Sock Sand Monkey!


Gray skies and a brisk north wind did little to deter what appeared to be a well-attended 17th annual Sand Sculpture Festival today. The event, hosted by Friends of the Dunes, draws hundreds out the Manila Community Center trailhead, through the wildflower-carpeted sand onto the expansive palette of beach. Artistic visions large and small become real – temporarily, of course – but even latecomers can wander among the sculptures as evening brings in the tide. 

For the full rundown, see here. For a quick look, read on…


People like to play!

How some folks were feeling post-Oyster Fest.

So many layers.

A castle, made of sand.


Skeery! UPDATE: The keen eye of ace reporter Zach St. George noted that this sculpture was, in fact, far more than simply scary – that it was a near-perfect replica of Han Solo encased in carbonite! This error is deeply, deeply regretted. (Please do not tell my friend Pablo Hidalgo.) Point, St. George.



Flowers are pretty.




Sometimes, there’s a pony.