Five months after filing the required paperwork, “I Like Eureka” booster and Ellen DeGeneres’ favorite local candidate Jeannie Breslin officially launched her campaign for the Eureka City Council’s Third Ward seat Monday at a sunshine-blessed event on the Eureka Waterfront. During brief remarks to gathered supporters Breslin stressed that she would work to improve public safety, provide incentives for small businesses and promote Eureka to the outside world.

Candidate Breslin
“As a marketing professional I’d like to work with staff on building Eureka’s brand as the Victorian seaport,” Breslin said “I know the value of building a strong brand.”
Breslin also took time to address the issue of discarded needles in the community, the source of arguably the hottest debates inflaming Eurekans’ social media comment threads.
“In terms of the syringe litter, I support the concept of a needle exchange,” Breslin said. “However, there must be more emphasis on a true exchange program. Harm reduction must factor in the impact to our entire community and environment. There must be independent oversight, accountability and transparency.”
Listen to Breslin’s full remarks below:
(AUDIO) Jeannie Breslin Campaign Launch
This will be the first election since the passage of Measure P which imposed a true ward system on Eureka. In the Third Ward race, Breslin will compete against current councilmember Natalie Arroyo, who currently represents the city’s Fifth Ward but whose residence now sits in the freshly redrawn Third, and certified public accountant John Fullerton, who previously ran for council, unsuccessfully, back in 2016.

Mayor Frank Jager
Among those hoping for Breslin’s ascension to the council is Mayor Frank Jager, who said he was impressed by the candidate’s work organizing a pair of community block parties, as well as her efforts soliciting donations for repairs for the Sequoia Park snack shack.
“She’s a worker,” Jager said. “And that’s what we need on the city council. We don’t need people that just show up once in a while or not show up at all at different events. Jeannie is the kind of person who really puts her shoulder to the effort and really moves forward.”
For more information on Breslin’s campaign, click on over to her website.