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Tinfoil Hatters / Anonymous Ideological Blowhards Waging Their Own Private Wars

Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014

LYGSBTD: RIP County Coroner

Tuluwat Examiner: Surprise! The Examiner agrees with the “Old Guard”

Monday, Nov. 17, 2014

Liberal Jon: Lunch Buffet. Cartoon and/or Rattner on Inequality

Tuluwat Examiner: Inquest into death of an Independent Coroner’s office = suspicious circumstances

Liberal Jon: Virginia, Chet, Arnie, and Matthew. This is What Political Courage Reads Like.

Sunday, Nov. 16, 2014

Liberal Jon: The Etiquette of Protesting and Grieving

Tuluwat Examiner: You’re more likely to be murdered in Eureka than……….redux

Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Hey Chiv; this is what real bravery looks like

Liberal Jon: Open Enrollment Begins Today

Friday, Nov. 14, 2014

Liberal Jon: Late Lunch Diversion: The Oatmeal Does Net Neutrality

Tuluwat Examiner: You have to go back to the 1930’s Great Depression to find wealth inequality this bad!

Liberal Jon: How Do They (Republicans/Conservatives) Do It?…

Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014

Liberal Jon: Celebrating Landing on a Comet, Part II

Tuluwat Examiner: The low ethical bar to hold office in Humboldt

Liberal Jon: #HCDCCideas

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2014

Liberal Jon: Great Science Story or Greatest Science Story?*

LYGSBTD: The Ganjier’s Circular Reasoning

Tuluwat Examiner: The officer Michael D. Stelzig Jr. Mystery Continues

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: An important message from the Justice for Tommy McClain folks

Liberal Jon: Jets Over Eureka on Veterans Day

Liberal Jon: On Crime and Punishment and Politics.

Tuluwat Examiner: More media blackout from the Eureka Police Department?

Tuluwat Examiner: Is “Corporate Personhood” over in Mendo?

Monday, Nov. 10, 2014

Liberal Jon: One More Look at FWF’s Sarah Torres Through a Non-Local Lens

Tuluwat Examiner: We aren’t supposed to know about this……..but

Liberal Jon: ConservoWorld: Colbert Takes on Climate Change Deniers

Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014

Liberal Jon: A Question for Mike Newman, KINS, and the Local Right to Ponder…

Tuluwat Examiner: Is John Fullerton a liar?

Saturday, Nov. 8, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Thanks for participating in our “democratic election” Nor Cal. Now will take the rest of your water!

Liberal Jon: If Our Local Media Looked More Like This, Could R Have Passed?

Friday, Nov. 7, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Landslides and Justice

Liberal Jon: Berkeley is The First to Beat Big Soda

Thursday, Nov. 6, 2014

Liberal Jon: The Republican Credo: He Who Governs Least Governs Best

Tuluwat Examiner: “10 Million Dollar Claim” The Full media blackout continues

Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Weed is the big winner!

Liberal Jon: Humboldt voters to the letter “D”: “We Choose You … unless …

Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Already Vote yes on Measure Q? This should give you voters remorse

Liberal Jon: For Other Procrastinators : Your Poll Location (Again).

Tuluwat Examiner: Onward “Local Government” Christian Soldiers

Liberal Jon: thank you

Monday, Nov. 3, 2014


Tuluwat Examiner: Humboldt County Taxpayers League agrees with the Examiner on Sales Tax Measures

Liberal Jon: No On R Says Vote Against a Living Wage Because …

Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Mike Newman the Liar

Liberal Jon: Combating $10,000 in Advertising One “Whopper” at a Time…

Liberal Jon: Taking On “No On R’s” $10,000 Dark Money Booty …

Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014

Liberal Jon: What’s your ballot look like? Here is mine.

Tuluwat Examiner: On the fence on Proposition One? Let us push you off!

Liberal Jon: The Other Side of the Ledger

Friday, Oct. 31, 2014

Liberal Jon: Not Sure Where to Vote Tuesday? WordPress Can Tell You

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