The Outpost was out-and-about in the hours leading up to Humboldt County’s issuance of COVID-19-combating shelter-in-place orders. Here’s some of what we saw. 

Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich and Sheriff Billy Honsal announce shelter-in-place orders Thursday. What does that mean for you? The Outpost attempts to lay it out for you at this link.

The few attendees at the shelter-in-place announcement practicing social distancing — the event was also streamed online. You can watch it here.

A COVID-19 screening tent has been erected outside St. Joseph’s Hospital in Eureka. Learn more about how the county is planning to deal with a potential surge in patients here.

Earlier this week the Humboldt Corner in Fortuna signaled they had hand sanitizer in stock. Health officials are urging people to wash their hands more frequently to prevent further outbreak. Many stores that carry hand sanitizer are running low. But you can make your own

The Line. Winco Foods is only allowing a certain number of people into their store at any one time to help customers and employees be able to keep their distance from each other. Many local grocery stores are offering special hours for seniors. View a list here.

An employee of Eureka’s Chase Bank wipes down the a door handle to help protect customers. The CDC offers information on how to best protect yourself during periods of potential outbreak here

The North Coast Journal canceled its annual Cannabis Issue to allow room for coronavirus coverage. You can read their digital edition here

A transient in Old Town plays some form of solitaire.

A man in front of Costco asks for financial assistance. Local shelters and nonprofits are working with county officials on plans for addressing the needs of the local homeless population

Ramone’s in Old Town is one of many local food service businesses still operating during the lockdown while heeding county health officials’ guidance.

Most restaurants and cafes eliminated in-house seating and are instead offering takeout and delivery options to customers. The Outpost has attempted to keep a running list of local businesses still serving local mouths.

Like many small businesses Cafe Brio in Arcata has closed altogether. Small businesses seeking relief during uncertain times can seek help from the California State Treasurer’s Office.

Not a lot of traffic on the Arcata Plaza. 

Someone arranged flowers into a peace sign on the Plaza lawn though. (UPDATE: This appears to be the peace fan.)

People walk and bike the trails in the Arcata Marsh. Even under the shelter-in-place order, Humboldt is encouraged to get outside and exercise.

Meanwhile paramedics check out a pilot who made an emergency crash landing in a slough near Murray Field. He suffered only minor injuries and declined ambulance transport.

New day. Very quiet on F Street on Friday morning. Stay safe, Humboldt.