WARNING: The story below contains graphic descriptions of rape.


A Eureka teen who accepted a ride from a man she knew as “D” was driven to his apartment, raped and sodomized, a Eureka police officer testified this morning during David Bernard Anderson’s preliminary hearing.

Officer Timothy Marsolan interviewed 16-year-old “Jane Doe” at St. Joseph Hospital, where her mother took her after the teen described the alleged attack on Nov. 7, 2018.


Marsolan, under questioning by Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads, said the girl was walking alone near Wabash and B streets in Eureka when a man in a black SUV pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride. Doe said no, but then he approached her once more.

“At 14th and C the same guy asked her again if she wanted a ride somewhere. This time she accepted.”

She had met the SUV driver briefly once before, but she was drunk at the time and didn’t remember much about him.

The driver told Doe he would take her to a friend’s house, Marsolan said, “but they went to his house instead.”

The girl initially told “D” she’d wait in the car, but then she went into the Sonoma and C streets apartment with him.

When she told him she was thirsty he offered her water.

“She drank the water and immediately she felt intoxicated or high,” the officer said the teen told him. He invited her into the bedroom, showed her some marijuana and removed her clothing.”

According to Doe, she told “D” she wanted to leave. He told her she wasn’t going anywhere. He took off her clothes, and because of being “high” she had no ability to resist. She said he also took her cellphone, turning it off and placing it aside.

Then, “she was raped by the subject … she told me that the subject had sex with her by putting his penis in her vagina and her butt, and she orally copulated him.”

In later testimony, Marsolan said the teen claimed “He made me suck his dick.”

Afterward, “D” insisted they shower together and told her to brush her teeth. Then, she said, he raped her again.

At some point during the episode, the man told her “I’m going to make a lot of money off you.” Doe asked him how.

“Pimping out.”

When the teen told him she was “17 or younger,” the man reportedly said that was fine.

“That’s OK,” he told her. “They’re looking for the young ones.”

Later “D” left to buy the girl some cigarettes, leaving her alone in the apartment. She couldn’t find her own clothing and just put on the first clothes she saw, the officer said.

“When she heard the vehicle start she grabbed her cellphone and fled the house on foot.”

Doe made her way to 20/30 Park, where she called a friend who took her to McDonald’s in the Bayshore Mall. Then she thought she saw “D” drive by, and she “walked and ran” to Denny’s in downtown Eureka. There, she called her mother. From the hospital she called the police.

Marsolan said the girl provided a detailed, accurate description of both “D” and his apartment complex. She even described her attacker’s erect penis as “6 inches and bent to the left.”

Defense attorney Michael Acosta, during his cross-examination of the officer, suggested the girl was already drunk on “Maker’s Mark” whiskey when she went to the apartment. He also questioned why, instead of going to the police, she went to the park, McDonald’s and Denny’s.

“Did she describe what purpose she had in going to any of these places?” Acosta asked Marsolin.


Acosta also noted the girl had never specifically said she was raped and sodomized by force.

During her redirect examination, Eads established that Doe said “he raped me” and that she kept telling him to stop. She told Marsolan the suspect pushed her onto the bed and held her down, pulling her hair during the rape and sodomy.

Anderson, now 48, has already been convicted once of sex-trafficking a 16-year-old Humboldt County girl. He was sentenced to nine years in prison but served three years and was released on parole a few months before he allegedly assaulted Jane Doe.

Testimony is expected to continue this afternoon.
