Monday, Dec. 16

Monday’s Lowdown
Should you want to head out Monday, there is no shortage of stuff to do in your Lowdown below, but you could also stay in and watch Humboldt’s latest YouTube sensation.
If you’ve ever seen Dutch Savage perform standup, you’ll agree there was only so long the man’s funny could be contained by local, dimly lit stages. Now he’s breaking out with his own man-on-the-street interview show “Dutch Does…”! The concept? He, “Dutch”, “does” stuff. He expanded the direction of the show during a heated Facebook exchange:
“We are planning on doing several but who ever knows what will happen with anything. The show wasn’t even my idea, I was just asked recently if this was something I would be interested in and obviously I said “yes.” I can tell you that the crew and I are planning on doing a “Dutch Does…” In Las Vegas next month, but that is all I will say at this time. All I really hope to achieve is to make people laugh.”
Will Dutch achieve said hope? Sample below. In the first episode, Dutch heads to Redwood Acres to chat with some of the booth dwellers at Humboldt Artisans’ annual Craft and Music Festival. Highlights include an interview with a jeweler in a pirate shirt, a performance by the Compost Mountain Boys, Dutch receiving a massage and doggie treat sampling. Enjoy.
Top Events!
(Look ahead!)
The Getdown
The Jam
/ 9 p.m.
/ 21+
Humboldt’s finest funk musicians get up to Getdown.
/ Web site
All Events!
HSU Forestry Club Christmas Tree Sale
See Event Description
/ 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
Trees for your house. You clean up the needles.
Volunteer Orientation
Food for People
/ 2:30-3:30 p.m.
/ Free
/ Web site
Conflict Management
College of the Redwoods Community Education
/ 5:30-9:30 p.m.
/ $45
/ 18+
/ Web site
Quiz Night
Blondies Food and Drink
/ 7 p.m.
Aww, show people how smart you are when you drink. Adorable.
/ Web site
Swing Dance Night
Redwood Raks World Dance Studio
/ 7-10 p.m.
/ $7
/ Web site
This Wonderful Life
Faith Center
/ 7 p.m.
/ $10
/ $5 Children 12 and under
Faith Center’s annual Christmas dessert theater.
/ Web site
Friendship Circle Dance
Moose Lodge
/ 7-10 p.m.
/ $4
Dancing to live music featuring tunes from the 1930s, ‘40s and ‘50s.
Open Mic
Shamus T Bones
/ 7 p.m.
Every Monday with bluesy hosts Jim Lahman Band.
/ Web site
Babes in Toyland
Van Duzer Theater
/ 7:30-8:30 p.m.
/ Free
/ Free w/ a canned food donation
Dell’Arte Company’s annual holiday show returns for its 33rd year with a mad-cap adaptation of Victor Herbert’s classic family tale.
/ Web site
No Covers
Eureka Inn
/ 8 p.m.
Improvisational piano/drum duo.
/ Web site
Really Cheap Bowling
Harbor Lanes
/ 8 p.m.-midnight
$1.75 per game? Steeeee-rike!
Karaoke with DJ Marv
Six Rivers Brewery
/ 8-11 p.m.
/ Free
/ Web site
Jimi Jeff Open Jam Night
Simon LeGree’s Roadhouse Saloon
/ 8:30 p.m.
/ 21+
Jam in the middle of nowhere — really as far east as you ever want to go.
Roots and Culture Dance Night
Robert Goodman Wines/Machine Works
/ 9 p.m.
Reggae and world music every Monday night.
/ Web site
Rude Lion Sound’s Dancehall Mondays
Ocean Grove Lodge
/ 9:30 p.m.
/ 21+
Reggae/dancehall night. Looks like this.
/ Web site
Movie Showtimes
Broadway Cinema
- BOOK THIEF: 12:05, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05
- DALLAS BUYERS CLUB: 1:00, 3:45, 6:35, 9:20
- DELIVERY MAN: 5:45, 8:20
- FROZEN 2D: 11:55, 12:35, 2:35, 3:15, 5:15, 7:50
- HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG 2D: 11:45, 1:20, 3:25, 5:00, 7:05, 8:40
- HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG 3D: 12:30, 4:10, 7:50
- HOMEFRONT: 4:25, 9:30
- HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE: 2:20, 5:40, 9:00
- LAST VEGAS: 1:50, 6:55
- OUT OF THE FURNACE: 12:50, 3:35, 6:25, 9:15
- THOR: THE DARK WORLD 2D: 12:50, 3:30, 6:10, 8:50
- TYLER PERRY S A MADEA CHRISTMAS: 1:10, 3:50, 6:30, 9:10
Mill Creek Cinema
- DELIVERY MAN: 4:00, 9:10
- FROZEN 2D: 5:25, 6:35, 8:00
- HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG 2D: 3:30, 5:10, 7:10, 8:50
- OUT OF THE FURNACE: 3:40, 6:30, 9:20
- THOR: THE DARK WORLD 2D: 3:20, 6:20, 9:00
Minor Theatre
- PHILOMENA: 3:40, 6:05, 8:30