2016 Chain Mail | Saturday, 12:47 p.m.

First Team to MCC!

Special delivery! As many expected, speedy Chain Mail is the first team to arrive at the Manila Community Center. Will they be able to maintain lightning quickness in the dunes? Only time will tell. (No, they won’t.) —AG

2016 Still-in-the-Race | Saturday, 12:24 p.m.

Most Ironic Name Award

Uh, it turns out Still-In-The-Race? Yeah, not racing. Wethinks they planned that. Good joke.

-2016 General Race Updates- | Saturday, 12:16 p.m.

And They're Off!

The 2016 Kenetic Grand Championship in Underway. While Arcata Fire district may have sold the noon whistle, Queen Lotta Paint Buckets was some how able to call on some magical, mystical horn from above to sound the glorious beginning of this year’s race. 


Now all the racers have left the Plaza and are moving through the Arcata Bottoms on their way to the Manila Community Center. The sculptures will then switch over to their sand gear to head out into the Manila Dunes.

-2016 General Race Updates- | Saturday, 11:53 a.m.

Don't Fall Off Jacoby's Store House



The Arcata Police Department and Arcata Fire District are freaked out about the idea of a few spectators watching the race from the ledge of Jacoby’s Storehouse.

Emergency personnel put out an announcement over the PA system warning the daring onlookers that falling off the roof is probably a bad idea.

-2016 General Race Updates- | Saturday, 9:13 a.m.

Good Morning, Wackiness Fans!

Kinetic krews are setting up on the Arcata Plaza, readying for the madness to come. Contrary to Humboldt stereotypes, there is bright, weird sunshine emanating from the heavens. Spectators are already lining up along the street, so get here soon to claim adequate gawking space.

LoCO will be wandering the streets taking photos of this year’s sculptures. Stay tuned for eye candy.

2016 Planet Nine | Saturday, 8:25 a.m.

A description of Planet Nine courtesy its creator:

ART: In the outer reaches of our solar system is the mysterious Planet Nine. Some question whether it really exists or if it can support life. Are you kitten me? We are here as living proof! With an orbit around the sun of 22,000 years, we won’t be back anytime soon so come witness the convergence and meet our purrfect team! For the Glory!

2016 NSA | Saturday, 8:23 a.m.

Description of NSA courtesy its creator:

ART: The N.S.A love to watch you with it’s rolling surveillance camera. We can neither confirm nor deny our pageantry.

ENGINEERING: Prestigious Trike #4 built by Ken Bidelman a quarter century ago. We have done very little to engineer this machine, our biggest challenge was attempting to remove seized parts. We have altered the seat mounting to be more functional and adjustable.

OTHER: Watch for the N.S.A, we will be watching you. Turn down your music and talk to the camera for extra GLORY!

2016 Timey-Wimey | Saturday, 8:21 a.m.

A description of Timey-Wimey courtesy its creator:

ART: The sculpture is a pentacycle with a Dr Who theme. It is a tricycle like bike with 4 wheels in the back and a blue police call box in the center.

ENGINEERING: The bike has power to the 4 rear wheels of the bike and can pivot vertically in the sand to maintain traction in the sand, but can also be locked so that only the rear wheels touch for better steering on the road

OTHER: The height is just over 3 ft, the length is 7ft, the width is 3ft and it weighs 90 pounds. It has 5 wheels, and was built this year. On road the rig can go 15 mph and maybe 3 mph in the water.

2016 Kinetic Paranormal Society | Saturday, 8:16 a.m.

A description of Kinetic Paranormal Society courtesy its creator:

ART: Using the Keys to Time & Space, the Kinetic Paranormal Society will unlock portals to nearly any dimension. Paranormal investigating in dapper style, the KPS can provide you with a key of your own and maybe a little bit of relevant instruction on how to use it. Along with their magic wardrobe, the KPS will carry the Master Key with them throughout the Kinetic Grand Championship, and with it (and your consent) they can help unlock your glorious potential. If you see supernatural activity along the race course be sure to report it to the KPS and they can begin a Kinetic Paranormal Preliminary Investigation Report for you. Also look out for 60 variations the classic KPS ghostie button as well as this year’s 2016 ghostie key buttons.

ENGINEERING: Made out of the finest Eldermantium Wood, the magic wardrobe comes with unknown magic features and a few known ones as well. Instead of a traditional safety visibility triangle the wardrobe is equipped with a Spectral Perimeter Indication Beacon, offering over four times greater visibility within the vicinity of the wardrobe than a traditional triangle. This year the wardrobe is additionally equipped with a Glory Exalter, activated by using the Master Key of Time and Space!

2016 Primal Scream | Saturday, 8:13 a.m.

A description of Primal Scream courtesy its creator:

ART: Primal Scream therapy is where a person reviews the loss, pain, abuse, anger, fear of their past… then releases it with a cathartic outcry. This is done individually or in groups. We hope to theatrically demonstrate several screams for the judging… a child’s cry of delight, shriek of surprise, cry of excitement, scream of terror (like in the movies), and then ask all to join us in a primal scream.

ENGINEERING: Wreck and pinion / center hub steering, new 3rd wheel with live ballast and pilot in exile position, all pilots in different position (recumbent, upright, forward prone).

OTHER: Height-5’, Weight-350 lbs unladen, Length- 14’, Year built- 2015, modified 2016, Top Speed-7.3mph, Water speed- ‘classified’, Names of Builders: Jeff Reznik, Thom Llewsob, Rocky Rellefekcor, Allen Sleinad.

2016 Banana Flambé | Saturday, 8:11 a.m.

A description of Banana Flambe courtesy its creator:

ART: This banana is hot stuff! Banana Flambe’ is another wonderful food creation by the Bedford’s!

ENGINEER: Two person- four wheel drive-articulated machine created with 95% recycled parts. What would a Banana Flambe’ be without FIRE? YES we have stepped it up a bit. With a large team all dressed in yellow, Banana Flambe’ is sure to please!

2016 Lava Rocks | Saturday, 8:05 a.m.

A description of Lava Rocks courtesy its creator:

ART: Lava Rocks is a flaming hot volcano with a rocker edge as the pilots and pit crew will be decked out in their finest spikes and denim. Watch out because this volcano is charging up for the race and when you see smoke you might want to get a safe distance away!

ENGINEERING: The machine that the volcano is riding on is kinetic vintage, being that it was built by the one and only Duane Flatmo circa 1985. This wacky rear wheeled tricycle turns on a dime but also flips like a Mexican jumping bean. We’ve added much needed dual breaks this year as well as beefed up parts that had seen better days. She’s ready for one more glorious run!

2016 Chain Mail | Wednesday, 5:05 p.m.

Description of Chain Mail courtesy its creator: 

ART: Chain Mail is the offishul mail carrier for the 2016 Kinetic Grand Championship Race. Three-day Guaranteed Speedy Delivery from the Square in Arcata to downtown Ferndale traveling over 40 miles the hard way. Through rain, heat, gloom of night, mechanical breakdowns, sunburn, getting lost, scary downhills, mosquitos, unscheduled swimming, lack of sleep and Konfusion, Chain Mail will promise swift completion of their appointed rounds. Where one professional mail carrier is usually enough, we have employed two, for faster handling of all your important delivery needs. Other deliveries may one day be done by drone, but Chain Mail sees the future as one where human power and personalized service beat out convenience, low price and dependability. Branching off from over twenty years racing with Team Melvin, this is the first foray of Dave Rempe and his son Joey Rempe to go out on their own and try their hand at building and racing a sculpture. Rescued from the bone yard, Chain Mail is a heavily refurbished retired sculpture that was named Sushi from the early 90’s and originally built by Rick Nelson.

ENGINEERING: Engineering highlights include an entirely new drivetrain fashioned from recycled parts and genius. A great deal of the design work was done increasing the strength of Chain Mail’s drivetrain to accommodate the robust cycling power of the two pilots. Two-speed rear end gearing transfers power in the sand at a ratio of 10 pedal rotations to 1 axle rotation. Sand climbing power indeed. We’ve added grease to the main bearings when in previous incarnations of this machine, it appears they used only sand. “Strength through Flexibility” really comes into play with this machine and the pilots aren’t going to let fear intimidate them into going slow and easy. The flotation is large and helps Chain Mail skim over the water with its paddle wheel drive system at a rate higher than anyone could have ever expected. Aerodynamics are increased with the innovation of keeping the pilots heads down in a tucked position which brings Chain Mail’s top road speed up to a pace that hasn’t been determined yet.

OTHER: Chain Mail is a three wheel, two pilot, tandem riding position machine. It is about 4’ wide and 10’ long. It weighs about 100 pounds empty and has pneumatic flotation and paddle wheel water drive. The Chain Mail machine was originally built by Rick Nelson over 25 years ago but, after years of neglect and retirement, has been brought back to life by Dave and Joey Rempe.

2016 Organ Trail: No Guts No Glory | Wednesday, 4:57 p.m.

Description of Organ Trail courtesy its creator: 

ART: On the last stretch of our journey westward, our band of bloody pioneers venture from Arcata to Ferndale in a covered wagon that has been gutted of all but its glory. We wore out Kevin, the massive ox that once towed this cart, long ago. All that remains of Kevin now is his beating heart which will pull us to the Ferndale finish. The source of our hardship has been none other than the infamous bandits known to plague the California coast, Dis and Terry. The knives they took to our wagon cover have stained our once stark white canvas with the blood and bodily fluids that have spilled from its innards. While Dis and Terry may have slashed our wagon, they were no match for our glory. Forward and onwards we move, for what is Glory without the guts?

ENGINEERING: Our gutty covered wagon features front suspension, a rear differential, cable-pulled steering, a risky 3/4” drive axel, disc brakes— which we are confident have a 50% chance of performing efficaciously, and 588 gear combinations per pilot for a total of 345,744 gear combinations. We will propel our way through the bay on yard-made foam pontoons and roll over the dunes on foam sand tires. Our machine’s ability to ACE despite our underfunding is a true testament to the ingenuity of our engineering.

2016 The Humdinger | Wednesday, 4:57 p.m.

Description of The Humdinger courtesy its creator: 

ART: The Humdinger emulates the 1930’s era. The art features an art—‐deco hummingbird drinking from a walnut gramophone record player. A wireless speaker is hidden in the box for music, but a real record will be spinning for aesthetics. The art is made out of insulation form board attached to metal tubing. The wings sit about 14 feet high and we’re hoping they don’t get blow off by the wind. The pilots will be dressed in attire from the 1930’s and will perform a creative swing dance to entertain the crowd! ~ The humdinger is one sweet ride!

ENGINEERING: *New water propellers: 3D Printed propellers. As the pilots pedal they drive an axle with a miter gear, which spins the propeller. The pilots in the front power one propeller and the pilots in the back power the other. The propellers spin in opposite directions to help keep the kart from turning in a circle.

• Freewheel Hub Adapter: These 3⁄4” bore hubs were made to screw into our bicycle freewheels and connect to our keyed axle. This allowed us to break free from using bicycle frames. • Modular Art: The artwork needed to be designed for travel via a horse trailer. Everything was built in a modular fashion. This was no small feat!

• All Wheel Drive: Our kart has four pilots. Each pilot drives his or her own wheel. This allows for better turning without a differential, and allows us to be All—‐Wheel Drive vehicle. Each Pilot controls his or her own gear shifters.

• Steering: Our kart turns by articulating in the middle. A cable runs from the steering wheel to a large wheel in the middle of the kart. Possibly the best turning large kart out there!

• Suspension: Our kart can also “roll” by articulating in the middle, keeping all four wheels on the ground on dead man’s drop.

• Drive Train: Our gearing is set up in two parts. The first part is set up like a 21 speed bicycle, which drives a jackshaft. The jackshaft has two different size sprockets, a 10 tooth (for low gearing) and a 20 tooth (for high gearing). From one of those sprockets, a #40 tractor chain goes to a huge 72—‐tooth sprocket. This sprocket drives the wheel.

• Wheel rims: used golf cart rims. • Hydraulic Disc Brakes: taken off of the frontend of an old 700cc Honda Shadow Motorcycle found at a metal scrap yard for $8.00!

• Tires: 30” culver pipe wrapped with mountain bike tires.

• Floatation: 10 recycled 30 galloon barrels attached to a wood frame. Donated from local farmers.

• Rudder: plywood attached to round metal tubing. Steered by a pilot in the back seat.

• Gramophone: Hidden in the homemade gramophone is a wireless speaker controlled by the co—‐pilot’s phone.

OTHER: Last year was our first year to compete. We enter as “No Guts, Know Glory.” The students had a great time and we felt very welcomed by the Kinetic Community. This year we have a brand new group of pilots and an improved cart. Last year the students started a new school club on campus, “The Kinetic Sculpture Club,” and they were awarded several grants for this project. This year students decided to redesign the water propulsion system, a double propeller system, and entered their design in the Skills USA competitions. They won a gold medal at regionals, then a gold medal at state, and in June they will travel to Kentucky to present they system at the national level! The students used a computer drafting program to design the propeller system and then ran water flow simulators to find the best size, pitch and position of the blades. Then they 3D printed the propellers! As I write this we still have not actually water tested the system, it’s all based on theory. Hopefully it will be ready for the race.




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