Snowy owl in flight. | Photo by Brad Elvert
Perhaps jealous of all the love and attention bestowed on the great gray owl hanging out up at Prairie Creek, a snowy owl yesterday made a grand entrance to Humboldt County, where it was promptly captured in photographs by delighted birders.
Local biologist Sean McAllister sent us the following narrative:
As the Great Gray Owl that was found last month continues to dazzle people at Prairie Creek, a stunning Snowy Owl was discovered yesterday on the south spit of Humboldt Bay. Once in a great while Snowy Owls venture well south of their normal northern range in search of food. The last one in Humboldt was in 2007 and was also at the South Spit where it stayed for a week and was the first one recorded in 30 years.
This latest celebrity was found by local birder Brad Elvert, who took the [above] photograph. … Approximately 25 people got to enjoy the bird yesterday and despite the nasty weather, there will surely be a crowd searching again today.
Birders hunting for the perfect (photographic) shot. | Photo posted to Facebook by Deven Kammerichs-Berke.
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Addendum: The photos below were taken by Sean McAllister in 2007, during the last snowy owl visit: