LoCOBot / Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 @ 6:30 p.m. / Agendizer
Humboldt County Planning Commission
Oct. 3, 2024, 6 p.m.
1. Review and approval of the September 19, 2024, Action Summary
2. Tawnya Morris Parcel Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 402-061-028 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering a two-year extension for a subdivision project in the Indianola area. The project involves dividing a 5.27-acre parcel into two smaller parcels for residential development. Access to the parcels will be provided through existing roads and utilities. The project has been found to be consistent with environmental guidelines and zoning regulations. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the extension.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a science-fiction story!
The year was 2024, and the County of Humboldt was buzzing with excitement over the latest proposal brought before the Planning Commission. Tawnya Morris had submitted a request for a two-year extension of a previously approved Parcel Map Subdivision in the Indianola area. The project aimed to divide an approximately 5.27-acre parcel into two smaller parcels for future residential development. The subdivision would require the installation of individual on-site waste treatment systems for sewage disposal and utilize an existing well on an adjacent property as the water source.
As the Planning Commission gathered to discuss the extension, little did they know that this seemingly ordinary project would soon lead to a series of extraordinary events. As the resolution was adopted and the extension approved, a strange energy seemed to emanate from the newly divided parcels.
Unbeknownst to anyone present, the land on which the subdivision was taking place held a secret. Buried deep beneath the surface was a long-dormant alien spacecraft, waiting to be awakened. As construction began on the newly divided parcels, the alien technology began to stir, sending out signals into the cosmos.
One fateful night, a beam of light shot down from the sky, illuminating the newly developed subdivision. Residents reported strange sightings and unexplained phenomena. It soon became clear that the alien spacecraft buried beneath the land had been activated and was now communicating with its home planet.
As the situation escalated, the government became involved, sending in teams of scientists and military personnel to investigate. The truth of the alien spacecraft buried beneath the land was finally revealed, and the fate of the entire county hung in the balance.
The Planning Commission’s decision to approve the subdivision extension had unwittingly opened a gateway to an interstellar adventure. As the alien spacecraft prepared to take off, leaving Earth behind, the residents of Humboldt County watched in awe and fear.
And so, the story of the Tawnya Morris Parcel Map Subdivision Extension became a legend in the annals of science fiction, forever remembered as the moment when a simple planning decision led to a cosmic encounter of epic proportions.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - PC Resolution 22-093_Tawnya Morris PMS_15937 • Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments
3. Morris Parcel Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 402-061-012 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering extending the approval for a subdivision of a 9.47-acre parcel into two parcels and a remainder in the Indianola area. The project includes installing individual sewage disposal systems and using wells for water. The extension is recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. The project has no major concerns and is exempt from further environmental review. The extension was requested by the applicant and involves no changes to the original project. The project has received positive responses from referral agencies. The recommendation is to approve the extension.
— LoCOBot
Dans le comté de Humboldt, le 10 mars 2024,
La Commission de l’urbanisme se réunit enfin.
Le dossier numéro 24-1376 est étudié de près,
Pour l’extension d’une subdivision à Indianola.
Le projet de carte Morris se divise en deux parcelles,
Sur la terre de 9,47 acres où le vent résonne.
Une résidence, des étables, des serres en arrière-plan,
Tout sera regroupé dans la parcelle restante.
Deux terrains restants de 2,50 acres chacun,
De futurs développements résidentiels en pagaille.
Des systèmes de traitement des eaux usées individuels,
Les règles à suivre pour une gestion environnementale.
Deux puits sur la parcelle, sources d’eau précieuse,
Un nouveau puits pour les parcelles créées multiformes.
À respecter les règles du comté de Humboldt,
Pour une exception aux largeurs de voie approuvées.
La Commission de l’Urbanisme doit prendre une décision,
Approuver l’extension sous certaines conditions.
Le plan actuel de la terre et son utilisation,
Conforme au Plan Communautaire, pas de révision.
Pas de préoccupations majeures, le projet se poursuit,
Une extension de deux ans, une évolution bienvenue.
Aucun changement, aucune perturbation,
La continuité est assurée dans cette situation.
Un chantier exempté de revue environnementale,
Une décision non-appelable à la Commission Côtière.
Les agences consultées n’ont formulé aucune objection,
Le chemin est tracé pour la future construction.
Alors, dans le comté de Humboldt, le 10 mars 2024,
La Commission de l’urbanisme prend position très fort.
Pour l’extension du projet Morris, un pas en avant,
Vers un développement durable, solide et charmant.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - PC Resolution 22-092_Steve Morris PMS_15935 • Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments
4. Holgersen - Minor Subdivision and Coastal Development Permit Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 015-152-028 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering a request to extend a permit for a minor subdivision and coastal development in the Myrtletown area. The project involves creating four parcels with two dwelling units each and demolishing existing structures. The extension would be for two years, with the new expiration date being July 18, 2026. The Planning Commission is recommended to adopt the extension under the original conditions of approval. Public comments and agency responses have been positive, with no major concerns raised. The project owner is Niels Holgersen, and any questions can be directed to Augustus Grochau, Associate Planner.
— LoCOBot
🏡Exciting news from the County of Humboldt Planning Commission meeting on 10/3/2024! The Holgersen Minor Subdivision and Coastal Development Permit Extension is up for discussion. Let’s dive into the details. #HumboldtCountyPlanning
🏗️The project consists of creating four parcels and a Remainder, developing the new parcels with two dwelling units each, and demolishing four existing structures in the Myrtletown area. The original permits were approved in 2018 and now they’re seeking a 2-year extension. #CoastalDevelopment
🛣️Exceptions were approved for the project, including a reduction in sidewalk width and easement dedication. The proposed project remains consistent with the original permit and environmental review is deemed unnecessary as no changes are proposed. #Conservation #Development
🌲The proposed parcels range in size from 7,192 to 8,468 square feet with dwelling units ranging from 1,080 to 1,200 square feet. Access to the parcels will be through an improved private road with a fire truck turnaround area included in the plan. #ResidentialDevelopment
🌊The project falls within the Coastal Zone and is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. Response from referral agencies has been positive, with minor conditions from agencies like PG&E and the Humboldt Community Services District. #EnvironmentalImpact #CommunityEngagement
🚨Public comment raised concerns about road width and emergency vehicle access but these concerns have been addressed in the approved plan. Findings for extending the permit are supported based on no proposed changes to the project. #PublicEngagement #CommunityFeedback
📝The Planning Commission is recommended to adopt a resolution approving the permit extension subject to the original conditions of approval. Details about the project location, environmental review, and referral responses are provided for reference. #PlanningCommissionMeeting
📞For more information or questions about the Holgersen project, reach out to Augustus Grochau, Associate Planner at agrochau@co.humboldt.ca.us or 707-268-3749. Stay tuned for updates on the decision from the Planning Commission meeting! #StayInformed #CommunityDevelopment
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A and 1B - PC Resolution 22-068_Holgersen_15039 • Attachment 1C - 15039 Approved Tentative Map 6.14.22 • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - Applicant’s Evidence Summary • Attachment 3A - Gravel Exception Request_6-2-21 • Attachment 3B - Sidewalk Exception Request_6-2-21 • Attachment 3C - Right of Way Exception Request_6-2-21 • Attachment 4 - Referral Comments Summary • Attachment 4A.1 - referral_HCSD Referral Cover Page • Attachment 4A.2 - referral_HCSD Response 3409 Edgewood Rd • Attachment 4B - referral_PG&E No_Impact_Response_6-12-2024 • Attachment 5 - Public Comments
5. Ten Redwoods LLC Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 208-241-017 Record No.
A company called Ten Redwoods LLC is applying for a permit to grow cannabis in Humboldt County. They plan to use rainwater and a stream diversion for irrigation, with plans to transition to renewable power by 2026. The project also includes development and restoration in a streamside management area. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the project with certain conditions. The project has been reviewed for environmental impacts and is in compliance with county regulations. The project has also been referred to various agencies for input and approval.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!
Na área de Dinsmore
Vamos celebrar com amor
A Ten Redwoods LLC
Plantando cannabis com fervor
Com 11,700 pés quadrados
De cultivo ao ar livre
Com água da chuva captada
E um riacho na mira
O projeto é sustentável
Com energia renovável
Cura e secagem no local
E processamento fora do quintal
Essa festa tem permissão
Especial para desenvolver
Na beira do riacho, uma ação
Para preservar e proteger
Viva a Ten Redwoods LLC
Neste carnaval brasileiro
Celebrando a natureza
Com respeito verdadeiro.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required Findings • Attachment 4A - Right to Divert • Attachment 4B - LSAA • Attachment 4C - Site Management Plan • Attachment 4D - Road Evaluation • Attachment 4E - Relocation Site • Attachment 4F - Wetland Delineation • Attachment 4G - Geologic Evaluation of the Pond • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 5A - Referral_Environmental Health • Attachment 5B - Referral_Public Works • Attachment 5C - Referral_CalFire • Attachment 5D - Referral_CDFW • Attachment 5E - Referral_So Trinity Volunteer FPD • Attachment 5F - Referral_Humboldt Bay Municipal Water Dist. • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
6. RiveRidge Farms, LLC Special Permit and Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 033-271-021 Record No.
The planning commission will be meeting to discuss a proposal from RiveRidge Farms, LLC for a special permit and conditional use permit for commercial cannabis cultivation on a property in Piercy. The project includes cultivation, distribution, manufacturing, and retail sales, with water sourced from rainwater catchment and a pond. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and is recommended for approval with certain conditions. The project has also been reviewed for factors such as geology, water resources, and security. The proposal is in line with county regulations and will create jobs in the area.
— LoCOBot
En el condado de Humboldt, en una junta programada,
Se discute el permiso especial para RiveRidge Farms, LLC,
Cultivo de cannabis, distribución y manufactura en un lugar designado,
Con venta al público y uso de agua de recolección, así es como será.
En la parcela de 900 Milky Way, en Piercy se establecerá,
34,705 pies cuadrados de cultivo en total habrá,
Con un permiso condicional y especial solicitado,
Para operar de manera legal en este lugar tan anhelado.
El agua provendrá de la lluvia, de un estanque de 950,000 galones,
Y se complementará con un pozo aprobado, es lo que se plantea,
La electricidad será solar, una práctica sustentable,
Para una operación de un acre que será impecable.
Se han tomado medidas ambientales, consultas con tribus locales,
Para asegurar que el proyecto cumpla con reglas y protocolos,
El plan abarca el riego, la seguridad y la geología del terreno,
Para que todo funcione en armonía, de manera correcta y pleno.
Esperamos que la Comisión de Planificación tome la decisión adecuada,
Y que este proyecto en Piercy sea una historia de éxito y buena fortuna,
RiveRidge Farms, LLC, busca ser un ejemplo de agricultura sustentable,
En el condado de Humboldt, un orgullo para la comunidad admirable.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Findings • Attachment 4A - Well Completion Report • Attachment 4B - Biological Assessment • Attachment 4C - Botanical Survey • Attachment 4D - Noise Source Assessment and Mitigation Plan • Attachment 4E - Road Assessment Report • Attachment 4F - Northern Spotted Owl Assessment • Attachment 4G - Notice of Applicability • Attachment 4H - Site Management Plan • Attachment 5A to 5D - Referral Agency Comments • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
1. Cavanaugh Coastal Development Permit Record Number
The County of Humboldt is considering a permit for building a small additional living space on a property in the Myrtletown area. The project has been reviewed by various agencies and is recommended for approval. Concerns raised by the public about road safety have been addressed by the County Department of Public Works, which found no issues with the project. The project does not pose significant environmental risks and is in line with local zoning and building regulations.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a conversation between Beavis and Butt-head!
Beavis: Uh, hey Butt-head. Have you ever heard of like, the County of Humboldt?
Butt-head: Yeah, I think it’s like, a place or something.
Beavis: Yeah, well check this out, they’re having a meeting about a Cavanaugh Coastal Development Permit.
Butt-head: Cool, what’s that?
Beavis: They wanna build like, a 456 square-foot Accessory Dwelling Unit or something.
Butt-head: Whoa, that’s like, a big word. What does it mean?
Beavis: I don’t know, but they want the Planning Commission to find that it complies with the zoning stuff and approve it.
Butt-head: Huh. So like, people are gonna live in it or what?
Beavis: Yeah, I think so. It’s gonna be like, a house or something.
Butt-head: Cool. Do you think they’ll have like, TV and stuff in there?
Beavis: Yeah, probably. And they don’t think it’ll mess up the environment or anything.
Butt-head: That’s cool. Hey, do you think they’ll have nachos at the meeting?
Beavis: Uh, I don’t know Butt-head. But we should like, go check it out.
Butt-head: Yeah, that sounds cool. Let’s go see if they have nachos.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - HCSD Requirements • Attachment 1C - Project Plans • Attachment 2 - Approved Fire Safe Exception Request • Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendadtions • Attachment 4 - Public Comment