LoCOBot / @ 1:50 p.m. / Agendizer

Humboldt County Planning Commission
May 4, 2023, 6 p.m.






1. Review and approval of the April 20, 2023, Action Summary:

2. Humboldt Heritage Management LLC; Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number (APN): 220-091-022 Record Number; PLN-12076-CUP Whitethorn Area

3. NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc. Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 210-101-011-000 Record No.

The County of Humboldt is considering issuing a Conditional Use Permit to NorCal 420 Patient Collective for a commercial cannabis cultivation site in the Dinsmore area. The project includes 32,100 square feet of cultivation, primarily from light deprivation and mixed light, as well as space for ancillary nursery and processing. The site is accessible from a private road off Highway 36 and has a current water storage capacity of 75,675 gallons, which the applicant plans to increase to 195,000 gallons. The project is predicted to require 185,000 gallons of irrigation per year and will initially utilize a generator for power but is expected to transition to renewable energy. The project has been referred to various agencies, most of which have either recommended approval or have not commented. The Planning Commission is being asked to adopt a resolution approving the project with recommended conditions of approval.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a fantasy story!

In the county of Humboldt, something strange was happening in the Dinsmore area. The NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc. had applied for a Conditional Use Permit for commercial cannabis cultivation, and the Planning Commission was set to meet and discuss it on 5/4/2023. The details of the project were outlined in File #: 23-602, which stated that there were 32,100 square feet of existing cultivation consisting of light deprivation, outdoor, and mixed light, along with an ancillary nursery space and mother stock propagation.

What made the project even more unusual was that the primary irrigation water source was an onsite rainwater catchment pond, with the current water storage capacity being 75,675 gallons. The proposed water storage was much larger, at 195,000 gallons, with an anticipated irrigation water need of 185,000 gallons. Additionally, processing would be performed onsite, and up to nine employees were expected for operations. The power source was initially a generator, but the project was conditioned to transition to renewable energy.

As the Planning Commission discussed the project, rumors began to spread throughout the county that something otherworldly was happening on the NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc.’s property. There were stories of glowing plants and strange noises emanating from the site, as well as reports of sightings of creatures that could only be described as magical.

Many residents were afraid and wanted to stop the project from going forward, but others were curious and wanted to know what was really happening behind the gates of the NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc. There were also those who believed that the project was a positive step forward for the county and supported it wholeheartedly.

Ultimately, the Planning Commission adopted the resolution and approved the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the recommended conditions of approval. However, the strange happenings on the NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc.’s property continued, and soon the truth was revealed: the cannabis cultivation project was not just a regular operation, but a front for a group of magical beings who were using the plants to create powerful potions and spells.

The NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc.’s employees were not just humans, but a mix of witches, wizards, and other magical creatures who had found a way to harness the power of cannabis for their purposes. The glowing plants and strange noises were just a side-effect of their magical experiments.

The news spread like wildfire throughout the county, and soon people were no longer afraid of the NorCal 420 Patient Collective, Inc.’s project – they were fascinated by it. The company became a tourist attraction, with people flocking to see the magical plants and learn more about the potions and spells being created there. The employees even began giving tours and teaching classes on herbalism and magic.

In the end, what had started as a controversial cannabis cultivation project turned into something much more enchanting and unexpected. And the county of Humboldt, known for its natural beauty and vibrant cannabis culture, became a hub for both magic and marijuana.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - ResolutionAttachment 1A - Conditions of ApprovalAttachment 1B - Cultivation and Operations Plan 04.24.2023Attachment 1C - Site Plan 04.24.2023Attachment 2 - Location MapsAttachment 3 - CEQA AddendumAttachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required FindingsAttachment 4A - final LSAA and amendment.docxAttachment 4B - Site Management PlanAttachment 4C - Timber Restocking PlanAttachment 4D - 12778 Biological Assessment 3.21.22Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and RecommendationsAttachment 5A - Department of Environmental Health CommentsAttachment 5B - Department of Public Works CommentsAttachment 6 - Public CommentAttachment 7 - Watershed map

4. Peach Tree LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 208-251-008 Record No.

The Planning and Building Department of the County of Humboldt has recommended that the Planning Commission approve a Conditional Use Permit for Peach Tree LLC for cannabis cultivation in the Dinsmore area. The project includes 6,800 square feet of existing outdoor and mixed light commercial cannabis cultivation with a 1,360 square foot ancillary nursery. The irrigation will be sourced from a jurisdictional spring and proposed rainwater catchment with a proposed hard tank storage of 100,000 gallons. The power will be provided by two generators and processing will be done off site. The project includes onsite relocation and restoration of cultivation areas and will be recommended to transition to renewable energy. The project has been referred to several agencies, and all recommended approval or conditional approval. The project is consistent with the County’s Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 18-43, which established a limit on the number of permits and acres which may be approved in each of the County’s Planning Watersheds. The project is within the historic aboriginal territory of the Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, and although a survey was not needed, the standard inadvertent discovery protocol was requested and has been incorporated into the project as a condition of approval.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an Elizabethan sonnet!

To the Planning Commission doth this report,
Of Peach Tree LLC’s Conditional Use,
For cannabis cultivation they exhort,
A project that doth much water produce.

Irrigation sourced from spring and rain catchment,
A grand total of one hundred thousand,
Gallons stored in tanks, no water displacement,
And annual usage one hundred thirty grand.

Generators provide power, processing offsite,
Relocation of cultivation areas included,
To renewable energy they will soon take flight,
And with these conditions, this plan is concluded.

With biological and access concerns addressed,
The Planning Commission may grant this request.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - 12355 Draft ResolutionAttachment 1A - Conditions of ApprovalAttachment 1B - 12355 Operations PlanAttachment 1B.1 - 12355 Operations Plan AddendumAttachment 1C - 12355 Site PlanAttachment 2 - 12355 Map SetAttachment 3 - 12355 CEQA Addendum to MNDAttachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of FindingsAttachment 4A - 12355 Timberland Conversion EvaluationAttachment 4B - 12355 Biological AssessmentAttachment 4C - 12355 Road EvaluationAttachment 4D - 12355 FAA Determination LetterAttachment 5 - Referral Agency CommentsAttachment 6 - Watershed Map

5. Hornstein Final Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Number (APN): 500-091-047 Application Number

The County of Humboldt is discussing an extension to a subdivision project in the Arcata area. The project involves dividing a 75-acre parcel into three smaller parcels with specific acreages. The extension does not propose any changes to the original project, and conditions of approval from the original project continue. The Planning and Building Department recommends approving the extension. The project has gone through environmental review, and no changes have been made since it was initially approved in 2019. The extension, if approved, will expire on August 5, 2024.

— LoCOBot

… or, as Schoolhouse Rock!

Verse 1:
In the County of Humboldt,
there’s a meeting on the way
For the Planning Commission,
on May 4th, 2023

They’ll be discussing Hornstein
Final Map Subdivision Extension
No changes to the original plan
Just a two year time extension

Verse 2:
The property is located
In the Arcata area
And once the division is done
There’ll be three parcels to spare

They’ll be discussing Hornstein
Final Map Subdivision Extension
No changes to the original plan
Just a two year time extension

Verse 3:
An on-site wastewater system
Will serve each new parcel made
And the existing shared water system
Will continue to pervade

They’ll be discussing Hornstein
Final Map Subdivision Extension
No changes to the original plan
Just a two year time extension

Verse 4:
The Planning Commission
Will consider and adopt
A Mitigated Negative Declaration
So no further review is sought

They’ll be discussing Hornstein
Final Map Subdivision Extension
No changes to the original plan
Just a two year time extension

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - Draft Resolution 5.4.23Attachment 1A - Original Conditions of ApprovalAttachment 1B - Public Works COAAttachment 1C - Tentative Map and Site Plan



1. Review and approval of the April 06, 2023, Action Summary:

2. Natures Jar, Inc. Special Permits Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 095-201-005 & 095-041-013 Record No.

The County is holding a meeting about giving a company called Natures Jar, Inc. special permits to grow commercial cannabis in Weott. The company plans to use light-deprivation techniques without supplemental lights, and they will have two harvests per year. They will use 72,750 gallons of water per year, which will come from a permitted well, a point of diversion, and rain catchment water tanks. The drying and curing of the cannabis will take place on-site, but trimming will happen off-site. The company will have up to two full-time employees and use one generator for the well pump. They plan to switch to 100% solar power. The Planning Commission will need to adopt a resolution to approve the special permits subject to conditions of approval. The project is located on both sides of Sunny Lane in Weott and past timberland was converted for the cultivation area, which raises questions about the project’s environmental impact. The Bear River Band and Sinkyone Tribes’ ancestral territories will need to approve the project and appropriate disposal facilities will need to remove the historic guerrilla grow evidence from the site, restoring it to pre-cannabis conditions. There are no major concerns with permitting, and the project is consistent with the county’s Resolution No. 18-43.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!

Vem pra cá, é carnaval em Humboldt
Dia 5 de abril, vamos sambar e cantar
No encontro da Comissão de Planejamento
Em Weott, vamos nos divertir sem parar

Natures Jar, Inc. pede permissão especial
Para o cultivo comercial de cannabis ao ar livre
Com técnicas de luz controlada e sem luz artificial
E 790 pés quadrados para propagação, meu livre

Redução da restrição de terras públicas foi solicitada
Pela proximidade do Parque Estadual Humboldt Redwoods
Com histórica área de cultivo retirada e realocada
Para local mais adequado ao meio ambiente, sem trovões

Irrigação vem de um poço e de pontos de desvio
E até 50.000 galões de captação de água da chuva
O uso anual estimado de água é de 72.750, nosso amigo
E a energia é solar, sustentável, uma grande manobra

Secagem e cura serão feitas em contêineres no local
E a poda em instalação de processamento licenciada
O projeto prevê até dois empregados em geral
E foi considerada a Declaração Negativa Mitigada

Que a Comissão de Planejamento aprove a permissão especial
E adote a Resolução 23-__, com as devidas condições
Para que possamos curtir o carnaval em clima de paz e carnaval
No belo condado de Humboldt, sem discriminações

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - ResolutionAttachment 1A - Conditions of ApprovalAttachment 1B - 11494 Cultivation & Operations Plan 4.6.2023Attachment 1C - 11494 Site Plan 4.4.2023Attachment 2 - 11494 Location MapsAttachment 3 - CEQA AddendumAttachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required FindingsAttachment 4A - 11494 NOA 1.13.2021Attachment 4B - 11494 Well Assessment Report 12.9.22Attachment 4C - 11494 LSAA 10.28.2021Attachment 4D - 11494 Less-than-3-acre conversion exemptionAttachment 4E - 11494 Calfire Inspection letterAttachment 4F - 11494-WRPPAttachment 4G - 11494 Claimed Water Right S028521Attachment 4H - 11494 SIUR 1.13.2021Attachment 4I - 11494 Restoration Plan 11.9.2021Attachment 4J - 11494 Road Evaluation Report FormsAttachment 4K - 11494 Cultivation Area VerificationAttachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and RecommendationsAttachment 5A - 11494_ref_Building InspectionAttachment 5B - 11494_ref_Environmental HealthAttachment 5C - 11494_ref_Public WorksAttachment 5D - 11494-ref-CalFireAttachment 5E - 11494_ref_Division of Water RightsAttachment 6 - Watershed map




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