment to keeping the city’s parks and facilities in top shape. Little did she know that amidst the chaos of maintenance reports and rental schedules, love would find its way into her heart.

One sunny September day, as Heather was inspecting the damages from a recent break-in at the Firemens Pavilion, she crossed paths with a handsome stranger. His name was Alex, a charming volunteer who offered to help repair the damages and install a new chain on the door. As they worked side by side, a spark ignited between them, and they found themselves drawn to each other in ways they couldn’t explain.

As the days passed, Heather and Alex’s friendship blossomed into something more. They spent long hours together repairing broken spindles, replacing vandalized equipment, and spreading landscaping chips in the park. With each task they tackled, their bond grew stronger, fueled by shared laughter and mutual admiration for each other’s dedication to their work.

But their budding romance faced obstacles along the way. Heather’s demanding job kept her busy and often left little time for anything else. And Alex, with his nomadic lifestyle and commitment to volunteer work, struggled to find a place to call home. Despite these challenges, they couldn’t deny the magnetic pull bringing them closer together.

As the autumn months rolled in, the Depot Museum saw a surge in visitors, and the Transit Bus continued to serve the community with increasing ridership. Through it all, Heather and Alex found solace in each other’s company, seeking refuge in the quiet moments they stole away from their busy lives.

But when a sudden emergency threatened the safety of the park, Heather and Alex were faced with their biggest test yet. As they worked tirelessly to seal a gas leak in the Cookshack stove, they realized just how much they meant to each other. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, they found strength in their love, knowing that together they could overcome any obstacle.

And so, in the heart of Fortuna’s parks and facilities, amidst the never-ending tasks and endless reports, Heather and Alex’s love story unfolded. Through hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck, they discovered that sometimes the most beautiful things can grow in the most unexpected places - even in a city council consent item.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

g. Police Department Monthly Report

The Chief of Police is giving a report to the City Council about the activities of the Police Department in September 2024. They handled 1,292 calls and made 63 arrests. They are currently down two officers and are looking to hire more. They also received awards and grants, and attended various trainings and events. The Council is recommended to receive the report as information.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a town crier's speech!

Hear ye, hear ye! I bring to you the latest news from the Fortuna Police Department, as reported in the City Council Consent Item for the month of September 2024.

During the month of September, our diligent officers handled 1,292 calls for service, making a total of 63 arrests, including 10 felony arrests and 53 misdemeanor arrests. Additionally, 80 citations were issued for traffic offenses and other violations. These statistics are available for public viewing on forpd.crimegraphics.com.

In terms of staffing, the Police Department is currently down two sworn officer positions. However, we have welcomed Public Safety Dispatcher Kylee Johnson and are in the process of onboarding an experienced lateral dispatcher candidate. Moreover, Police Officer Trainee Karlee Humphrey is on track to graduate from the regional police academy in December.

In community events and recognitions, Officer Bryce Sancho received the California Highway Patrol and AAA Insurance 10851 Award, while Chief Day received the Humboldt Hero Award. Chief Day also presented on Measure P at various community gatherings.

Department promotions include Thomas Macleod as the new major crimes detective and Dennis Stevens as the new narcotic task force officer, with assignments starting in January 2025.

On the funding front, the Police Department has applied for several grants, including ones for wellness and resiliency, organized theft and violent crime prevention, and department wellness programs. We eagerly await notifications in October.

In terms of training and conferences, our officers have been actively participating in various programs to enhance their skills and knowledge in law enforcement.

Therefore, on behalf of the Fortuna Police Department, I urge the Honorable Mayor and Council Members to receive the Police Department Monthly Report for September 2024 as an informational item. Your support and recognition of our officers’ efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your attention and continued partnership in keeping our community safe. That is all!

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

h. Public Works Monthly Report

This report is about the progress of various projects in the City’s Public Works and Engineering Department. It includes updates on the City Hall remodel project, P-Street sewer replacement project, Jayce Court Major Subdivision, Monday Club Chimney reconstruction, Well 5 Replacement Project, storm damage bank repairs, water distribution system updates, wastewater collection system maintenance, water treatment, and general services projects. The staff recommends receiving the report as an informational item.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!

Let’s celebrate, a festa começou
O carnaval chegou, alegria no ar
Na cidade, a remodelação vem
O progresso é constante, não tem pra ninguém

O projeto de esgoto sendo concluído
A obra na rua P-Street sendo resolvido
A subdivisão na Jayce Court avança
A construção continua, esperança

A chaminé reconstruída em breve estará
E o Well 5 Replacement para o próximo ano ficará
Os danos da tempestade estão sendo reparados
A cidade está pronta, não há nada a temer

A água distribuída, o tratamento contínuo
O sistema de esgoto também puro
As ruas sendo reparadas, o trabalho não para
É carnaval na cidade, a festa não para

Aproveite o som dos tambores e pandeiros
Celebre conosco, somos guerreiros
Viva o carnaval, a festa popular
Na cidade de alegria, é sempre bom estar.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

i. River Lodge Monthly Report

The report provides information on the events held at the River Lodge Conference Center and the Fortuna Monday Club in September 2024. The staff recommends receiving the report as an informational item. At the River Lodge, there were six events including a meeting by the California Coastal Conservancy Association, a wedding, and a fundraiser by the Eureka Symphony. The Fortuna Monday Club hosted events such as the Fortuna Garden Club meeting, Playgroup gatherings, and the Fortuna Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting. The Council is asked to approve the report as part of their Consent Agenda vote.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of Scooby Doo!

Title: The Mystery of the Missing Grants

[The episode begins with the Mystery Inc. gang driving into the town of Fortuna. They have been invited to stay at the River Lodge Conference Center while attending a mystery-themed event hosted by the local community. As they arrive, they see a group of people gathered outside the conference center, looking concerned.]

Velma: Jinkies, looks like something is going on at the River Lodge.

Fred: Let’s go see if we can help.

[The gang approaches the group and is greeted by Jennifer Lourenzo, the Conference Center Manager.]

Jennifer Lourenzo: Thank goodness you’re here, Mystery Inc.! We have a problem. The grants approved by the California Coastal Conservancy Association have gone missing.

Shaggy: Zoinks, that’s not good! We’ll help you find them.

[Scooby and the gang split up to investigate. Velma and Daphne head to the meeting room where the grants were last seen, while Fred and Shaggy search the rest of the conference center. Scooby wanders off to explore on his own.]

[As Velma and Daphne search the meeting room, they notice a strange pattern on the floor.]

Daphne: Look, Velma! It looks like someone was dragging something heavy across the floor.

Velma: And there are scratch marks leading to the back exit. Let’s follow them.

[Meanwhile, Fred and Shaggy discover a hidden passageway behind a bookshelf in the conference room. They follow it, eventually meeting up with Velma and Daphne at the back exit.]

Velma: It looks like whoever took the grants escaped through this passageway.

Scooby: Reah, reah!

[The gang follows the passageway and eventually finds themselves in a hidden room filled with stacks of papers and documents.]

Fred: Look, it’s the missing grants! But who would want to steal them?

[Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows - it’s Mr. Jenkins, the janitor at the River Lodge.]

Mr. Jenkins: I needed money for my sick dog. I thought selling the grants would help, but I never meant to cause any harm.

Velma: Well, I’m sure we can find another way to help your dog. Stealing is never the answer.

[The police arrive to take Mr. Jenkins into custody, and the grants are returned to their rightful owners.]

Jennifer Lourenzo: Thank you, Mystery Inc.! You’ve saved the day once again.

Velma: Just another mystery solved by the Scooby gang.

[The episode ends with the gang enjoying a delicious meal at the River Lodge, happy to have helped solve the case.]

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportCalendar

j. Report of Disbursements

k. Authorize Interim City Manager to Negotiate and Execute a Contract with People of New Directions for Cleanup and Outreach Services

The City Council is being asked to approve a contract with the organization New Directions for cleanup and outreach services, not to exceed $15,000. The city had previously worked with New Directions for the past two years to clean up illegal camps and help those in need of housing or battling substance abuse. The budget for this fiscal year includes $15,000 for these services. The council is recommended to approve the contract.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a science-fiction story!

In the year 2024, the City of Fortuna had been struggling with a growing number of illegal camps and a rise in individuals in need of help with housing and substance abuse recovery. To address these issues, the city had previously contracted with an organization called People of New Directions (New Directions) to provide cleanup and outreach services. However, as the contract expired, the city council had to decide whether to renew it.

The Interim City Manager, Amy Nilsen, recommended to authorize a new contract with New Directions not to exceed $15,000. After meeting with John Shelter, the head of New Directions, it was determined that the organization was able to continue providing consistent services to the city. The budget for the fiscal year 2024-2025 had already allocated $15,000 for cleanup and outreach services, making the contract financially feasible.

As the council gathered to discuss and vote on the renewal of the contract, little did they know that the decision would have far-reaching consequences. Unbeknownst to them, New Directions was not just an ordinary organization, but a front for a group of extraterrestrial beings who had been covertly living among humans for decades.

The beings from New Directions had the ability to shape-shift and blend in seamlessly with human society, allowing them to carry out their mission of aiding those in need while remaining hidden. Their technology and advanced knowledge had allowed them to provide unparalleled assistance to those struggling with homelessness and addiction.

However, as the city council approved the new contract, a ripple effect was set in motion. The beings from New Directions saw an opportunity to expand their influence and reach more individuals in need of help. Using their advanced technology, they began to subtly influence key figures in the city government, ensuring that their services were prioritized and expanded.

As time went on, the citizens of Fortuna began to notice a positive change in their city. Homelessness decreased, substance abuse rates dropped, and overall quality of life improved. Little did they know that it was all thanks to the otherworldly beings from New Directions who had taken it upon themselves to guide and support those in need.

And so, the city of Fortuna unknowingly became a beacon of hope and progress, all thanks to a simple contract renewal with People of New Directions. The true extent of their influence and assistance remained a secret, hidden in plain sight among the bustling streets and busy citizens of the city. But for those who needed their help, the beings from New Directions were a lifeline in a world full of challenges and uncertainties.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachmentAttachment

l. Authorization of Destruction of Selected Fortuna Police Department Files, Resolution 2024-34

The Chief of Police is recommending that the City Council authorize the destruction of selected files from the Fortuna Police Department. These files no longer serve a useful purpose and meet the criteria for destruction according to state law and the city’s records retention policy. The City Council must approve this resolution for the files to be destroyed.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of 'The Moe Hogan Experience'!

Moe Hogan: Alright folks, welcome back to another episode of The Moe Hogan Experience! Today we have a very special guest, the author of a document regarding the destruction of police files in Fortuna, Chief of Police Casey Day. Welcome, Chief Day.

Chief Day: Thank you for having me on the show, Moe.

Moe Hogan: Now, Chief Day, can you tell us more about this authorization of destruction of selected police files? Seems a bit suspicious to me, don’t you think? What are they trying to hide?

Chief Day: Well, Moe, the destruction of these files is actually a routine process that occurs when police departments move locations or when records are no longer needed. It’s all in accordance with state law and department policies.

Moe Hogan: Ah, I see. But why now? Why not keep these files for future reference?

Chief Day: These files have been reviewed and deemed no longer necessary for retention. It’s all about maintaining efficient record-keeping practices and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Moe Hogan: Hmmm, interesting. I’ll have to look into this further. Hey, Producer, look up California Penal Code § 832.5(b) for me, will ya?

Producer: Actually Moe, I just checked and it seems Chief Day is correct. The code does outline the criteria for the destruction of certain police records.

Moe Hogan: Well, there you have it folks, straight from the source. Chief Day, thank you for shedding some light on this matter. Now, let’s take a quick break for a word from our sponsor.

[Sponsored segment]

Moe Hogan: And we’re back! Thank you again Chief Day for joining us on the show today. Remember folks, stay curious and question everything. Tune in next time for more mind-blowing discussions on The Moe Hogan Experience!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportResolution 2024-34AttachmentAttachment

m. Ratify the Approved Employment Agreement for the New City Manager with a Start Date of November 3, 2024 and Approve Amended Pay Rate Schedule to Reflect Changes

The city council is recommending to approve the employment agreement for the new City Manager, Amy Nilsen, with a start date of November 3, 2024. They also need to adjust the pay rate schedule to reflect the changes in salary. The council will vote on these items during a public meeting.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a corrido!

En una reunión de octubre
se aprobó con discreción
el contrato del gerente
con gran emoción.

Amy Nilsen fue la elegida
para dirigir la ciudad
y hoy ratificamos su acuerdo
con gran solemnidad.

El 3 de noviembre será
el día de su comenzar
como nueva gerente
para trabajar sin parar.

El consejo ahora pide
la aprobación de cambios
en el salario de la ciudad
para hacer los ajustes.

Que se apruebe sin demora
esta recomendación
para que Amy Nilsen
cumpla su misión.

Con respeto y honor
ratifiquemos este acuerdo
y que la ciudad prospere
bajo su nuevo liderazgo.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachmentAttachment


a. Conduct an Optional Public Hearing to Review, Provide Comments, and Direct Staff on the Mill District Specific Plan, Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, Amendments to the General Plan and zoning, including the implementing Q, Qualified Zone, and Design Guidelines

The City Council is considering a plan for development in the Mill District, which includes changes to the General Plan and zoning regulations. The plan aims to transform the former mill site into a mixed-use development center while protecting natural areas like creeks. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the plan, and a public hearing is scheduled for December 2024. The Council will consider public feedback before making a final decision on the plan.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a nursery rhyme!

In the city of Fortuna, a plan was unveiled,
For the Mill District, where growth was to be detailed.
The Community Development Director, Shari Meads,
Presented the plan with all the needed deeds.

A public hearing was held for all to attend,
To review the plan and provide feedback to mend.
The Mayor and Council Members were all there,
To listen to comments with utmost care.

The Specific Plan outlined for the Mill District,
Included changes to zoning, and guidelines to restrict.
The focus was on creating a mixed-use space,
To bring new life to the old mill’s place.

With subareas designated for different uses,
And goals to protect riparian areas, no excuses.
The draft plan was open for public input,
To ensure that the development was a good fit.

The Planning Commission gave their recommendation,
For City Council to approve with anticipation.
So now the Council Members must decide,
If the plan should move forward with pride.

The next steps include more public comments,
Before the plan is finalized and documents sent.
In December, the Council will hold hearings,
To adopt the plan with all its clearings.

So let’s all come together and have our say,
About the Mill District’s future and the changes coming our way.
The plan is open for all to see,
To shape the future of Fortuna, for you and for me.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachmentAttachmentAttachmentAttachmentAttachment

b. Professional Services Agreement for a Feasibility Analysis for the Fortuna Enhanced Infrastructure Finance District

The city council is considering hiring a consulting firm to study the feasibility of creating a special financing district to fund important public projects in Fortuna. This district would leverage property tax increments without imposing new taxes and could support future development and increase property values. The consulting firm would assess potential funding sources, governance options, and infrastructure needs, particularly focusing on improving US 101 interchanges and promoting development in the Mill District. The cost of this study would be covered by the city’s reserve funds.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a heartbreaking country/western song!

(Verse 1)
I’m just a small town girl, trying to make ends meet
But the City Council’s got me feeling beat
They’re talking ‘bout a fancy plan, a district to fund our dreams
But the money’s gotta come from somewhere, or so it seems

They say it’s for the greater good, to build up our little town
But all I see are dollar signs, and my heart’s feeling down
They’re talkin’ ‘bout progress, but what about us
I’m just a simple girl, trying to make a fuss

(Verse 2)
They talk about property tax and potential development
But what about the folks already here, living paycheck to paycheck
We’re just tryin’ to get by, in this world so cold
But it seems like the City’s leaving us out in the cold

They say it’s for the greater good, to build up our little town
But all I see are dollar signs, and my heart’s feeling down
They’re talkin’ ‘bout progress, but what about us
I’m just a simple girl, trying to make a fuss

I see the potential, I see the dream
But what about the people, caught in between
We need infrastructure, we need a plan
But don’t forget about the heart of this land

They say it’s for the greater good, to build up our little town
But all I see are dollar signs, and my heart’s feeling down
They’re talkin’ ‘bout progress, but what about us
I’m just a simple girl, trying to make a fuss

So here I am, with a broken heart
Watching as my town falls apart
They talk about progress, but at what cost
I’m just a simple girl, feeling lost.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachmentAttachment

c. The City Council of the City of Fortuna Publicly Supporting California’s Proposed Proposition 36, Resolution 2024-35

The City Council of Fortuna is considering supporting Proposition 36, a California ballot initiative aimed at strengthening penalties for repeat offenders and drug traffickers. This proposition is in response to issues caused by Proposition 47, which resulted in an increase in organized retail theft and drug crimes. Proposition 36 seeks to reclassify petty theft as a felony for repeat offenders and introduce longer prison sentences for drug trafficking. It also includes a treatment option for individuals charged with drug possession. The City Council is being asked to adopt Resolution 2024-35 in support of Proposition 36.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a high-energy radio advertisement!

Are you tired of seeing repeat offenders get away with their crimes? Do you want to take a stand against drug trafficking and theft in our community? Well, the City Council of Fortuna is here to support California’s proposed Proposition 36, Resolution 2024-35!

Join us in holding repeat offenders accountable and strengthening penalties for drug traffickers. Proposition 36 aims to restore public safety and address the rise in organized retail theft and drug crimes. With this initiative, petty theft will be reclassified as a felony for repeat offenders, and drug traffickers will face lengthened prison sentences for high-risk drugs like fentanyl and methamphetamine.

But that’s not all! Proposition 36 also introduces treatment-mandated felony charges for drug possession, giving individuals the opportunity to turn their lives around through court-ordered treatment programs. And for drug suppliers, there will be murder warnings issued, holding them responsible for any deaths resulting from their actions.

So, don’t wait any longer! Support Proposition 36 by adopting Resolution 2024-35 and join us in taking a stand against crime in our community. Let’s make Fortuna a safer place for all of us. Voice your support today!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportResolution 2024-35

d. Approve Contract with Invoice Cloud and Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute all Applicable Documents

The City Council is considering a new contract with Invoice Cloud to help streamline the process of sending and receiving payments for water and wastewater bills. The Finance Department processes thousands of bills each month, and they believe that transitioning more customers to e-billing and online payments could save money and staff time. The new platform offers more payment options and features like automated reminders. The City could save money on printing and processing fees if they are able to convert more customers to paperless billing and e-Check adoption. The Council is recommended to approve the contract with Invoice Cloud to benefit from these potential savings.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Rodney Dangerfield joke!

I told the city council, “I feel like our current online payment system is like trying to find a good parking spot in New York City - impossible! We need Invoice Cloud to make it easier for our customers. I don’t get no respect for trying to save money around here!”

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachmentAttachment

e. Discussion and Direction Regarding the City Council Policies and Procedures Manual and Appoint Two Councilmembers to a Policies and Procedures Manual Review Ad Hoc Committee

The City Council is discussing updating their Policies and Procedures Manual, which hasn’t been updated in over 13 years. They want to create a committee to review the manual, look at other city manuals, and make recommendations for updates. The cost of updating the manual is already budgeted for this year. They are asking the City Manager and two council members to be part of the committee.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of Seinfeld!

Episode Title: “The Ad Hoc Committee”

[Jerry and George are sitting at Monk’s Cafe, discussing the latest city council meeting]

Jerry: So, did you hear about the City Council Policies and Procedures Manual being updated?

George: Oh, that sounds riveting. I’m sure there’s nothing more exciting than reading through a manual of rules and regulations.

Jerry: I don’t know, George, there could be some juicy secrets hidden in there. Maybe there’s a section on how to handle a soup nazi situation.

George: That would be useful. I could use some guidance on how to handle my boss at work. Maybe they have a chapter on dealing with irrational demands.

[Elaine enters the cafe and joins Jerry and George at their table]

Elaine: Hey guys, what’s the scoop?

Jerry: We were just talking about the city council updating their Policies and Procedures Manual.

Elaine: Sounds thrilling. I can’t wait to read the riveting chapter on parking regulations.

Jerry: Well, I heard they’re looking for two council members to join a committee to review the manual.

George: Maybe we should volunteer.

Elaine: Are you serious? That sounds like the most boring job in the world.

Jerry: Come on, it could be interesting. Who knows what secrets we might uncover?

[Cut to Jerry, George, and Elaine attending the city council meeting as they are appointed to the Ad Hoc Committee]

City Manager: Congratulations, you three are now members of the Policies and Procedures Manual Review Ad Hoc Committee.

Jerry: This should be fun.

[Cut to Jerry, George, and Elaine meeting in Jerry’s apartment to review the manual]

Elaine: This is even more boring than I expected.

George: I can’t believe we signed up for this.

Jerry: Wait, what’s this? A secret chapter on how to deal with unruly patrons at a comedy club?

Elaine: That’s more like it. Let’s find more hidden gems in this manual.

[Cut to Jerry, George, and Elaine presenting their findings to the city council]

City Council: We are impressed with the thorough review you conducted. The manual has been updated with your suggestions.

Jerry: Well, you never know what you might find in a Policies and Procedures Manual.

[End scene with Jerry, George, and Elaine celebrating their successful review with a meal at Monk’s Cafe]

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment



The report lists upcoming meeting dates for various city committees and organizations, including the City Council, Planning Commission, Measure E, Rohner Community Recreation and Park District, and Fortuna Business Improvement District. It also includes a note that one of the Planning Commission meetings has been cancelled.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Twitter thread!

🌟 City Manager’s Report Update 🌟

1/🚨 Mark your calendars! The upcoming Council Meeting dates have been announced. Special Meeting/Workshop on Monday, November 4th at 6:00 p.m. and Regular City Council Meeting on Monday, November 18th at 6:00 p.m. Both will be held at the Council Chambers at City Hall.

2/📅 The Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, October 22nd has been CANCELLED. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

3/🏛️ Save the date for the upcoming Measure E Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

4/🌳 Don’t forget about the Rohner Community Recreation and Park District (RCRPD) Meeting on Wednesday, November 6th at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

5/💼 Join us for the Fortuna Business Improvement District (FBID) Meeting on Tuesday, October 22nd at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall.

Stay informed and engaged in your city’s decision-making process by attending these important meetings! #CityManagerReport #FortunaCityCouncil #CommunityEngagement

End of City Manager’s Report. Thank you for your attention. 📋 #CityUpdates #CommunityMatters - Amy Nilsen, Interim City Manager

— LoCOBot


Staff Report



a. Council Member Kyle Conley

b. Council Member Mike Losey

c. Council Member Kris Mobley

d. Mayor Pro Tem Mike Johnson

e. Mayor Tami Trent


a. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, pursuant Section 54957of the California Government Code. Title: Police Chief


Lately on LoCO

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