
October 2009

Otter in Water

Otter Amazement

Otter Alert


Welcome to Arcata—Pot City

Humboldt Bay Sunset

Legalizing Marijuana: Its not Black and White in Humboldt

How Long Until You Earn a Million with Marijuana and Other Things You Can Learn Online

The Aftermath of Hacker Creek

Take a Bite out of Mexican Crime, Smoke US Weed?

September 2009

Suicide Prevention


No Legal Recourse

August 2009

Code of the Culture

Clippers—A Large Part of the Marijuana Culture

Smokey Pear Wine

Update on Salmon Creek Road

Catching the Buzz about the Save the Redwoods' Sign

Sunshine and Shadow: Two Views of the Marijuana Culture and the Children Raised in it?

A Foggy Humboldt Future

July 2009

History is a Mystery to This New Blog

Flower and Frog

Coyote makes the Salmon Creek Falls: A Wailaki Tale

A Cautionary Tale for Salmon Creek

Shy Fawn

Plane Sex

Hospice Quilt

June 2009

Cross and Crow

Swimming at Three Falls

Richardson Grove Realignment—Supporting Small Green Businesses

Quailing in the Dust-Mountain Quail

Photos from Saturday of the 2009 Redwood Run

Which one?

Save the Redwoods Puts up Ugly Sign in Salmon Creek

Redwood Run 2009

Redwood Run 2009—The Quilt

Wildflowers after the Rain

Run, Rabbit, Run

Buckeye in a Rainy Meadow

Walk on the Wild Side with Beef from the Creek

It ain't Jack…

Heavy with Child

Getting all your Bucks in a Row

May 2009

First Fawn


Young Buck in Spring Grass

Yesterday's Shadows

Richardsons Grove:Widening Our Minds / Widening Our Roads?

Curious About Martial Arts?

Blue Dick—Pretty Awful Name for a Very Pretty Flower

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