sunshine and Shadow

Sunshine and Shadow

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“… trauma is a way of life for children raised in the marijuana industry. From a very early age, they are taught that they cannot tell strangers what their parents do for a living. The idea that a child could be responsible for having a parent taken away and thrown in jail by accidentally speaking the truth is a constantly oppressive fact of life. Most kids are taught not to talk to strangers, Reefer Babies are taught not to talk to anybody. The friends they are allowed to have are strategically chosen from among other, well trained Reefer Babies. While most kids parents try to influence their friendships based on the best interests of the child, marijuana cultivators chose their childrens friends based on an undisguised instinct for self preservation.”

Many local people have concerns about the effect of some aspects of the marijuana culture on its children. The conversation about children raised in the marijuana culture has a new voice.  Humboldt Kids’ Blog has been started by a dad who says his ex-wife is raising his child in Humboldt County in the marijuana culture.  His pain and concern are real.  Are his conclusions?

Check out what his dad has to say, too.

I just wrote an article for the next Humboldt Grow (by the way a new one has just come out with several articles by me though the website hasn’t been updated yet.) In it I discuss the repercussions of being raised in the culture.  The young men I interviewed impressed me with their healthy attitudes towards life and their joy but maybe they are exceptions.

I don’t think so.  But the author of Humboldt Kids’ Blog writes strongly and persuasively otherwise.