Chevron - Valley West Mini-Mart Routine Inspection
Ricos Tacos Taqueria Routine Inspection
Papa Murphy's - Arcata Routine Inspection
North Coast Eureka Co-Op (Food Est - Mermaid Sushi - MU) Routine Inspection
North Coast Eureka Co-Op (Food Est - Meat - MU) Routine Inspection
North Coast Eureka Co-Op (Food Est - Bulk, Produce & Grocery - MU) Routine Inspection
Katy's Smokehouse Routine Inspection
Smug's Pizza - Eureka Routine Inspection
River Song Natural Foods Routine Inspection
Miranda Market Routine Inspection
Harbor Lanes Routine Inspection
Early Bird Routine Inspection
Chevron - Willow Creek Mini-Mart + Aztec Grill Reinspection
Benbow Inn - Restaurant Routine Inspection
Denny's Restaurant #7449 - Eureka Routine Inspection
Brick & Fire Bistro dba 2 Doors Down Routine Inspection
Blue Lake Union Elementary School Routine Inspection
Redway Liquors Routine Inspection
Ray's Shop Smart #32 Redway Routine Inspection
Mike's Drive-Up Routine Inspection
Eureka Elks Lodge #652 Routine Inspection
Chevron - Willow Creek Mini-Mart + Aztec Grill Routine Inspection
Opera Alley Bistro CP - Change of Ownership
Baywood Golf & Country Club - Restaurant Routine Inspection
Winship Middle School Routine Inspection
Studio 299 - Center for the Arts Routine Inspection
Slice of Humboldt Pie Routine Inspection
Shotz Coffee - Rio Dell Routine Inspection
Shotz Coffee - Fortuna Routine Inspection
Village Pantry - Broadway Routine Inspection
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