Eureka’s Waterfront Commercial district. | Image taken from City of Eureka graphic.
- Part 1: RM-2500 (Residential Multi-Family)
- Part 2: RM-1000 (Residential Multi-Family)
- Part 3: RS-6000 (Residential Single-Family)
- Part 4: CS (Service Commercial)
- Part 5: CC (Central Commercial)
- Part 6: CP (Planned Shopping Center Commercial)
- Part 7: CN (Neighborhood Commercial)
From the City of Eureka’s Development Services Department:
Welcome to the eighth installment of our fourteen-part series “Get to Know a Zone District.” In this series, a staff-member in the Planning Division answers questions about each Zoning District in the City. This month we will be exploring one of our most photogenic commercial districts: CW
What is CW? What does it stand for?
“CW” stands for “Waterfront Commercial.” It’s the zoning designation for Old Town.
What’s it for?
It’s there for recreational, visitor-serving, coastal-dependent, and coastal-related uses.
I heard it was extra restrictive there because of the Coastal Zone. What’s the deal?
To some extent—it is. A fair number of the uses are what you would expect: bars, bicycle shops, bookstores, and gift shops. Some are definitely coastal, like boat launches and commercial fishing facilities. And just like in most zones, there are quite a few nonsensical distinctions between principally permitted and conditionally permitted uses. A jewelry store is principally permitted while a cigar shop needs a conditional use permit. A record store is principally permitted while a toy store is conditionally permitted.
What does that mean in practical terms?
Well, if someone walks in to the Planning Department as says, “I’d like to rent a space at 2nd and E for my book shop,” we say “Great! Enjoy!” If someone walks in and says, “I’d like to rent a space at 2nd and E for my toy store,” we tell her that she needs a Conditional Use Permit and a Coastal Development Permit. Then, naturally, she asks how much that will cost and how long it will take. When she hears that it will cost $2,205 and take 2-3 months—she is usually quite disappointed. We’re disappointed, too.
That is really a drag. Are you working to make things less difficult?
All day every day.
What was that thing you mentioned? Coastal Development Permits?
Yep. It is a special permit that you need if you want to do a “development” in the Coastal Zone. A “development” usually involves constructing something – but not always. You can read all about Coastal Development Permits in the California Coastal Act of 1976. They even put it on the internet! https://www.coastal.ca.gov/laws/
Where is the Coastal Zone in Eureka?
Generally it’s everything west of Broadway, north of 3rd Street, and east of Myrtle Avenue.
Fascinating. Do you have it on a map?
Yep. Look for the big blue line. http://gis.ci.eureka.ca.gov/flexviewers/ComDevViewer/
Where can I get more information about this and other zoning stuff?
The Development Services Department (and Planning Division) is open Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm (closed from noon-1:00) at City Hall. Stop by or call 441-4160 to speak with a planner.