Which of the below murals should go here? | Images from the City of Eureka
For years the City of Eureka has been searching for ways to de-uglify the southern gateway, specifically the Herrick overpass, and create a more visually pleasing and inviting experience for those entering our fair city from the south. Many different design ideas have been entertained over the years, including adding a “landscape sign” to the greenway next to the overpass. Even a sculpture that we at LoCO thought strongly resembled a bluetooth earpiece was considered at one point.
Last month the city announced that it had finally landed on and obtained funding for a project idea: to add a mural, along with a “Welcome to Eureka” sign, to the Herrick overpass. Now, after receiving more than 30 design submissions for the mural, the City has narrowed it down to three options and wants the community to decide on the winner.
The first proposal is entitled “Elements of the Lost Coast” and was designed by Carl Avery of Cottonwood. The work features bright colors and designs influenced by Avery’s Yurok heritage. The design includes some quintessential Humboldt-related imagery, including redwood trees on the south-facing side of the overpass, and some California poppies and a crab on the north-facing side.
“Elements of the Lost Coast” by Carl Avery
The second proposal, “Guardians of the Salt Marsh” by artist Honeybrush of Sacramento, focuses on our local marshes. Several of our marshes’ winged inhabitants are featured in the mural, with the iconic great blue heron as the focus.
“Guardians of the Salt Marsh” by Honeybrush
The third option comes from local artist Lucas Thorton and is entitled “Eureka Rising.” The mural depicts an aerial view of Humboldt Bay, with the sun rising over the coastal mountains in the background. The mural also includes a tribute to the Wiyot Tribe, with a traditional basket weave design wrapping around the center column.
“Eureka Rising” by Lucas Thorton
So, there you have it! These are the top three contenders for the mural that will be travelers’ first impression of Eureka. Which one do YOU want representing our city? You can vote for your favorite design at this link. And waste no time, because the poll will close on Friday, July 7 at noon!
After the votes have been tallied, the City of Eureka’s Art & Culture Commission will hold a special meeting on July 11 at 12:30 p.m. to review the options and formally recommend a design to the Eureka City Council for approval. The council will then make its final decision for the mural design at its meeting on July 18.
The mural will be painted between July 28 and August 5, during this year’s Eureka Street Art Festival, which will focus on beautifying the Southern section of Broadway. In addition to the mural, the City will also be adding new “drought-tolerant landscaping” to the greenways next to the overpass as part of the project. The mural and landscaping have already been fully funded by Caltrans and Clean California grants. The next phase will be installing a “Welcome to Eureka” sign on the overpass railing. The City says it is still seeking funding for the second phase and it will be completed at a “later date.”
You can view the full mural proposals here and direct any questions to Swan Asbury, Eureka’s economic development manager by calling (707) 268-1830 or emailing sasbury@eurekaca.gov.
And don’t forget to vote! Here’s that link again. Click on it and put in your two cents. This is really happening, people!
- Eureka Needs Your Ideas About How to De-Uglify Its Southern Gateway
- LOOK! Eureka’s Tribute to the Bluetooth Earpiece That Could Soon Grace the City’s South Entrance
- Large ‘Welcome to Eureka’ Landscape Sign Will Soon Greet Drivers at the City’s South Entrance
- BEDAZZLE THIS OVERPASS! This Year’s Street Art Fest, Which Will Focus on Broadway, Will Include the Muralifying of the Herrick Avenue Overpass, and the City is Looking for Proposals