Last year’s Eureka Street Art Festival beautified Opera Alley. File photo.



Remember when scores of artists descended on Old Town last year to spend a week livening up Opera Alley and environs? (If you don’t, see the links above.)

Well, the same crew that organized that art-in is organizing an even bigger one this year, it seems, and this year they say they’ll be focusing on the downtown area south of the highway, and are planning murals for the police station, the fire station and elsewhere.

The whole weeklong events culminates in a big block party, and they’re looking for musicians and vendors and the like. Check out the press release below.

Press release from the Eureka Street Art Festival:

Are you ready? The Eureka Street Art Festival is gearing up for the second annual event from July 27 - August 3, 2019, with the culminating Block Party on Saturday, August 3 from 12-6.

The second annual Festival will be in Downtown Eureka, focusing on the 6th and 7th Street corridors, between C and H Streets. For this year’s festival, you can expect to see the creation of about 20 new murals on some of downtown’s most central buildings (including the Fire Station, Police Station, the Ink People, and the Eureka Theater). This year will be about more than murals, too, with the planned installation of some very fun sculptures and wheat paste exhibits.

The artist application process drew in over 120 applicants from all over the world, and the organizers are working to finalize the artists and walls. About half of the participating artists are from Humboldt County, while the other half are coming from around California, across the country, and around the world.

Want to get involved? The Festival just released the application for musicians, performers, and vendors for the Block Party on Saturday, August 3rd. Are you can artist who missed the mural proposal deadline? You can still live-create your artwork during the Festival by applying to be a Demonstrating Artist. Are you a local business or organization? The Festival encourages you to organize a coordinated event (like an art show, bike ride, clean-up, or workshop) or offer related specials and sales (the Pollock pizza, anyone?) And of course the Festival is also seeking Volunteers and Sponsors. You can find more information about all of these things on the Festival’s website:, under Get Involved. Also, make sure to follow them on Instagram (@EurekaStreetArtFestival) and Facebook for more updates!

The Eureka Street Art Festival’s mission is to create intentional, accessible art that enlivens public spaces, stimulates community revitalization, and attracts visitors to Eureka. Our long term aim is to recreate this event annually and continuously introduce new public art in Eureka. Excess funds raised by the Festival will go towards the maintenance of existing public art throughout the city.