A possibly helpful map of directions you’re supposed to walk in the Arcata Marsh
Amid shelter-in-place orders, county and state officials have maintained that it is still okay to go for walks in nature as long as you practice safe social-distancing standards to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. But, with lots of people visiting popular outdoor recreation areas — such as the Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary — maintaining six feet of distance from other people can be a little difficult.
To address this issue, the City of Arcata has temporarily designated the narrow stretches of trail at the marsh as one-way routes. The city asks that you please adhere to trail use guidelines as well as practice other safety recommendations such as wearing a mask or face covering when you’re on the trails.
The city sent out a map of the new trail routes, copies of which are also posted at all of the marsh’s trailhead kiosks and on the doors of the interpretive center. The arrows show which direction hikers are meant to walk on the trail, with the red lines representing now one-way trails and the green lines representing trails that are still two-way.
If you find the map confusing — like we at LoCO did —just be sure to stay six feet away from others and if you see people walking toward you on a narrow trail, maybe just turn around and walk the other way.
Happy socially distanced hiking everyone!
Press release From the City of Arcata:
Since the County and State COVID-19 stay at home orders have been in place, the City of Arcata has experienced a high volume of visitors at outdoor recreation areas including the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary.
To continue to support the community with opportunities to safely recreate outdoors, and to abide by physical distancing guidelines in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Environmental Services Department has temporarily designated some narrow stretches of trail at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary as one-way routes.
Maps showing the designated one-way trail sections will be posted at the marsh’s parking lot kiosks, trailhead kiosks and at the Interpretive Center’s door. A printable version of the map is also available at cityofarcata.org.
The City will continue to monitor trail use at the Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary and the Arcata Community Forest, and will keep City trails open as long as they are deemed safe for public use.
To minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on Arcata trail users, community members are strongly encouraged to follow these recommended guidelines:
Wear a mask or face covering when you leave your home and on City trails.
Do not go for walks or bike rides with people outside of your household, this defeats the purpose of social distancing.
Seniors age 65 and over and community members with underlying health conditions are advised to stay home.
Stay at home if you have any allergy, cold or flu-like symptoms.
Wash your hands before and after you go outdoors to get some exercise, and carry hand sanitizer if you are able to.
Walk or ride your bike to the forest or marsh to avoid congregating in parking lots.
Maintain a 6 to 8 foot distance from people outside of your household when you leave your home and at all City recreation areas.
Bring your own water and keep in mind that public restrooms are closed.
Please remember to pick up after your pets and to pack out your trash.
For the latest local COVID-19 updates, please visit cityofarcata.org or humboldtgov.org.