Humboldt County’s Interim Human Resources Director Resigns

Ryan Burns / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 3:08 p.m. / Local Government

Humboldt County’s interim human resources director, Darlene “Dar” Rhodes, has resigned after just three months and a week on the job.

Rhodes didn’t give the county a whole lot of notice. According to Deputy County Administrative Officer Sean Quincey she submitted her notice of resignation this past Tuesday with an effective date of Sunday, Feb. 27 — i.e. yesterday. Quincey said she left to take another position. 

Rhodes, a human resources consultant with the firm MRG, stepped into Humboldt County’s (interim) head HR gig back in November, after previous Human Resources Director Linda Le resigned for health reasons. Le had been in the position for less than a year and a half.

It was a tumultuous time for a new HR director come onboard: The Board of Supervisors had recently voted to move payroll processing from the HR department back under the Auditor-Controller’s Office, where the task had resided until the board moved it in 2018. The transition was poorly planned and not yet complete. During Rhodes’ brief tenure, the process has proved messy.

The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will formalize Rhodes’ resignation and decide on next steps at its March 8 meeting. In the meantime, Assistant Human Resources Director Zachary O’Hanen will serve as director.


McGuire and Bipartisan Coalition of Legislators Introduce Bill to Divest State Funds from Russia

LoCO Staff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 1:27 p.m. / Government

Press release from Senator Mike McGuire’s office:

Senate Majority Leader Mike McGuire and a broad, bipartisan coalition of California State Legislators will be introducing legislation to divest state public funds from Russia and Russian-state entities following the unprovoked war against Ukraine.

While the Federal Government has taken swift and aggressive action advancing unprecedented sanctions against Russia and its leaders, California is the world’s fifth largest economy and enhanced action taken by the State could help the people of Ukraine by putting additional financial pressure on the already beaten-up Russian economy.

“The world is watching the atrocities taking place in Ukraine. It’s sickening,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “We must stand strong for the people of Ukraine. That’s why we all must mobilize to stop Russia in its tracks. California has unique and remarkable economic power in this circumstance. As the fifth largest economy in the world, we must use this power for good. We can help stop this autocratic thug, Putin, by advancing this critical legislation and enacting our own financial divestments.”

Senate Majority Leader McGuire and the legislative coalition will be advancing a bill that will call on all state agencies, including the Golden State’s massive pension funds, CalPERS and CalSTRS, to divest from any and all Russian assets immediately.

It’s believed California has Russian investments exceeding over $1 billion, primarily in its pension funds. At this point there can be no excuse to invest in and support Putin, his oligarchs, and the Russian economy. 

Russia’s economy, not even in the top 10 of world economies, is one of their big pressure points and California should use its power to exert influence where it can.

The delegation will also ask private companies based in California to divest their investments in the Russian economy. In addition, the legislation would block the awarding of state contracts to any company that is conducting business with Russia.

This bill is supported by a broad and growing bipartisan coalition of Senators and Assemblymembers, including: Senators Susan Eggman, Scott Wiener, Dave Cortese, Bill Dodd, Tom Umberg, and Susan Rubio; and Assemblymembers Kevin Mullin, Suzette Martinez Valladares, Jesse Gabriel, Evan Low, Phil Ting, Jim Wood, Marc Berman, Chad Mayes, Jordan Cunningham, Cristina Garcia, Laurie Davies, Cottie Petrie-Norris, Randy Voepel, and Miguel Santiago.

Assistant Senate Majority Leader Susan Eggman said: “Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine is a threat to democratic freedoms and global stability. The loss of life to satisfy the ego of a fragile tyrant is unconscionable and there must be consequences. This legislation builds upon the strong economic sanctions being pursued by the Biden Administration and our allies.”

Assembly Speaker pro Tempore Kevin Mullin said: “As the fifth largest economy in the world, California cannot stand on the sidelines while this rise of authoritarianism threatens democracy and freedom around the globe. The aggression of Vladimir Putin against Ukraine demands severe sanctions and I am in full support of California taking aggressive steps to divest from Russian assets and financial institutions. I am proud to co-author this legislation and the significant message it conveys.”

Chair of the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee Senator Dave Cortese said: “As a state, it is our responsibility to ensure we are not fueling this global crisis that has caused tremendous human suffering. I hope that other governments follow California’s lead in standing for peace and taking swift action against this unjustified attack on Ukraine.”

Senator Scott Wiener said: “Putin is a brutal fascist dictator. His attempted conquest of Ukraine is an extreme violation of international law and is creating a humanitarian disaster. We must not allow this destructive invasion — which will have long-term consequences for peace and security in Europe — to stand. California should not in any way support Putin’s corrupt oligarchy. We must divest now.”

Senator Bill Dodd said: “California stands with the Ukrainian people. It gives me no joy to sanction Russia, but the terrible invasion and murder of Ukrainian civilians by Vladimir Putin demand it. I call on other states and businesses follow suit - we must hold Russia accountable and help our  Ukrainian brothers and sisters.”

Assemblymember Suzette Martinez Valladares said: “Like Californians across the state, I am disgusted by Putin’s thuggish and unlawful invasion of Ukraine. I’m proud to co-author this bill, which will leverage California’s economic strength to put significant pressure on Russia and support our friends in Ukraine. California’s state agencies and public pensions cannot help fund a dictator’s attempts to take over sovereign nations.”

Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham said: “An unprovoked and illegal invasion of a sovereign nation is grounds for divestment. California must stand with the people of Ukraine.”

Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel said: “As the world’s fifth largest economy and home to many of the world’s most iconic companies, California is perfectly positioned to inflict tremendous economic pain on the Putin regime. Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked attack on Ukraine demands a swift and severe response. This legislation makes clear that California will use its full economic and political power to reinforce U.S. and international sanctions, and that the Golden State will stand proudly with our international partners and the Ukrainian people at this difficult moment.”

Vehicle Pursuit in the Wee Hours of Sunday Ends With One Arrested, Sheriff’s Office Says

LoCO Staff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 11:36 a.m. / Crime

Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

On Feb. 27, 2022, at about 3:07 a.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies conducted a suspicious vehicle investigation in the area of Tish Tang Road and Highway 96, near Hoopa.

During this investigation, the vehicle fled from deputies and a pursuit ensued. Deputies pursued the vehicle for approximately 20 minutes, with the assistance of the Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department. The vehicle yielded on Mill Creek Road and the driver of the vehicle, 40-year-old Charles Albert Kelley, was taken into custody. An adult female passenger was given a courtesy transport to Willow Creek where she was then released.

Kelley was booked into the Humboldt County Correctional Facility on charges of evading a peace officer (VC 2800.2).

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Hoopa Valley Tribal Police Department for their assistance with this investigation.

Anyone with information about this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) 268-2539.

California Set to End School Mask Mandate

Andrew Goff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 11:16 a.m. / COVID-19 and Humboldt

The end | Unsplash

As the Omicron surge and COVID-related hospitalizations subside, indoor masking will cease being mandatory in California, Oregon and Washington schools and childcare facilities after March 11, according to a statement released Monday morning by the the office of Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Gov. Newsom’s release also states that, beginning March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated folks in most indoor settings. 

Read the whole Governor’s statement below:

With declining case rates and hospitalizations across the West, California, Oregon and Washington are moving together to update their masking guidance. After 11:59 p.m. on March 11, California, Oregon and Washington will adopt new indoor mask policies and move from mask requirements to mask recommendations in schools.

State policies do not change federal requirements, which still include masks on public transit.

Statement from California Governor Gavin Newsom: “California continues to adjust our policies based on the latest data and science, applying what we’ve learned over the past two years to guide our response to the pandemic. Masks are an effective tool to minimize spread of the virus and future variants, especially when transmission rates are high. We cannot predict the future of the virus, but we are better prepared for it and will continue to take measures rooted in science to keep California moving forward.”

In California, starting March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated individuals, but will be strongly recommended for all individuals in most indoor settings. After March 11, in schools and child care facilities, masks will not be required but will be strongly recommended. Masks will still be required for everyone in high transmission settings like public transit, emergency shelters, health care settings, correctional facilities, homeless shelters and long-term care facilities. As always, local jurisdictions may have additional requirements beyond the state guidance.

Narcan-Packing Deputies Save Man Overdosing in Downtown Garberville Early This Morning, Sheriff’s Office Says

LoCO Staff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 11:01 a.m. / Emergencies

Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

Two Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies saved the life of a man experiencing an opioid overdose emergency this morning in Garberville.

On Feb. 28, 2022, at about 12:48 a.m., sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the 800 block of Redwood Drive for the report of an unresponsive male lying outside of a business.

Based upon deputies’ training, the man was determined to be experiencing an opioid overdose emergency. Deputies administered three doses of nasal Narcan, an opioid antagonist, and the man was successfully revived. He was then transported to a local hospital for further medical treatment.

Symptoms of an opioid overdose include: unconsciousness, limp body, extreme drowsiness, slow, shallow, irregular or no breathing, pale, blue, cold and/or clammy skin, choking, snoring, or gurgling sounds, slow or no heartbeat, and very small or “pinpoint” pupils. In the event of an overdose, Narcan can be administered and can reverse the effects of overdose and prevent death. Narcan is available to the public at no cost at the following locations:

  • Department of Health and Human Services
    908 7th Street, Eureka

  • Humboldt Area Center for Harm Reduction
    924 5th Street, Eureka

  • Redwood Rural Health Center
    101 West Coast Road, Redway

If someone you know is experiencing an overdose, call 9-1-1 immediately.

Anyone with information about this case or the illegal sale of opioids in Humboldt County is encouraged to call the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) 268-2539.

In a Chase, K9 Officer Helps Catch Man Wanted in Connected to Attempted Arcata Homicide

LoCO Staff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 9:48 a.m. / Crime

Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

On Feb. 27, 2022, at about 3 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies served an arrest warrant on a man wanted by the Arcata Police Department in connection to an attempted homicide investigation.

The suspect, 27-year-old Jesse Allen Beer, was believed to be camping in the Essex area. Deputies located Beer at a campsite near North Bank Road. Upon seeing deputies, Beer fled. After a brief foot pursuit, Beer was taken into custody with the assistance of HCSO K9 Yahtzee.

Beer was booked into the Humboldt County Correctional Facility on charges of attempted murder (PC 664/187(a)), assault likely to produce great bodily injury (PC 245(a)(4)), use of a deadly weapon – special allegation (PC 12022(b)(1)), causing great bodily injury in commission of a felony (PC 12022.7(a)), conspiracy to commit a crime (PC 182(a)(1)), possession of a stolen vehicle (PC 496d(a)), possession of burglary tools (PC 466), possession of a controlled substance (HS 11377(a)), resisting a peace officer (PC 148(a)(1)), first degree burglary (PC 459/461(a)), vandalism (PC 594(b)(1)), grand theft (PC 487(a)), possession of burglary tools (PC 466) and possession of a controlled substance paraphernalia (HS 11364(a)).

For more information regarding this case, please contact the Arcata Police Department.

MONDAYS WITH MICHAELE: I Left My Heart in Ferndale

LoCO Staff / Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 @ 8:45 a.m. / Mondays With Michaele

Humboldt’s President of Positivity just can’t get enough of the Eel River Valley! That’s why she’s kicking off the week with a little trip down Ferndale’s Main Street with her pal Lisa. After a quick stop at Chapman’s Bookery and More, they veer off the main strip to go admire The Gingerbread Mansion, unquestionably one of Humboldt most beloved historic buildings. What a treat!

Be like Michaele and make sure you get out and have yourself a little Humboldt adventure this week. Who knows? You might just run into her in real life instead of online. Ciao Bella!

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