Sunday, Oct. 18

Top Events!
(Look ahead!)
Boeing Boeing
Ferndale Repertory Theatre
/ 2-4:30 p.m.
/ $16
/ $14 Students
Final Weekend! “It’s the 1960s, and swinging bachelor Bernard couldn’t be happier: a flat in Paris and three gorgeous stewardesses all engaged to him without knowing about each other.”
/ Web site
All Events!
Breakfast in Bayside
Bayside Grange
/ 8 a.m.-noon
With the local Irish band the Vanishing Pints and mimosas!
/ Web site
Change 4 Change
Eureka Natural Foods, Eureka
/ 8 a.m.
/ Free
All shoppers will have the option to round-up their purchase and donate the change to Friends of the Dunes.
/ Web site
Wildlife Refuge Paddle Tour
Humboldt State University, Center Activities
/ 9 a.m.
/ $45
Join us for a unique and scenic paddle tour in the southern end of Humboldt Bay which is part of the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
/ Web site
Taijiquan & Qigong
Paul Gales Chinese Martial Arts Association
/ 10-11 a.m.
/ $50
/ $50 weekend
/ $15 session
/ 18+
Combining Taijiquan postures, qigong, and meditation, Javier will lead you through a series of solo and partner drills designed to release the mind, preserve health, and engage the spirit.
Women on the Water
Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center
/ 10 a.m.
/ $30
/ $20 HSU Students
This paddle class will be led by our experienced and professional female guiding staff geared toward other women seeking basic kayaking knowledge.
American Craft in Mendocino
Odd Fellows Hall
/ 10 a.m.-6 p.m.
/ Free
Featured work will include: contemporary quilt and fiber arts, glass, ceramics, basketry, jewelry, encaustic…
Beer Brewing
Humboldt State University, Center Activities
/ 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
/ $50
This one-day seminar is an intermediate home-brewing course that will cover a variety of topics associated with all-grain brewing, including some advanced techniques.
/ Web site
EMT Skills Verification
Humboldt State University, Center Activities
/ 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
/ $75
Those who need their Skills Verification List checked off may participate during the last day of the EMT Refresher class.
/ Web site
Lego Club
Redwood Discovery Museum
/ 12:30 p.m.-2 p.m.
/ $5
/ Free Members
Legos for younger kids and older kids!
/ Web site
Humboldt Hard Court Bike Polo
Highland Park
/ 1 p.m.
/ Free
Like horse polo minus the stable fees.
/ Web site
Aber Miller Trio
Morris Graves Museum of Art
/ 3-5 p.m.
/ $5
/ $2 seniors/students
/ Free MGMA members/children
Local jazz.
/ Web site
Dead Tree Presents
Eureka Veterans Hall
/ 6-10 p.m.
/ $6
“Humboldt County noizzzzzzzzze punk for your eye holes.”
Cuban Salsa (Rueda de Casino)
Redwood Raks World Dance Studio
/ 7-9 p.m.
/ $7
/ $40 6 week series
Salsa rueda is a circle of couples dancing changing partners to patterns called out in Spanish or shown with hand signals. Sponsored by Humboldt Folk Dancers.
/ Web site
Karaoke w/ KJ Leonard
Blue Lake Casino Hotel
/ 8 p.m.
When selecting your song, please keep in mind your audience would like to dance.
/ Web site
Karaoke w/ Chris Clay
Cher-Ae Heights Casino
/ 8 p.m.
Your Lowdown will go on the record as saying that Chris Clay is Humboldt’s most pro karaoke jockey. We know this stuff.
/ Web site
Karaoke Idol
Shooters Off Broadway
/ 9 p.m.
/ Free
/ 21+
Come on down and sing your heart out!
Deep Groove Society
The Jam
/ 9 p.m.
/ 21+
Chill out your Sundaze.
/ Web site
Karaoke Nights
The Miniplex at Richards’ Goat Tavern
/ 9:30 p.m.
/ 21+
With your host DJ Matty G LOL <3.
/ Web site
Movie Showtimes
Broadway Cinema
- 99 HOMES: 1:30, 7:00
- BRIDGE OF SPIES: 11:55, 3:00, 6:05, 8:00, 9:10
- CRIMSON PEAK: 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20
- EVEREST 2D: 4:10
- GOOSEBUMPS 2D: 12:05, 1:10, 2:45, 5:25, 9:00
- GOOSEBUMPS 3D: 3:50, 6:25
- HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 2D: 12:00, 1:00, 3:25, 5:45, 8:05
- INTERN: 12:20, 3:10, 6:00, 8:50
- MARTIAN 2D: 2:10, 5:20, 8:30
- MARTIAN 3D: 12:10, 9:05
- PAN 2D: 12:15, 3:05, 5:55
- PAN 3D: 8:35
- SICARIO: 12:55, 3:45, 6:35, 9:25
- VISIT: 9:35
- WALK 3D: 3:15
- WOODLAWN: 11:50, 2:40, 5:35, 8:25
Mill Creek Cinema
- BRIDGE OF SPIES: 12:00, 3:10, 5:45, 8:55
- CRIMSON PEAK: 12:45, 3:35, 6:25, 9:15
- GOOSEBUMPS 2D: 12:30, 3:05, 6:20
- HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 2D: 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9:05
- INTERN: 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20
- MARTIAN 2D: 11:55, 5:50
- MARTIAN 3D: 3:00, 8:50
- PAN 2D: 12:20, 3:15, 9:00
- PAN 3D: 6:10
- SICARIO: 8:35
- WALK 2D: 2:50
Minor Theatre
- GRANDMA: 2:45, 9:30
- HE NAMED ME MALALA: 12:35, 7:20
- MARTIAN 2D: 12:00, 3:00, 6:05, 9:10
- SICARIO: 1:00, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20