It’s Election Day!

Yes, many of you have already voted by mail in California’s midterm primary — you’ve already picked your candidates for county supervisor from the Fourth District (Eureka and environs) or from the Fifth District (everything from McKinleyville north and east), and you’ve already picked your favorite candidate for governor and senator and so on. There’s quite a bit on this ballot!
But at least some of us still like to keep it street and vote at the polls, shoulder-to-shoulder with our fellow citizens. This post is for you.
Need to find your polling place? Click here. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Problems voting? Questions? Call the Humboldt County Elections office — (707) 445-7481.
Need to cram for on your vote on those state propositions? Ballotpedia has clean, readable, nonpartisan rundowns on Propositions 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72, and the League of Women Voters has issued its recommendations.
The Outpost did in-depth profiles of the candidates in some of the more interesting local races:
- LoCO Interview: In The Midst of a Testy Re-Election Campaign, Fifth District Supervisor Ryan Sundberg Talks About Hash Labs, Racism and His Track Record
- LoCO Interview: Steve Madrone, Candidate for Fifth District Supervisor, Touts Record, Talks Trails and Critiques Conflicts
- Meet Your 2018 Humboldt County Superior Court Judge Candidates, Part One: Lathe Gill
- Meet Your 2018 Humboldt County Superior Court Judge Candidates, Part Two: Lawrence Killoran
… and the North Coast Journal and the Northcoast Environmental Center did mail-in Q&A’s with some of them, and others.
OK! Get out there and fill in some bubbles! The Outpost will be back with you on this topic this evening. We’ll hit up some election parties and such. The first wave of results — from those early-bird voters among you — should be released just after 8 p.m., if everything goes as usual. The next waves — votes cast at the precincts today — probably won’t start flowing into our inboxes until quite late at night.