Guest Opinion

March 2017

HARDIN: Helping the Economy Isn’t Helping

HARDIN: Going Off the Grid

February 2017

HARDIN: Where Did Everybody Go?

HARDIN: The County’s New Public Defender

HARDIN: You Call This an ‘Emergency’?

HARDIN: Casualties of the Green Rush

January 2017

HARDIN: The ‘Heritage’ of the War on Drugs

OP-ED: Why I’ll Fight to Protect Planned Parenthood Funding From Trump Cuts

HARDIN: Three Facts That Prove Everything We Know is Wrong

HARDIN: Fake News

HARDIN: Music From Junk is Better Than Junk Music

HARDIN: Feelin’ the Love

December 2016

HARDIN: Jorge Cervantes? He’s No Ed Rosenthal

HARDIN: Humboldt is Habitat

HARDIN: Making Pun of Pot

HARDIN: Dump Trump and Make a Stand

November 2016

HARDIN: A Culture In Need of New Ideas

HARDIN: Trump’s New Toy

October 2016

HARDIN: Let’s Make Halloween Scary Again

HARDIN: Drug Dealers I Have Known

HARDIN: I Call Them ‘Dope Yuppies’

HARDIN: When You Complain About the Poor, It Says More Than You Realize

HARDIN: Landlords Threaten Last Bastion of Hippie Culture in SoHum

September 2016

OP-ED: Eureka Can Show the World How Love Works, Says Police Chief

HARDIN: Hillary v. The Donald

HARDIN: Let’s Worry Less About ‘the Humboldt Brand’ and More About What We Have Become

HARDIN: The New Garberville Town Square, SoHum’s Latest Embarrassment

HARDIN: ‘Blood Diamond’ is the Best Name for a Strain of Weed Yet

August 2016

HARDIN: Sizzla, Community Values and the Mateel

MATTHEW IN THE MIDDLE: Country Before Party, City Before Wards!

HARDIN: Not Everyone Gets Rich in the Cannabis Casino

HARDIN: ‘Grow Big or Go Homeless’

HARDIN: We Sent an Invitation to ‘Big Pot’

HARDIN: A Meeting About ‘The Green Rush’

July 2016

HARDIN: I Offer A Cease-Fire to the Southern Humboldt Bourgeoisie

MATTHEW IN THE MIDDLE: Voting, Eureka-Style

HARDIN: Go to Rio!

HARDIN: SoHum Has Created a Monster

EDITORIAL: Eureka City Council Should Let Voters Fix the City’s Ridiculous Electoral System

HARDIN: The Big Lie Called ‘Public Safety’

June 2016

HARDIN: Aggressive Soliciation

HARDIN: You Can Count on Me

HARDIN: Choosing a New Senator? The Voter Guide Tells You Enough

May 2016

HARDIN: Dime Bag Day 2016!

HARDIN: Seed ’Em For Freedom!


HARDIN: My Impressions of 2nd District Candidates Debate in Garberville

OP-ED: Who Are the Zombies — The Homeless, or Us?

HARDIN: Anti-Journalism

April 2016

GET YOUR PORT ON: The Foul-Mouthed Cowboy Rides to the Rescue

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