
“Crazy Train’https://image.politicalcart…Dave Whamond, 6/27/2024

Donald T**** would yank the United States out of the Paris climate accord for the second time if he wins the presidency again in November, a campaign spokesperson told POLITICO …

Oh, no doubt. And any legal challenge to that is dependent on having a judiciary that isn’t a bunch of right-wing Christian nationalists and you know, the current SCOTUS.Roe getting …

I think I’ve seen those in the Eel River.

There is so much more to Humboldt’s story than timber and cannabis….

Can someone explain to me how Fickle Hill is in Manila??

The republican party is a danger and cannot be trusted to do the right thing at any level. Sad that it has come to this conclusion.

Speaking of “shit show,” you should really read this explanation of “Project 2025” because your third party vote will just about guarantee their plan will succeed.What is Project 2025 And …

Hell, we’re still dealing with Postmaster General DeJoy, the man whose stated purpose is to privatize the USPS.

Well now I’m thirsty. Thanks for the interesting story.

It’s not just the Supreme Court we should be concerned about.See today’s LoCO ECONEWS interview with Jared Huffman concerning “Project 2025.”

Misty, I believe you meant to state: “All Eureka City School board members need to go.” The word “School” was missing from your post.

SF and Portland filed briefs IN SUPPORT of Grant’s Pass in this case.You know it’s bad when liberal bastions like that side with a traditionally conservative city and issue.

How can we see with electricity?

If you don’t vote blue up and down your ballot in November you may think you’re an anti- T****er who’s choosing to go with an Independent or a Green Party …

I will always remember the days I worked at Kohls with Elissa, no matter how mean the customers got or how frustrating the day went she could make every situation …

Anyone who is alarmed by the life long judiciary that was put in place during Trump’s term should realize that it isn’t just the 4 years, but a terrible legacy …

So Trump then? Unfortunately this election is the same as the last; a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for Trump. Biden is far from perfect, but he’s …

Leadership at Humboldt Bay Fire just went from bad to worse.

Grand Jury just telling the rest of us what we don’t already know. Humboldt has deep problems and there are not enough fingers to plug all the holes on this …

Elissa was one of my favorite co-workers when I was at the University. She was always so sweet and such a joy to work with. Holding Elissa’s family in my …

Exactly. My dog is the first thing in that house I’m going to concern myself with getting out besides my purse. I’m not leaving that house unless he’s with me. …

If Alfred is too old to run the Batcave doesn’t mean replace him with the Joker.

So long…

I’ll be voting third party. Didn’t watch the shit show.

What is the difference between answers #1 & #3. They seem to be one in the same, so they serve only to split the number of “Let’s Go Joe” supporters.

Still better than Trump..

I know this. Sorry for the bad joke. Enjoy your summer.

Newsom has no shot at national office, nor does he deserve it.

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