Warning: The story below contains graphic, disturbing testimony concerning two cases of alleged child molestation that was presented in Humboldt County Superior Court today.

Allen Smith started molesting her when she was 10, a Eureka teen
testified today, and was having intercourse with her when she was 11.
Fifteen-year-old “Jane Doe 1” said Smith, 42, continued having sex with her until she was 14 and her mother had forbidden her to have any contact with him. Not long after, she finally admitted the abuse to her mother and law enforcement.
Smith is accused of molesting two girls, both now 15, but most of the allegations involve Doe 1. She testified today for several hours during the first day of Smith’s preliminary hearing. She said Smith molested her in her home, at motels he took her to, and even in the office of his former Eureka business, Surfside Burger Shack.
It started with him touching her vagina, she said, and progressed to vaginal and anal intercourse. And on many occasions, she said, he would “pull down his pants and I would walk over and put his penis in my mouth.”
“He pushed my head down on his penis,” she said.
But there was a twist: The girl thought she was in love with Chad Smith. She said their plan was for her to make her mother so angry that she would kick her out of the house, “and I’d go and live with him and get my GED.”
Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads asked the teen about the first time Smith had intercourse with her. How had it made her body feel?
“It felt good,” she said frankly. She recalled that Smith had wrapped his penis in Saran wrap before penetrating her. On later occasions, he used a condom.
She said Smith had invented nicknames for them, which they used when they were “doing sexual things.”
“He called me Kitten and I called him Master,” she said.
One day, her mother found a notebook in her bedroom. It contained a story about the first time Smith had touched her “private parts,” and how different her life would be if it had ended there.
When her mother confronted her about her relationship with Smith she was “devastated.”
“Because I thought I was in love with Chad Smith and I didn’t want it to end,” she testified. When her mom asked her whether the story was real, “I told her no.”
As her mother became more suspicious and forbade her to see or talk with Smith, they set up an e-mail account and he also bought her a “secret phone,” she said. The mother testified today that she found that phone and discovered more than 1,200 e-mails over 30 days, which was as much data as she was able to retrieve.
The mother said that when she confronted Smith about his relationship with her daughter, he called her a “crazy, disgusting woman.” She took out a restraining order against him, which he allegedly violated many times. Once, according to Doe 1, Smith drove by in his yellow Corvette convertible and yelled, “I love you, Kitten.”
The teen said Smith told her that if she talked about what had happened between them, he would go to jail and could never talk to her again. He also told her he would commit suicide rather than go to jail, she testified.
But despite all that, she finally decided to talk.
“I was healing myself from the things that had happened to me,” she said. “I realized that I wasn’t in love with Chad Smith and that I was being manipulated.”
The girl testified with an advocate sitting next to her. She also was accompanied by a Teddy bear and a crowd of supporters. They included a half-dozen members of Bikers Against Child Abuse.
During her cross-examination, Deputy Public Defender Jennifer Dixon pointed out that when the girl went to her first interview with CAST, a special team investigating molestation cases, she claimed absolutely nothing had happened between her and Smith.
But not long after, she admitted she had performed oral sex on him. She said she thought oral sex was a less-serious offense.
Then, Dixon said, “all of a sudden” the girl had made the other accusations.
“I didn’t want to protect him anymore,” she said, “because I realized what he was doing to me.”
Dixon asked her whether Smith had caused her any physical injury or pain.
“Not that I know of,” she said.
Dixon questioned her about an e-mail Smith once sent the girl, saying her feelings for him were inappropriate. She acknowledged receiving that e-mail and said she was upset.
Asked about an argument she had with her mother, she said she had been falsely accused of stealing and screamed at her mom saying “I could accuse you of anything. I could accuse you of molesting me.”
The other alleged victim, Jane Doe II, initially made the shocking statement today that she knows Chad Smith because “He raped me.”
But when asked to describe the incident, which happened when she was 11, she said she had been sleeping next to Jane Doe 1 and that Smith lay down between the two girls. She said he put his hand under her shirt and began stroking the area between her breasts and vagina.
“I wanted to get up and scream and run away but I felt like I couldn’t,” she said. After the alleged fondling, she said, Smith suddenly said “Oh fuck” or “Oh shit” and got up and left the room.
She didn’t tell anyone for years, she said, finally confiding in a friend who convinced her to see a therapist. That led to telling the police.
She also said she believes Smith molested her another time. The repressed memory came back to her just a few months ago, when she was arguing with someone and they said something that “triggered it.”
In that incident, she says, she remembers lying on her back naked to the waist, and being terrified. She thinks Smith was leaning over her or on top of her.
Under cross-examination, Doe II said that when that memory came back, she was under a lot of stress from working on a major project at school. But she said she was getting enough sleep and eating well.
The hearing was expected to continue tomorrow morning before Judge John Feeney, who will decide whether there enough evidence has been presented to warrant a trial.
UPDATE: This article has been updated to emphasize the fact that Surfside Burger Shack was formerly owned by Smith. It has been under new ownership for some time.