More Moore cats!
They live! After five days and countless friendly honks gifted by passing motorists, artist and beacon of positivity Samantha Moore has finished painting the once-boring utility box at the corner of Fifth and L streets, her second attempt at feeding “Cat Food” to the Eureka citizenry. The brightly colored display — a product of the City of Eureka’s Box Art Program which, perhaps unsurprisingly, found a way to become controversial — is now ready for your drive-by glance and smile. Long may these kitties purr.
“Hot dog cat is my favorite,” Moore told the Outpost while gazing upon her newly completed box. “It’s just my jam. I don’t know why, it just makes me happy. And I could really use a hot dog.”
She’s earned at least that. For the record, please note that Moore’s latest offering features two (2) more food cats than her initial box art at the corner of Fifth and G streets that was ultimately removed after being deemed inappropriate by the owner of SCRUB Spa and Event Venue. You now get a “taco cat” and a “chili pepper cat” for your buck, Eureka. And despite the emotional ups and downs Moore’s experienced trying to bring public art to the city, she says she’d be willing to take on another box if offered, though she’s had her fill of cats.
“I was thinking dragons, something totally different,” Moore said. “Try and keep it spicy.” Stay tuned.
- Outraged Eureka Business Owner Convinces City to Cover Cat Painting Right Meow!
- Eureka Commission Approves Next Batch of Utility Box Art; Replacement Mural For Former ‘Cat Food’ Box Still Pending
- Artist Samantha Moore is Repainting ‘Cat Food’ on a Different Eureka Utility Box