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Tinfoil Hatters / Anonymous Ideological Blowhards Waging Their Own Private Wars

Friday, Oct. 31, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: “I cannot in good conscience…………..”

Liberal Jon: Modern Conservatism in a LoCO Nutshell

Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Eureka slapped with 10 Million Dollar plus Lawsuit….Ouch!

Tuluwat Examiner: Ryan Sundberg’s re-election must have gone to his head

Liberal Jon: T-S Spins Away a Win for Workers

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014

LYGSBTD: The Curse of Measure Z

Tuluwat Examiner: Joshua’s warm welcome to “Business friendly Eureka”

Liberal Jon: Joan Jett on Women and Midterms

Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2014

Liberal Jon: Midtvejsvalg får middelklassens lave lønninger frem i lyset

Liberal Jon: 2014 Supervisor Bass to 2010 Electorate – Vote for Bonnie

Tuluwat Examiner: Failure has it’s rewards

Liberal Jon: Big Soda and Push Polls in Berkeley

Monday, Oct. 27, 2014

Liberal Jon: Coincidence or Kismet?

Tuluwat Examiner: You Are Being Tracked; Time to rein in the Surveillance State

Liberal Jon: Danish Broadcasting in Eureka Today?

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: 11-4-14 Election; here’s what we think……..

Liberal Jon: #notinmyname

Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Ken Miller cuts through the BS about “P”

Liberal Jon: Measure R’s Pro and Con Narratives in 30 Seconds.

Friday, Oct. 24, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Think ISIL is the biggest terrorist threat to worry about, think again.

Liberal Jon: The Tale of the Signs

Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Demonstration and Petition for Tommy McClain

Liberal Jon: Karuk, Wiyot, Planning Commissioner …

Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Snout deep in the sales tax trough

Liberal Jon: An Overview of Local Endorsements…

Tuesday, Oct. 21, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: and the winner is……………………….the status quo

Liberal Jon: Money in Politics. Is There Ethical High Ground?

Monday, Oct. 20, 2014

LYGSBTD: Wildlife Matters #2 Airs This Thursday

LYGSBTD: We Must Defeat Measure Z

Tuluwat Examiner: Tax Measures and the hypocritical conservative double standard.

Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014

Liberal Jon: Thought for the Day: “No on R” but “Yes on Z”?

Tuluwat Examiner: In a deft move, Mills manages to compromise the only reporter questioning the Allard St murder

Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Military historian: US policy in Islamic world has been a failure

Friday, Oct. 17, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: The Measure Q Conundrum

Liberal Jon: Shame On Whom Again? ….

Thursday, Oct. 16, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Janelle Egger sets the record straight with John Chiv

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: “SHARING IN THE PROFITS” by Richard Salzman

Liberal Jon: Eureka’s Accepted Feudalism

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014

LYGSBTD: Vote NO on Measure Z

Tuluwat Examiner: Can the award of a Doctorate be revoked?

Monday, Oct. 13, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: The de-evolution of “public safety” in Eureka……. You had fair warning!

Liberal Jon: Announcement. Workers: City Cab Is Sympathetic.

Sunday, Oct. 12, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: “Mo Money, Mo Problems”

Liberal Jon: The Ten Thousand Dollar 100 and Reagan

Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Expert: “It’s a bad shooting, period,”. (the death of Tommy McClain)

Liberal Jon: The Stories 460s Tell: HCDCC Edition

Friday, Oct. 10, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Onward, Christian Soldiers (Cops)

Liberal Jon: Conservatives Following the Money…

Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Very Clueless Supervisors

Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014

Tuluwat Examiner: Owen and Fullerton are desperately trying to protect the Walton family from Measure R

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