Video provided by James “Bobo” Fay.
The stranded 30-foot humpback that was euthanized and subsequently buried on Samoa Beach last week is now a big stinking whale carcass that’s causing puddles of fermented whale juice to bubble up onto the beach.
Several beachgoers have sent the Outpost videos of whale goo oozing from the shoreline since yesterday, including celebrity Bigfoot hunter James “Bobo” Fay, who said the smell is as bad as you’d imagine.

The euthanized whale. | Andrew Goff
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association California Stranding Network Coordinator Justin Viezbicke told the Outpost today that the dead whale was dragged up the beach and buried with heavy machinery on Friday evening.
While some might find the footage of the whale’s decomposition horrific and absolutely disgusting, Viezbicke basically said that the bubbling liquid putrefaction is all part of the great circle of life.
“It’s natural gases from decomposition. As long as people aren’t down in it touching it, there shouldn’t be any problems,” he said. “If the whale was left out on the beach you would see a lot more of it. As a 25,000-pound mammal decomposes there’s going to be some off-gassing and that’s what’s happening here.”
Depending on the upcoming tides, Viezbicke said that the carcass could continue to spew blood and guts out onto the beach for weeks or even months.
Video provided by reader David Earl Little.
The method used to dispose of the whale has also caused some local beachgoers, including James “Bobo” Fay of “Finding Bigfoot,” to fear that the stinky liquid will attract great white sharks.
“That’s the blood, guts, and oil bubbling up [through] the sand,” Fay wrote on Facebook. “Now we have a great white attractant that is going to stink up the beach and imperil surfers for months to come.”
Viezbicke couldn’t say for sure that the whale guts are attracting sharks to the area, but he said it is possible.
“I think the main thing is: anytime there’s something dead in or around the water, there is a potential [for sharks] and people just need to be aware.”