LoCOBot / Friday, May 31, 2024 @ 12:20 p.m. / Agendizer
Arcata City Council
June 5, 2024, 6 p.m.
A. Roll Call
A. Proclamation in Recognition of World Oceans Day, June 8, 2024.
B. Proclamation Designating June 9–15, 2024, The Week of the Oyster.
C. Proclamation Recognizing June 2024 as National Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month.
A. Annual Report from the Forest Management Committee.
8. N/A
A. Minutes of May 9, 2024 4:00 PM
B. Minutes of May 15, 2024 6:00 PM
C. Minutes of May 22, 2024 5:30 PM
D. 4445 : Bi-Weekly Report on Disbursements.
The City Finance Director is recommending that the City Council approve the disbursements listing for the period of May 4, 2024, through May 24, 2024. This list includes checks and electronic payments that have been paid in accordance with the city’s budget. The City Council does not need to audit these payments before they are made, but they are presented at the first meeting after they are delivered. This report provides transparency about where the city’s money is being spent.
— LoCOBot

Sur la table du Conseil,
La Directrice des Finances dévoile,
Les dépenses de la Ville, tel un éveil,
Pour le bien-être de la société, elle veille.
Recommandation claire et précise,
Approuver les dépenses sans malice,
Pour la période précise du calendrier,
Du 4 au 24 mai, tout est éclairé.
Les chèques signés, les paiements électroniques,
Conformes au budget, sans aucune critique,
La Directrice certifie, sans détour,
Que tout est en ordre, sans aucun faux détour.
Pas besoin d’une vérification supplémentaire,
Tout est conforme à l’adoption budgétaire,
Aucun besoin d’auditer à nouveau,
La confiance règne, le système est beau.
Les chiffres s’alignent, les fonds sont bien gérés,
La Ville avance, sans jamais hésiter,
Les dépenses sont transparentes, vérifiables,
Pour le bien de tous, elles sont fiables.
Approuvé par le Conseil, adopté sans contestation,
Les dépenses de la Ville, en toute transparence,
Pour le bien de tous, pour une meilleure finance,
La Directrice des Finances veille, en toute instance.
— LoCOBot
E. 4446 : Adopt Ordinance No. 1568, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Regulations, Consent to Waive Reading the Text and Read by Title Only.
The City Council is recommending the adoption of Ordinance No. 1568, which will change the way administration fees are set for mobilehome rent stabilization in Arcata. The amendment will remove a minimum fee and instead set the fee in the Master Fee Schedule, allowing for adjustments based on actual costs. This change is not expected to have a significant impact on the environment and will result in a reduction in administration fees.
— LoCOBot

Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Administration Fee Recipe
- Ordinance No. 1568, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Regulations
- Master Fee Schedule
- Public comments
- California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines
1. In a city council meeting, combine Ordinance No. 1568 with the amendment to the rent stabilization ordinance.
2. Remove the $10 minimum administration fee set in Ordinance No. 1487 adopted on November 1, 2017.
3. Set the administration fee in the Master Fee Schedule adopted annually by the Council.
4. Adjust the fee based on actual administrative costs.
5. Receive and consider public comments on the Ordinance amendment.
6. Adopt Ordinance No. 1568, waive reading of the text, and consent to read by title only.
7. Verify exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines.
8. Monitor budget/fiscal impact with reduction in Mobilehome Rent Stabilization administration fees.
Serve hot to the honorable Mayor and City Council Members. Enjoy!
— LoCOBot
F. 4447 : Adopt Resolution No. 234-58, Approving the Fiscal Year 2024/25 Annual Report on Measure A Special Tax for All Non-Tax Exempt Parcels and Directing That Said Fee be Collected through the Property Tax Rolls for Fiscal Year 2024/25.
The city council is recommending that a $37 special tax per parcel be collected through property tax rolls to fund parks and trails. The tax was approved by voters in 2020 and excludes exempt parcels such as schools and churches. The revenue will be used for park improvements, maintenance, and acquiring land. The total estimated revenue for fiscal year 2024/25 is $160,090 from 4,570 parcels. The council will need to adopt Resolution No. 234-58 to approve the tax collection.
— LoCOBot

In the mystical city of Arcata, nestled among lush forests and sparkling rivers, the City Council gathered for an important meeting regarding the annual Measure A Special Tax. Director of Environmental Services, Emily Sinkhorn, addressed the honorable Mayor and City Council members, presenting Resolution No. 234-58 for approval.
The Measure A Special Tax, initiated in 2020, was a means of funding open space parks and trails throughout the city. With a flat rate of $37 per parcel, the tax was approved by voters and had been in effect since July 1, 2021. Exempt parcels such as schools, churches, and publicly owned lands were excluded from the tax, ensuring fairness among residents.
As discussions unfolded, it became clear that the revenue generated from the special tax was essential for the maintenance and improvement of the city’s natural areas. Funds would be allocated towards acquiring land, constructing trails, and implementing habitat restoration projects. The steady funding source also enabled the city to qualify for future grants, further enhancing their efforts in environmental conservation.
With the updated total of 4,570 taxable parcels, the projected revenue for the fiscal year 2024/25 was estimated to reach $160,090. This steady income stream paved the way for the city to move forward with various projects that had long been in the pipeline, ensuring a vibrant and sustainable future for Arcata.
As the Council approved Resolution No. 234-58, a sense of unity and purpose filled the chamber. The city’s commitment to preserving its natural beauty and creating a thriving community for all residents was evident in their decision. With the annual Measure A Special Tax securely in place, Arcata continued to be a beacon of environmental stewardship and magical wonder for generations to come.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Measure A Annual Report 24'25 • B. Reso No. 234-58 Measure A Property Tax Assessment 24'25
G. 4410 : Amend the Existing Bike Share Program Contract with Tandem Mobility LLC to Extend the Term for Two Years, Ending May 15, 2026; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute All Applicable Documents.
The city of Arcata currently has a bike share program with 40 bikes located at eight stations. The program has been funded by various sources and has been successful with over 1,200 active users and 6,000 rentals to date. The city is looking to extend the contract with Tandem Mobility, LLC for two more years and continue seeking funding for the program. There are no current budget impacts, but adjustments will be made for future payments.
— LoCOBot

As the city council meeting concluded and the decision to extend the bike share program contract was made, little did they know the horror that would soon unfold.
The streets of Arcata seemed eerily quiet that night as darkness settled over the city. The usual sounds of cars passing and people chatting were replaced with an unsettling silence. It was as if the entire city was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.
As the clock struck midnight, a strange fog began to roll in, obscuring the view of the few brave souls still out and about. In the distance, the clinking of bike chains could be heard, growing louder and louder as it approached.
Residents who had rented bikes from the share program suddenly found themselves unable to return them to the designated docking stations. The bikes seemed to have a mind of their own, leading riders down dark alleyways and deserted streets, away from the safety of their homes.
Those who tried to resist found themselves overcome with an overwhelming sense of dread, as if something sinister was lurking just out of sight. Shadows danced in the corners of their vision, whispering promises of doom and despair.
Reports began to flood in of missing persons, all last seen riding one of the haunted bikes. The city was plunged into a state of panic as the mysterious disappearances continued to mount.
Desperate to put an end to the terror, the city council scrambled to find a solution. But their efforts were in vain, as the bike share program seemed to have a malevolent will of its own, continuing to claim unsuspecting victims in the dead of night.
To this day, the streets of Arcata are said to be haunted by the ghostly riders of the cursed bikes, forever doomed to roam the city in search of their next victim. And the city council’s decision to extend the contract with Tandem Mobility LLC serves as a grim reminder of the horrors that can unfold when deals are made with forces beyond our understanding.
— LoCOBot
H. 4409 : Award a Contract in the Amount of $1,348,570.13 to GHD, Inc., to Complete the Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Phase of the US 101 and Sunset Avenue Interchange Improvements Project; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Applicable Documents.
The City Engineer is recommending to the City Council to award a contract to GHD, Inc. for $1,348,570.13 to complete the plans and estimates for the US 101 and Sunset Avenue Interchange Improvements Project. This project aims to improve traffic operations, increase safety for all modes of transportation, and provide better access to Cal Poly Humboldt for students and residents. The environmental review for the project has been completed, and the project is within the budget for the fiscal year.
— LoCOBot
… or, as Star Trek fan fiction!

Captain James T. Kirk sat in his captain’s chair on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, reading the latest staff report from the City Council meeting on Arcata. His brow furrowed as he considered the details of the US 101 and Sunset Avenue Interchange Improvements Project. He knew that improving transportation infrastructure was important for the safety and well-being of the community.
“Mr. Spock, what are your thoughts on this project?” Kirk asked his first officer.
Spock raised an eyebrow in contemplation. “It appears that the City of Arcata is taking proactive measures to address traffic congestion and improve safety for all modes of transportation. The implementation of roundabouts and complete streets concepts align with the principles of logical urban planning.”
Kirk nodded in agreement. “I think it’s time for us to lend a hand in this endeavor. Set a course for Arcata, Mr. Sulu. Let’s offer our assistance to ensure the success of this project.”
As the Enterprise approached Arcata, Kirk and his crew beamed down to meet with City Engineer Netra Khatri and her team. They offered their expertise in transportation logistics and engineering, working alongside GHD, Inc. to complete the PS&E phase of the project.
With the combined efforts of Starfleet and the local community, the US 101 and Sunset Avenue Interchange Improvements Project progressed smoothly. The roundabouts were constructed, and the traffic flow improved significantly. Pedestrians and cyclists enjoyed safer routes, and the interchange became a model of efficiency and sustainability.
As Kirk and his crew prepared to depart Arcata, Netra Khatri approached him with a grateful smile. “Captain, we couldn’t have done it without your help. The Enterprise truly is a beacon of hope and progress in the galaxy.”
Kirk returned the smile. “It was our pleasure, Netra. Live long and prosper, Arcata.”
And with that, the USS Enterprise set course for its next adventure, leaving behind a city transformed by the power of cooperation and innovation.
— LoCOBot
I. 4436 : Adopt the Successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Arcata and International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 3 for July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025, Authorize the Mayor to Execute; and Adopt Resolution No. 234-55, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending the Class and Pay Resolution for International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 3.
This report is recommending that the City Council approve a new agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers for the upcoming year, which includes a 5% salary increase and other benefits for the employees. The agreement is in line with labor laws and has been approved by both parties. The cost of the salary increase and other benefits is estimated at around $380,000 for the city.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a high-energy radio advertisement!

Are you ready to celebrate success and recognize hard work? The City of Arcata is thrilled to announce the approval of the Successor Memorandum of Understanding between the City and International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 3!
Get ready to rock and roll with a 5% base salary increase, 3% longevity increases, and even more benefits for our hardworking employees. Plus, the City will cover 100% of the premium increase in our medical plans for the upcoming year.
Join us in celebrating this achievement and supporting our dedicated workforce. Let’s keep the energy high and the momentum going strong!
Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity for growth and recognition. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to make some noise for our amazing team at the City of Arcata!
This message has been approved by the City of Arcata and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local No. 3. Let’s keep the positivity flowing and the success growing! Thank you for your continued support.
— LoCOBot
J. 4435 : Adopt Resolution No. 234-53, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Establishing and Authorizing Supplemental Compensation and Benefits for Management and Confidential Employees [to Reflect Revisions and Additions]; and Adopt Resolution No. 234-54, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending the Class and Pay Resolution—Management, Mid-Management, Confidential & Appointed Employees [to Reflect a 5% Salary Increase Effective First Full Pay Period After A
The City Council is considering a proposal to increase the salaries and benefits of management and confidential employees in the city. This proposal includes a 5% salary increase for the first full pay period after approval, as well as future increases for the following fiscal years. The council is recommending the adoption of two resolutions to authorize these changes. The proposal also includes adjustments to longevity payments and health insurance premiums. The estimated cost of these changes to the city is $550,000 over the next three years.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an Elizabethan sonnet!

Oh, City Council, grant thy loyal employees
A boon of wealth and benefits to hold
In Resolution No. 234-53, decrees
Supplemental compensation bold
For Management and Confidential, declare
A 5% raise to grace their pay each year
With future increases planned with care
To show thy gratitude and cheer
Longevity bonuses to be bestowed
Health insurance premium costs shall be borne
By thee, O Council, with a generous code
To keep thy workers happy and adorn
Thus, with Resolution No. 234-53’s might
Thy employees shall revel in delight.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Resolution 234-53 2024-2027 Mgt and Conf • B. Reso 234-54 Mgt_Conf Class and Pay
K. 4448 : Adopt Resolution No. 234-59 Proclaiming June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Pride Month in the City of Arcata and Authorizing the Rainbow Pride Flag to be Flown on the Flagpole at Arcata City Hall During the Month of June.
The City of Arcata is recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution to proclaim June as LGBTQ+ Pride Month and authorize the flying of the Pride Flag at City Hall during that month. This is meant to show support for the LGBTQ+ community in response to anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and actions. The cost of flying the flag can be absorbed by the City’s operational budget.
— LoCOBot

Pokemon Duel:
In the spirit of LGBTQ+ Pride Month, two Pokemon trainers, Ash and Misty, decide to battle in a friendly Pokemon duel to celebrate and show their support for the community.
Ash sends out his Jolteon, a Pokemon known for its speed and electrical abilities. Misty counters with her Vaporeon, a water-type Pokemon with powerful water attacks.
The battle begins with Jolteon using Thunderbolt to strike Vaporeon with a powerful electric shock. Vaporeon retaliates with Hydro Pump, sending a blast of water crashing towards Jolteon.
The two Pokemon continue to exchange attacks, each showcasing their strengths and resilience. Jolteon uses Thunder Wave to paralyze Vaporeon, but Vaporeon fights back with Aqua Ring to heal itself.
As the battle intensifies, both trainers cheer on their Pokemon, proud of their strength and determination. In the end, after a fierce and exciting battle, Jolteon emerges victorious, but both trainers know that the real winner is the message of love and acceptance they have shown through their duel.
With smiles on their faces, Ash and Misty shake hands and vow to continue supporting LGBTQ+ rights and standing up for equality and inclusion in their community.
— LoCOBot
L. 4440 : Continue the Gateway Area Plan and Gateway Code Item to July 17th, 2024.
At a recent City Council meeting, the Director of Community Development recommended to continue the discussion on the Gateway Area Plan and Gateway Code to July 17th, 2024. The Council decided to do so during a Public Hearing on May 29th, 2024. It is important to refer to the staff report from the previous meeting for more information.
— LoCOBot
… or, as smack talk from a professional wrestler!

Listen up, Mayor and City Council Members! It’s me, David Loya, Director of Community Development, and I’m here to remind you all that the Gateway Area Plan and Gateway Code Item ain’t going away. We’re continuing this showdown to July 17th, 2024, and there ain’t no escaping it. So mark your calendars and prepare yourselves for another round of intense public hearings. You thought you could dodge this, but I’m here to make sure you face the music. See you all in the ring on July 17th!
— LoCOBot
A. 4428 : Place Transactions and Use Tax Measure on Ballot for November 5, 2024.
Tabatha Miller, the Finance Director, is recommending that the City Council should place a three-quarters of one cent addition to the city’s Transactions and Use Tax Measure on the ballot for the General Election on November 5, 2024. This would generate an estimated $2.6 million in revenue annually for the city’s general government purposes. The measure aims to maintain and improve essential city services and facilities, such as emergency response, services for homelessness, mental health programs, infrastructure maintenance, and more. The estimated cost of placing the tax measure on the ballot is $8,300. If approved by voters, the tax measure would require public spending disclosure, citizens’ oversight, annual audits, and all funds would be used locally.
— LoCOBot

The interview room was buzzing with tension as the candidates for the Finance Director position at the city council meeting sat nervously awaiting their turn to speak. Tabatha Miller, the current Finance Director, sat stoically at the head of the table, ready to question each candidate.
First up was a candidate named David, who confidently walked up to the front of the room and introduced himself. Tabatha nodded politely and began the interview.
“Thank you for coming in today, David. Can you tell me about your experience with budget deficits and structural deficits in local government?”
David straightened up in his chair and began to explain how he had successfully managed budget deficits in his previous positions by implementing cost-saving measures and increasing revenue through strategic budget planning. He confidently detailed his knowledge of the challenges faced by local governments and how he had overcome them in the past.
Tabatha listened intently, nodding occasionally as David spoke. She then moved on to the next question.
“Given the city’s current financial situation, how would you approach the proposed sales tax measure on the ballot for November 5, 2024?”
David leaned forward, eager to impress. He explained how he would work closely with the city council to develop a comprehensive strategy for promoting the measure to voters. He emphasized the importance of transparency and public engagement in order to gain support for the tax increase.
As the interview progressed, David answered each question confidently and with a deep understanding of financial challenges facing local governments. Tabatha was impressed by his knowledge and experience, and made a note to consider him as a strong contender for the position.
After the interview concluded, David thanked Tabatha for the opportunity and exited the room with a sense of satisfaction. Tabatha sat back in her chair, contemplating the candidates she had interviewed so far.
As the next candidate entered the room, Tabatha mentally prepared herself for another round of intense questioning. The city’s financial future lay in the hands of the Finance Director, and she was determined to find the right candidate to lead the city through the challenges ahead.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Resolution No. 234-52 • B. Attachment "A" Ordinance No. 1570 • C. California County and City Sales and Use Tax Rates
B. 4444 : Adopt an Amended Resolution No. 234-43, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Waiving the 180-Day Waiting Period for a CalPERS Annuitant [Danette Demello] to Begin Post-Retirement Employment [Government Code Sections 7522.56 & 21224].
The city council is being asked to approve a resolution to allow a retired city employee, Danette Demello, to return to work before the usual 180-day waiting period after retirement. This is because the city has critical deadlines and a heavy workload that current staff cannot handle. Danette Demello has the experience needed to complete important projects for the city. The cost of her part-time employment will be covered by the City Manager’s Office budget.
— LoCOBot

My beloved congregation, today I stand before you to share a situation that has arisen in our city that requires our attention and support. As we have heard from the recent staff report at the City Council meeting, our Assistant City Manager, Danette Demello, has retired from her position effective April 12, 2024. However, due to critical deadlines and significant workload demands within our city, there is a need for her expertise and experience to assist in completing important projects that are currently at risk of not being completed in a timely manner.
In accordance with the Public Employee Pension Reform Act of 2013, there is a 180-day waiting period for public agency retirees before they can return to work for a CalPERS public agency. However, this waiting period can be waived by the City Council under certain circumstances, such as when there is a crucial need for a retired annuitant to assist with important projects that cannot be completed by existing staff.
Danette Demello has served our city diligently as the Assistant City Manager since 2006, bringing with her over thirty years of experience in public sector personnel work. Her knowledge, expertise, and management skills have been invaluable to our city, particularly in managing complex personnel projects and administrative functions. With critical deadlines looming and existing staff unable to complete the necessary tasks, Danette Demello has agreed to make herself available to work on a part-time basis after retirement to assist the City.
As a church community, we are called to support and help those in need, and in this case, our city is in need of our support to ensure that important projects are completed in a timely manner. By adopting the Amended Resolution No. 234-43 to waive the 180-day waiting period for Danette Demello’s post-retirement employment, we can ensure that the necessary tasks are completed and that our city continues to thrive and prosper.
Let us come together in prayer and support for our city and its leaders as they navigate this situation. Let us extend our hands in solidarity and cooperation to ensure that our community remains strong and united. May God’s guiding light shine upon us as we work towards a common goal of serving and uplifting our city.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Amended Resolution No. 234-43 Waiving CalPERS 180-day Waiting Period • B. Amended Employment Contract Danette Demello
C. 4441 : Consider Adoption of the General Plan Comprehensive Update with the Exception of the Gateway Area Plan.
The Director of Community Development is recommending that the City Council consider adopting a comprehensive update to the General Plan, with the exception of the Gateway Area Plan. The Council is advised to accept public comment, provide any necessary direction to the staff, and confirm the action to continue the public hearing to a certain date for formal action at a regular meeting. The Council cannot officially adopt the General Plan until after the Environmental Impact Report is certified. Additional information can be found in the agenda packet from the May 29, 2024, meeting.
— LoCOBot

🏛️🌳🚧 Exciting news from the City Council Meeting staff report! Director of Community Development, David Loya, has recommended the adoption of the General Plan Comprehensive Update with the exception of the Gateway Area Plan.
📢🗣️ The Council aims to:
1️⃣ Accept public comments
2️⃣ Provide necessary direction to staff
3️⃣ Confirm the continuation of the public hearing to a date certain for formal action at a regular Council Meeting on May 29, 2024.
🏘️🌿 The General Plan 2045 updates have been a hot topic, and this additional opportunity for discussion allows for further insight and clarity on the proposed changes. Stay tuned for updates!
📚🔍 For more background information on this agenda item, be sure to check out the May 29, 2024, special City Council meeting agenda packet at https://arcataca.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx. Let’s stay informed and engaged in the future development of our city! #CommunityDevelopment #CityCouncilMeeting #ArcataCA
— LoCOBot
A. 4437 : Adopt Resolution No. 234-57 Calling for a General Municipal Election to be Held November 5, 2024, and Consider Appointing a Subcommittee to Draft Arguments in Favor of the Transactions and Use Tax (TUT) Measure.
The city council is recommending to hold a general municipal election on November 5, 2024, and to appoint a subcommittee to draft arguments in favor of a Transactions and Use Tax ballot measure. The election will also include the election of three City Council members. Arguments for and against ballot measures can be submitted by various individuals or groups, and the council may appoint a subcommittee to draft arguments for the TUT measure. The cost of the election is estimated to be around $20,500.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a conversation between Beavis and Butt-head!

Beavis: Uh, hey Butt-head, did you hear about this city council meeting thing happening in Arcata?
Butt-head: Uhh, no Beavis. What’s going on?
Beavis: Well, they’re like, having a general municipal election in November, and they want the Humboldt County Office of Elections to conduct it.
Butt-head: Uh, that sounds pretty important. Are they, like, electing new city council members or something?
Beavis: Yeah, they’re electing three new council members for four year terms. And they’re also gonna have some ballot measures for the voters to decide on.
Butt-head: Cool. I wonder if we can, like, run for city council or something.
Beavis: Uh, I don’t know Butt-head. We’d have to, like, move to Arcata first.
Butt-head: Oh yeah, true. Hey, did you hear about this Transactions and Use Tax measure they’re gonna have on the ballot?
Beavis: Yeah, they want the council to appoint a subcommittee to draft arguments in favor of it. Sounds kinda boring.
Butt-head: Yeah, I don’t really get taxes and stuff. But hey, at least they have a budget for the election. Could be pretty expensive.
Beavis: Yeah, it cost like $11,785.77 for the last election. But they have $20,500 budgeted for this one.
Butt-head: That’s a lot of money. Hey Beavis, I wonder if they’re gonna have nachos at the city council meeting.
Beavis: Uh, I doubt it Butt-head. But we could, like, go and watch the meeting for fun. Maybe we’ll learn something about politics.
Butt-head: Yeah, maybe. Or we could just, like, watch TV instead. Political stuff is boring.
Beavis: Yeah, you’re right. Let’s just watch TV. Politics sucks. Heh heh.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Resolution No. 234-57 Calling for Election Nov 5, 2024 • B. Instructions for Arguments
B. Receive an Update from the Arcata School District Regarding District Developer Fee Consideration.
A. Confirm the June 12, 2024, Special City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber to Discuss and Adopt the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Budget.