UPDATE, 3/22: Voting has CLOSED. Congratulations to Bernadette Vielbig who somehow managed to win a $250 shopping spree by walking for five seconds. That’s the Humboldt spirit!
Again, thank you to Timber Boutique and Sage Eureka for their prize contribution!
See you next contest!
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Original Post: Is Humboldt ready for another frivolous LoCO contest? Too bad! We’re doing this anyways!
After y’all overwhelmed us here at the Outpost with your mostly wonderful entries for last month’s successful SINGING IN SOLITUDE contest, we thought, this time out, we’d turn our focus from music to another realm of human expression Humboldt excels in: FASHION. Specifically, we are dying to know how you’ve kept your look fresh during this last year of not venturing out of your abodes. What’s that? You’re going on your twelfth pantsless month? Well, that may actually play to your favor, here.
Today, LoCO is announcing yet another opportunity for you to demand your community’s attention: HUMBOLDT COVID FASHION WEEK! This is a chance for YOU, the listless, ungroomed, responsibly sheltered citizen, to strut the pandemic style you’ve been rocking on your couch these past crap months in the hopes of winning prizes! Masks aren’t required, but why rob yourself of another opportunity to accessorize?
What can you score for your confidence? It’s a good one. Our first place winner will take home a $250 gift certificate to either Timber Boutique or Sage Clothing in Eureka’s spacious Old Town. The world will open up again someday and you’re going to want to look better than you do in the video you’re going to submit for this thing, right? This could help a lot.
This could/should be you. Come as you are, Humboldt.
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Details! Here’s how this silly thing is going to go down:
Record an under-two-minute video of yourself (and your fellow pod members, possibly) walking your home runway decked out in your finest “I’ve given up!” wear. However you’ve been dressing in the privacy of your home this last year, you sell that look, OK? (We won’t know if you’re fibbin’, we will add.) Should there be music in my video? Uh, yes. Definitely. Should colorful, flashing lights enhance the scene? Wow, you’ve got those? Cool. Go for it. Can I rage dance so powerfully that I will magically inoculate myself against coronavirus? Hey, you can try! (But you should still get vaccinated, if you haven’t.)
At noon on Monday, March 15, LoCO will launch the official HUMBOLDT COVID FASHION WEEK post on our Facebook page which we will link to on this page, right here, to make it easy to find.
Upload your fabulous video to the comment section of that Facebook post. One entry per fashionista.
At that point you can either wait for Humboldt to be dazzled by your shut-in energy, or you can rally your associates to throw you a “like,” a “heart” or a “wow.”
At noon on Monday, March 22, the show is over and the Facebook reactions will be tallied. (We will weigh “like”s, “heart”s, “wow”s, etc. equally, in this instance.) Humboldt’s COVID Fashion Champion will be declared and they will have themselves a nice little shopping spree. The populace will rejoice along with them.
Hope that’s clear. Get creative, but just know LoCO reserves the right to disqualify videos that don’t in some way embody the spirit of what we’re trying to do here, wiseguys. In short, be amazing.
Now, a few more disclaimers — we’re just going to poach some copy from our last contest:
Comfy winning!
A note to the people who will inevitably try to game the system: LoCO is watching you. Your attempts to pad your like count by logging into your various business/artist/political campaign pages will earn you LoCO’s scorn. Don’t. Rallying your crew is fine. Show us how popular you are.
And now a message to the voters: Can I like multiple video entries? Hey, there’s no way LoCO can stop you from doing that, but every extra vote you make dilutes your other votes. Do what thou wilt.
And finally, to the people who will find some aspect of this contest to complain about: Throw your own contest, you grump. We’re spreadin’ joy over here.
That about does it! To reiterate: Show Humboldt your quasi-fashionable, undefeated spirit —> win some new duds. Easy peasy. You can work on your homemade fashion show video tonight. Entertain us!