Hank Sims / Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024 @ 8:01 a.m. / Agendizer
A New 11-Acre Solar Energy Farm on Highway 36? They’ll Be Talking About it at the Humboldt County Planning Commission Meeting Thursday
The red marker is the location of the planned 11-acre solar farm on Highway 36.
The big-ticket item on this week’s meeting of the Humboldt County Planning Commission: A proposal to build a solar farm on Highway 36 between Alton and Hydesville, just behind the Steve Wills Trucking yard.
The proposal is being put forth by a couple of special-purpose limited liability companies — “North Coast Highway Solar 1 LLC” and “North Coast Highway Solar 2 LLC” — that seem to share personnel and an address with EDPR Renewable Energy, a New York-based firm that calls itself a “global leader in the renewable energy sector.” The land is owned by former Fortuna Mayor Phil Nyberg.
According to the commission’s staff report, the plant — made up of around 4,600 individual panels — would produce 2.8 megawatts of electricity at peak. The developers already have an agreement to sell the power to the Redwood Coast Energy Authority.
Diagrams of the proposed project from the staff report. Click to enlarge.
Since the land in question is currently zoned as “agricultural exclusive,” the project requires a conditional use permit from the county. County staff, citing the county policy to support renewable energy development, recommends that the commission approve the developer’s request for such a permit.
There are two areas of concern, and county staff believe that there are ways to mitigate each. In the first place, how does the county’s renewable energy policy clash with its policy to preserve agricultural land? In a letter to the commission back in 2020, Katherine Ziemer, formerly the executive director of the Humboldt County Farm Bureau, expressed her organization’s opposition to the project on those grounds.
“Projects such as this one will continue to degrade and remove land out of agriculture production which will undermine the natural resources that our county should be protecting,” Ziemer writes.
[CORRECTION: The section above has been updated to note that Ziemer is no longer the executive director of the bureau, and that the letter was submitted four years ago, under her tenure.]
But county staff have two mitigation measures they believe will keep the project within the letter of the county’s General Plan. One: The commission could require the developer to continue agricultural operations on the land, even after solar panels are installed — sheep-grazing, possibly, or keeping honeybees. Two: It could require the developer to restore the land to its current condition at the end of the project’s lifespan, an estimated 20 years.
The other concern is glare from the panels possibly interfering with pilots flying in and out of nearby Rohnerville Airport, half a mile to the north. But the commission could require the panels to be treated with an anti-reflective coating, and also require the developer not to place them at certain angles. CalFire, which uses the airport as a base, has given its OK to the project, planning staff says.
The Humboldt County Planning Commission meets at 6 p.m. Thursday in the Humboldt County Courthouse (825 Fifth Street, Eureka.) Full agenda with links to documentation below.
Humboldt County Planning Commission
Sept. 19, 2024, 6 p.m.
1. Review and approval of the June 6, 2024, Action Summary.
2. Review and approval of the June 27, 2024, Action Summary.
3. Review and approval of the July 18, 2024, Action Summary.
4. Review and approval of the August 01, 2024, Action Summary.
5. Review and approval of the August 15, 2024, Action Summary.
6. McKinleyville Community Services District BMX Track and Park General Plan Conformance Review Assessor Parcel Number: 508-242-043 Record Number
The Planning Commission is reviewing a proposal for a BMX track and park in McKinleyville. The park will include a BMX racing track, basketball court, pickleball court, and bathroom. The site is 3 acres with street frontage on School Road and Washington Avenue. The proposal is in line with the General Plan for the area. The commission is recommended to adopt the resolution for the project.
— LoCOBot

(Music starts playing)
(Male Singer)
Humboldt County, land of dreams
Where friends come together, or so it seems
In McKinleyville, a BMX track and park
For all to enjoy, from dawn till dark
McKinleyville Community, let’s come together
Racing on bikes, no matter the weather
Basketball, pickleball, fun for all
At the BMX track, we’ll have a ball
(Female Singer)
Public Facility, for all to see
A place for recreation, for you and me
On School Road and Washington Ave
We’ll play and laugh, we’ll be so brave
McKinleyville Community, let’s come together
Racing on bikes, no matter the weather
Basketball, pickleball, fun for all
At the BMX track, we’ll have a ball
(Male Singer)
James Payne, the man with a plan
Creating this space, for woman and man
Let’s thank him for the joy he brings
To Humboldt County, where our hearts sing
McKinleyville Community, let’s come together
Racing on bikes, no matter the weather
Basketball, pickleball, fun for all
At the BMX track, we’ll have a ball
Humboldt County, we praise your name
For the BMX track, for the joy and fame
McKinleyville Community, let’s unite
At the park, under the shining light
(Music fades out)
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 2 - Site Plan • Attachment 3 - Plan Set • Attachment 4 - Application Form - Signed • Attachment 5 - California Government Code Section 65402
7. Paye - Lot Line Adjustment and Conditional Use Permit Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 015-111-006, 015-111-012, 015-111-013 Record No.
A proposal is being made to extend a previously approved project to develop a Mini Storage Center on commercially zoned parcels in the Eureka area. The project includes rezoning actions and adjustments to lot lines. The extension is being requested for two years. Agencies have reviewed and approved the project. The recommendation is for the Planning Commission to adopt the extension.
— LoCOBot

En el Condado de Humboldt
Tenemos una reunión importante
Es el 9/19 del 2024
Y aquí te cuento lo relevante
En el expediente 24-1282
Para la Comisión de Planificación
Del Departamento de Planificación y Construcción
En la sección de Consentimiento
El tema a tratar
Es la Ajuste de Línea de Lote de Paye
Y la Extensión del Permiso de Uso Condicional
En la zona de Eureka, es parte del escenario
Los números de parcela del asesor
Son 015-111-006, 012, y 013
Se trata de un Centro de Almacenamiento Mini
Que se quiere desarrollar, todo está a la vista
Se pide una extensión de dos años
Para reconfigurar los lotes
Ya se hicieron ajustes previos
Y ahora se buscan más enfoques
La aprobación anterior
Incluyó una Enmienda al Plan General
Y un Ajuste de Límites de Zona
Se ha completado todo el canal
Se espera reemplazar árboles
Y hacer rellenos menores
Para la construcción propuesta
Se necesitan varios cambios, no menores
La recomendación es clara
La Comisión de Planificación
Debería adoptar la resolución
Y seguir la aprobación anterior sin vacilación
Este proyecto está en la zona de Myrtletown
En Eureka, en la Avenida Myrtle
Se esperan 37,000 pies cuadrados de unidades de almacenamiento
Y se ha revisado todo al detalle
Es importante considerar
Que el tiempo apremia
Por eso se busca esta extensión
Para llevar a cabo la tarea con relevancia
En resumen, es un proyecto ambicioso
Que busca mejorar la zona comercial
Con tu apoyo y aprobación
Se podrá seguir el plan sin verse mal
Si tienes alguna pregunta
O necesitas más detalles
No dudes en contactar a Augustus Grochau
Está listo para responder tus enigmas con lealtad
Así que en el Condado de Humboldt
Se busca progreso y avance
Con la extensión del permiso solicitado
Para lograr un futuro vibrante y exuberante.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A1 - PC Resolution No. 22-102 • Attachment 1A2 and 1B - PC Resolution No. 22-103 • Attachment 1A3 - BOS Resolution No. 23-31 • Attachment 1A4 - BOS Resolution No. 23-32 • Attachment 1A5 - BOS Resolution No. 23-33 • Attachment 1A6 and 1B - BOS Resolution No. 23-34 • Attachment 1A7 and B.3 - Resolution 23-073 16400MOD • Attachment 1C - Compiled Site Plan 10.27.2021 • Attachment 1D - Ordinance 2710 • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - Applicant’s Evidence Summary • Attachment 3A - Wetland Delineation Report 2021 • Attachment 3B - Wetland Buffer Plan 06.07.2023 • Attachment 4 - Referral Comments • Attachment 4A1 - ref_PGE Response 08.22.2024 • Attachment 4A2 - ref_PGE Response 08.29.2024 • Attachment 4B1 - ref_HCSD Cover Sheet 08.20.2024 • Attachment 4B2 - ref_HCSD Response 08.20.2024
8. Parks - Final Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 510-193-039 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering a two-year extension for a subdivision project in the McKinleyville area, which involves dividing one parcel into nine lots for single-family residences. The project has already been approved by the Planning Commission and involves community water and sewer services. The extension is the second requested by the applicant and, if approved, will extend the project until 2026. Various agencies have reviewed and approved the project, and the Planning Commission is recommended to adopt the resolution for the extension.
— LoCOBot

(Verse 1)
Oh the County of Humboldt, a sight to behold,
With its rolling hills and valleys, and stories untold,
In McKinleyville Avenue, the Planning Commission meets,
To decide on a subdivision, where land and homes will greet.
Yo-ho, set sail on the sea of fate,
In the County of Humboldt, where decisions await,
With parcels and lots, and extensions desired,
The Parks Subdivision, where dreams are inspired.
(Verse 2)
A two-year extension, for lots to be split,
With houses remaining, where families will sit,
In McKinleyville area, the project unfolds,
With community water and sewer, keeping the land bold.
Yo-ho, set sail on the sea of fate,
In the County of Humboldt, where decisions await,
With parcels and lots, and extensions desired,
The Parks Subdivision, where dreams are inspired.
(Verse 3)
The General Plan and Zoning, all in accord,
With no major concerns, the project moves forward,
Environmental review, no changes in sight,
The Subdivision Extension, shining bright in the light.
Yo-ho, set sail on the sea of fate,
In the County of Humboldt, where decisions await,
With parcels and lots, and extensions desired,
The Parks Subdivision, where dreams are inspired.
So here’s to the Parks, in McKinleyville so fair,
With their vision and dreams, for all to share,
May the Planning Commission, with wisdom and grace,
Bring this project to life, in this beautiful place.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A1 - PC Resolution 20-50 Parks_15467 • Attachment 1A2 - PC Resolution 21-40 Parks_16880 • Attachment 1B1 - Conditions of Approval 15467 • Attachment 1B2 - Conditions of Approval 16880 • Attachment 1C - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - Applicants Evidence Summary • Attachment 3A - Exception Request • Attachment 3B - Exception Request • Attachment 4 - Referral Comments
9. Collins/Goldstein - Parcel Map Subdivision Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 509-061-025 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering extending a subdivision permit for a piece of land in the McKinleyville area. The extension will allow the land to be divided into four parcels for future residential development. The project has already been approved and is considered exempt from environmental review. The extension is being requested by the property owners and has received positive feedback from various agencies involved. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the extension.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a science-fiction story!

In the year 2024, on the planet Earth, in the County of Humboldt, a seemingly ordinary planning commission meeting was taking place in the town of McKinleyville. The members of the commission were discussing the extension of a Minor Subdivision and Planned Development Permit for the Collins/Goldstein parcel map subdivision. The project aimed to divide a 10-acre parcel into four smaller parcels for future residential development.
Unbeknownst to the commission, the property in question held a secret beyond their wildest imagination. Hidden deep within the forested area of the parcel was a dormant alien spacecraft, buried beneath the earth for centuries. The ship belonged to a technologically advanced alien species, who had crash-landed on Earth long ago.
As the commission deliberated over the extension, the alien ship suddenly powered on, its systems coming back online after centuries of dormancy. Lights flickered within the ship, and a low humming sound filled the air, unnoticed by the humans discussing zoning regulations above.
The alien pilot, who had been in stasis since the crash, awakened from their slumber. They quickly assessed the situation, realizing that they were still on Earth and that much time had passed since their arrival. Using their advanced technology, the alien was able to access the local communication systems and understand the language of the humans above.
With a sense of urgency, the alien sent a transmission to the planning commission, requesting an audience with them. Startled but intrigued, the members of the commission received the message and made their way to the location of the ship.
As they approached the hidden spacecraft, the alien emerged, greeted them with a holographic projection of their true form. They explained their situation, detailing their crash-landing on Earth and the need to repair their ship in order to return to their home planet.
Realizing the significance of this encounter, the planning commission worked together with the alien to secure the necessary permits and resources to repair the ship. The alien technology was far beyond anything they had ever seen, but they were determined to assist their newfound extraterrestrial friend.
After weeks of collaboration and hard work, the alien ship was finally repaired and ready for takeoff. The alien expressed their gratitude to the humans for their help, promising to remember their kindness when they returned to their home planet.
With a final farewell, the alien bid the planning commission goodbye and took off into the skies, disappearing into the vastness of space. The members of the commission stood in awe, realizing that they had just been a part of an extraordinary encounter that would be remembered for generations to come.
And so, in the County of Humboldt, the tale of the Collins/Goldstein parcel map subdivision extension became more than just a zoning issue – it became a legendary story of intergalactic friendship and cooperation.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A-C - Resolution, Conditions, Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - Applicants Evidence Summary • Attachment 3A - Exception Request letter (rec'd 10-20-22) • Attachment 4 - Referral Comments • Attachment 4A - ref_Building Response 08.08.2024
10. Kamino, LLC Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) 201-311-016 Record No.
The document is about a proposed modification of a permit for a business in Humboldt County to increase water usage for cannabis cultivation. The proposed modification includes using water from a well and has been reviewed by various agencies. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the modification with certain conditions. The business is located in the Alton area and has already received previous approvals for wholesale nursery and cultivation areas. The document outlines the history of the project, its current status, and the environmental impact assessment. The contact person for more information is Joshua Dorris, Senior Planner.
— LoCOBot

In the quiet town of Alton, located in the County of Humboldt, a dark and sinister presence loomed over the landscape. Kamino, LLC, a seemingly innocent agricultural business, was at the center of a horrifying tale that would shake the community to its core.
The Planning Commission had recently approved a Modification to Conditional Use Permit PLN-2019-15835, allowing Kamino, LLC to increase their annual irrigation water use from 334,000 gallons to a staggering 937,000 gallons. The water would be sourced from a deep well installed on the property, a well that was said to be disconnected from the surrounding aquifers.
As the months passed, strange occurrences began to plague the area surrounding Kamino, LLC. Crops withered and died, despite the excessive amount of water being used. Local wildlife started to disappear, their lifeless bodies found scattered around the property. The once vibrant community of Alton began to feel the weight of a malevolent force that seemed to be growing stronger with each passing day.
Rumors started to circulate among the townsfolk, whispers of dark rituals being performed at the Kamino, LLC property under the cover of night. Strange lights were seen flickering in the distance, accompanied by chilling screams that echoed through the valley. The very air seemed to be tainted with a sense of dread, as if the land itself had been cursed by the insatiable thirst for water.
One night, a brave group of locals decided to investigate the source of the terror that had taken hold of their town. Armed with flashlights and a sense of determination, they made their way to the Kamino, LLC property, unaware of the horrors that awaited them.
As they neared the well, they were met with a sight that chilled them to their very core. Standing before them was a figure cloaked in darkness, its eyes glowing with a malevolent light. It spoke in a voice that was both terrifying and familiar, revealing itself to be a being that had been trapped within the depths of the well for centuries.
The entity had been awoken by the excessive water usage, its thirst for vengeance driving it to unleash its wrath upon the unsuspecting town. It had twisted the once peaceful agricultural business into a nightmarish realm, feeding off the fear and suffering of those who dared to cross its path.
The townsfolk fled in terror, their cries of anguish echoing through the valley as the entity’s laughter filled the air. Kamino, LLC stood as a haunting reminder of the darkness that lurked within the hearts of men, a warning to those who dared to challenge the balance of nature.
And so, the County of Humboldt became a place of whispers and dread, forever haunted by the curse of Kamino, LLC and the entity that dwelled within its well.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Resolution • Attachment 1A - Condtions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Evidence in Support of Required Findings • Attachment 4A - Hydrogeologic Well Assessment • Attachment 4B - Stillwater Sciences letter well connectivity 9.13.19 • Attachment 4C - Well Completion Report • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 5A - APN 201-311-016 PTA-GSP review memo • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
11. Furtado Parcel Map Subdivision and Special Permits Assessor Parcel Number: 509-201-047 Record Number
County of Humboldt is considering a proposal to divide a piece of land in McKinleyville into two parcels. The proposal involves creating two parcels of different sizes and obtaining special permits for the development. The project is in line with existing community plans and zoning regulations. The staff recommends approving the project with specified conditions. The proposal has been reviewed for environmental and archaeological concerns, and no major issues have been identified. The project has also been reviewed by various agencies, and their responses have been positive. The applicant and owner information is provided for further inquiries.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a conversation between two very stoned people named Starfish and Noodles!

Starfish: Dude, did you hear that Furtado Parcel Map Subdivision is going to divide a 0.62 acre parcel into two smaller ones?
Noodles: Woah, man. That’s like, deep.
Starfish: Yeah, and they need special permits for it too. Can you imagine needing a permit to split up some land?
Noodles: That’s bureaucracy for you, man. They make everything so complicated.
Starfish: I know, right? And they’re all like, “no environmental review required.” Like, how do they know it won’t affect the coast cutthroat trout or the wetlands?
Noodles: Yeah, man. They should be more careful about that stuff. But hey, at least they got all the approvals from the agencies. That’s something, I guess.
Starfish: True, true. And look at all those conditions of approval they have to meet. It’s like a laundry list of tasks.
Noodles: It’s like a whole production, man. But hey, maybe we should get into land development. We could be the next big thing in McKinleyville.
Starfish: Haha, yeah, let’s start our own construction company. We’ll call it Star Noodle Construction. We’ll build houses and stuff.
Noodles: That’s the spirit, man. Let’s make it happen. But first, let’s finish this joint and figure out how to get to Blackhawk Lane.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Public Works Subdivision Requirements • Attachment 1C - Tentative Parcel Map • Attachment 2 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings • Attachment 2A - Lot Size Exception Request • Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations
12. Caltrans Boyd Draw Bike Path Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN): Portion of 507-283-009, County Right of Way, State Highway 101 Right of Way Record No.
The Planning Commission is meeting to discuss and potentially approve a Coastal Development Permit and a Conditional Use Permit for a bike path project in Humboldt County. The project involves building an eight-foot-wide bike path to connect two roads under a bridge on Highway 101. The path will require acquiring a small portion of land and involves construction work such as fence installation and grading. Environmental reviews have been conducted, and the project has been deemed exempt from further review. The project has also been assessed for its impact on wildlife, air quality, noise, water quality, and other factors. Recommendations have been made for approval with certain conditions, and the public can contact a Senior Planner for more information.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Bruce Springsteen song!

“Boyd Draw Bike Path”
Well I was born in the County of Humboldt
Where the redwoods grow tall and the rivers flow
Now there’s a plan to build a bike path
From Heindon Road to Wymore Road, don’t you know
Caltrans got the lead, they say it’s all clear
No need for a big environmental review here
Gonna build an eight-foot-wide path
Under U.S. 101, it’s gonna last
Boyd Draw Bike Path, gonna connect the land
From east to west, gonna give a helping hand
To all the riders, all the walkers too
Boyd Draw Bike Path, we’re counting on you
Gonna need some right of way
For the path to take its way
Gonna be some gravel and some fence
But we’ll make sure it all makes sense
Biological resources, gotta make sure they’re safe
No impact on the endangered, no time to waste
Air quality, noise, and greenhouse gas
We’ll keep it clean, won’t let it pass
Boyd Draw Bike Path, gonna connect the land
From east to west, gonna give a helping hand
To all the riders, all the walkers too
Boyd Draw Bike Path, we’re counting on you
Tribal consultation, gotta respect the land
Notify them if we find something unplanned
Utilities in place, gotta protect the grid
The Boyd Draw Bike Path, gonna keep us all in bid
So here’s to the Planning Commission
Make the resolution, make the decision
Boyd Draw Bike Path, it’s time to shine
Connecting the County, one bridge at a time
Boyd Draw Bike Path, gonna connect the land
From east to west, gonna give a helping hand
To all the riders, all the walkers too
Boyd Draw Bike Path, we’re counting on you
Boyd Draw Bike Path, gonna make it right
Gonna pave the way into the light
Boyd Draw Bike Path, we’re on our way
To a better future, come what may.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Project Description • Attachment 1C - Project Plans • Attachment 2 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings • Attachment 2A - Caltrans Notice of Exemption • Attachment 2B - Biological Resources Evaluation Memo • Attachment 2C - Air Quality, Traffic Noise, and Greenhouse Gas Environmental Impact Evaluation • Attachment 2D - Water Quality Assessment • Attachment 2E - Visual Impact Assessment • Attachment 2F - Initial Site Assessment • Attachment 3 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations
13. PJC Wellness, LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 200-243-010 Record No.
A company called PJC Wellness, LLC wants to conduct additional cannabis-related operations in the Fortuna area, including manufacturing and retail. They already have a permit for cultivation on their site and plan to source all cannabis from there. They also plan to use rainwater for irrigation and increase their water storage capacity. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and is recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. It will not increase cultivation in the area. The project does not pose significant environmental concerns and has been evaluated by various agencies. If approved, the company will need to follow certain conditions specified in the resolution.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an episode of 'The Moe Hogan Experience'!

Moe Hogan: Welcome back to “The Moe Hogan Experience.” Today, we have a real interesting guest, the author of a document about a Conditional Use Permit for a cannabis operation in Humboldt County. Now, I gotta say, cannabis operations always get my conspiracy senses tingling, so I’m excited to dive into this. Welcome, author of the document. Can you tell us more about this PJC Wellness, LLC Conditional Use Permit?
Author: Thank you for having me, Moe. So, this permit is for a microbusiness in the Fortuna Community Planning Area. They’re looking to conduct non-volatile manufacturing, self-distribution, and farm-based retail at offsite special events with no customer traffic. Everything they do will be sourced from cultivation occurring onsite, no importing from offsite. They’ve got an existing cannabis permit for cultivation and processing, and they’re looking to increase their water usage through rainwater catchment.
Moe Hogan: Wow, that’s a lot of information there. So, are they going to be using a lot of water for this operation?
Author: Yes, they’re looking to increase their permitted annual water usage to up to 180,000 gallons per year, with rainwater catchment providing at least 33% of their irrigation needs. It’s all about sustainability and compliance with regulations.
Moe Hogan: Fascinating stuff. Now, let me just quickly ask my producer to look up something for me. Hey, Bob, can you check if cannabis operations use a lot of water in general?
Producer: Actually, Moe, most cannabis operations do use a significant amount of water, especially outdoor cultivation. It’s a bit of a controversial issue in some areas.
Moe Hogan: Well, there you have it, folks. Water usage in cannabis operations is definitely a hot topic. Now, before we wrap up this segment, I wanna give a shoutout to our sponsor, FlexSupplements. Let me tell you, I’ve been taking their new MuscleMaximizer for a week now, and I already feel like I could bench press a bear. Check them out at FlexSupplements.com and use code “MoeHogan” for a special discount. Stay tuned for more conspiracy talk after the break!
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Site Plan w. Floor Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Findings • Attachment 4A - Well Legal Non-Conforming Determination • Attachment 4B - Well Connectivity Analysis by Fisch • Attachment 4C - Road Evaluation • Attachment 4D - Notice of Applicability • Attachment 5 and 5A - Referral Agency Comments • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
14. Humboldt Headless Chicken Ranch Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 218-151-005 Record Numbers
The Planning Commission is considering granting a Conditional Use Permit for a cannabis cultivation operation at the Humboldt Headless Chicken Ranch. The operation would use existing buildings and water sources, with plans to transition to renewable energy by 2026. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and meets local regulations. Various agencies have provided feedback and recommended approval with some conditions to address safety and environmental concerns.
— LoCOBot

In a world where the future of cannabis cultivation hangs in the balance, a small ranch in the County of Humboldt must fight for its right to grow. The Humboldt Headless Chicken Ranch has been a staple in the New Harris area, but now faces scrutiny from the Planning Commission.
Follow the gripping story of William Finley, owner of the ranch, as he battles bureaucracy and environmental concerns to keep his business alive. With a Conditional Use Permit on the line, Finley must prove that his cultivation practices are sustainable and safe for the community.
But when unexpected challenges arise, including a visit from the Army Corps of Engineers and interference from local agencies, Finley finds himself in a race against time to save his livelihood.
Featuring stunning landscapes, tense regulatory discussions, and a cast of determined characters, “County of Humboldt” is a thrilling drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Will the Humboldt Headless Chicken Ranch survive the meeting on 9/19/2024, or will it be forced to shut down? Find out in this captivating tale of resilience and determination.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Addendum to Operations Plan • Attachment 1D - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum final • Attachment 4A - Site Management Plan • Attachment 4B - LSAA • Attachment 4C - Road Evaluation Report 02.01.2021 • Attachment 4D - Biological Study 01.04.2021 • Attachment 4E - Right to Divert Water SIUR • Attachment 4F - SMA Memo 01.06.2021 • Attachment 4G - Aquatic Resources Survey 01.06.2021 • Attachment 4H - Well completion #2 • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 5A - Referral_PWorks • Attachment 5B - Referral_DEH • Attachment 5C - Referral_CDFW 8.23.2024 • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
15. Goddess Organics, LLC, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Number: 208-113-008 & 210-241-005 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering approving a Conditional Use Permit for Goddess Organics, LLC to continue their cannabis cultivation operations. The proposal includes cultivation of 28,625 square feet of cannabis, with mixed light and outdoor cultivation, and ancillary propagation. The project also involves water sourcing, power generation, security measures, and consultation with tribal authorities. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the permit with specific conditions. The project is located in the Bridgeville area and is consistent with county regulations and environmental guidelines.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an episode of Scooby Doo!

Title: Scooby Doo and the Mystery of the Haunted Cannabis Cultivation
(Open on the Mystery Machine driving through the countryside of Humboldt County. The gang is on their way to investigate reports of strange happenings at the Goddess Organics, LLC cannabis cultivation site.)
Fred: (driving) According to the reports, there have been sightings of ghostly figures wandering around the cannabis cultivation site.
Velma: It’s possible that the recent approval of the Conditional Use Permit has stirred up some restless spirits.
Daphne: I heard rumors that the land the cultivation site is on used to be sacred Native American territory.
Shaggy: Like, maybe the spirits of the past aren’t too happy about all the changes happening on their land.
Scooby-Doo: Ruh-roh, let’s solve this mystery!
(They arrive at the Goddess Organics, LLC site and are greeted by Mika Cook, the owner of the property.)
Mika: Thank you for coming, Mystery Inc. I’ve been hearing strange noises and seeing spooky lights at night. I’m starting to think this place is haunted.
Fred: Don’t worry, Mika. We’ll get to the bottom of this mystery.
Velma: Let’s split up and investigate. Shaggy and Scooby, you check out the cultivation areas. Daphne and I will look into the processing building.
(As Shaggy and Scooby wander through the cultivation areas, they hear eerie whispers and see shadowy figures moving in the distance.)
Shaggy: Zoinks, Scoob! Did you see that?
Scooby-Doo: Rikes! Ghosts!
(They run back to the rest of the gang to report their findings.)
Daphne: Velma and I found something strange in the processing building. It looks like someone has been tampering with the equipment.
Fred: It seems like someone doesn’t want Goddess Organics, LLC to succeed.
Mika: But who could be behind all of this?
(Suddenly, they hear a loud crash coming from the direction of the streamside management area. They all rush over to find a group of masked figures trying to sabotage the water storage tanks.)
Fred: It’s the culprits behind the hauntings!
Velma: Let’s see who’s behind the masks this time.
(The gang unmasks the figures to reveal a group of disgruntled former employees who were upset about the changes at the cannabis cultivation site.)
Mika: I can’t believe it! They were trying to scare me away from my own property.
Fred: Looks like we’ve solved the mystery of the haunted cannabis cultivation.
Scooby-Doo: Rhat a relief!
(As they wait for the authorities to arrive and take the former employees into custody, the gang reflects on another mystery solved.)
Daphne: Another case closed, thanks to Mystery Inc.
Velma: It just goes to show that sometimes, the scariest things are the ones we create ourselves.
Shaggy: Like, let’s hope we don’t come across any real ghosts next time!
(They all share a laugh as they pile back into the Mystery Machine and drive off into the sunset.)
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Cultivation and Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Additional Project Information • Attachment 1D - Schedule of Activites • Attachment 1E - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required Findings • Attachment 4A - Right to Divert and Use Water Certificate • Attachment 4B - Notice of Applicability • Attachment 4C - Water Resource Protection Plan • Attachment 4D - Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement • Attachment 4E - Timber Conversion Evaluation Report • Attachment 4F - Road Evaluation Report • Attachment 4G - Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan • Attachment 4H - R2 Soils Report • Attachment 4I - R2 Soils Report Addendum • Attachment 4J - Site Managment Plan • Attachment 4K - Biological Report • Attachment 4L - 2nd Well Completion Report • Attachment 4M - Well Completion Report • Attachment 4N - Well Application • Attachment 4O - Wetland Delineation • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 5A - Building Divsion response • Attachment 5B - DEH response • Attachment 5C - Public Works response • Attachment 5D - CALFIRE respnse • Attachment 5E - CDFW response • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
16. MIB 2, LLC Conditional Use Permit Assessor Parcel Number 221-021-026 Record No.
A company called MIB 2, LLC is requesting a permit to continue growing cannabis on their property in the Salmon Creek area. The permit includes outdoor and mixed light cultivation, nursery space, and measures to protect the environment. They plan to use rainwater for irrigation and solar power for electricity. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and consulted with relevant agencies. The Planning Commission is recommended to approve the permit with certain conditions.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!

No County de Humboldt, reunião marcada para 9/19/2024
Vamos celebrar com muita alegria e amor no ar
MIB 2, LLC, Permiso de Uso Condicional
Para cultivar cannabis na área de Salmon Creek
29,938 pés quadrados ao ar livre
E 2,400 pés quadrados de cultivo misto de luz
Totalizando 32,838 pés quadrados de pura luz
Com água da chuva como fonte, uma verdadeira condução
A luz solar alimenta a eletricidade
Com backup de um gerador, pura versatilidade
Processe, embale, corte e trime
Neste belo local, uma verdadeira semente
Salmon Creek é o lar deste belo projeto
Com tudo o que é preciso, sem desgosto
Aprovado pela Comissão de Planejamento
Uma verdadeira celebração de encantamento
Que a festa comece, o samba no pé
A cannabis floresce, o Carnaval é você
Vamos aplaudir e festejar
MIB 2, LLC, vamos brindar!
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolutions • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Cultivation and Operations Plan • Attachment 1C - Cultivation and Operations Plan Addendum 8.31.23 • Attachment 1D - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - CEQA Addendum 1.0 Existing Cultivaiton Draft • Attachment 3 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings • Attachment 3A - Site Managemet Plan • Attachment 3B - Initial Statement of Diversion • Attachment 3C - Final Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement • Attachment 3D - Timber Conversion Report • Attachment 3E - Timber Restocking Plan • Attachment 3F - Timberland Conversion Evaluation Report (2024) • Attachment 3G - Relocation Letter • Attachment 3H - Road Evaluation • Attachment 3I - Road Evaluation Narrative 10.03.2017 FROM PLN 11021 • Attachment 3J - Cultivation Area Verification • Attachment 4 - Referral comments • Attachment 4A - CDFW Follow-Up • Attachment 5 - Watershed Map
17. Marcas Land Co., Inc. Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 317-033-008-000 Record No.
The Planning Commission is considering a proposal by Marcas Land Co., Inc. for a conditional use permit to operate a commercial cannabis cultivation and nursery area in the Pilot Ridge area. The project involves outdoor cultivation, irrigation from groundwater wells, and renewable energy sources. There are concerns about the impact on the environment, especially regarding the crossing of a fish-bearing stream on the property. The project is also evaluated for timber conversion, fire hazard, and tribal cultural resources. The staff recommends approving the project with certain conditions to address environmental and regulatory issues.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Dungeons & Dragons campaign!

In the County of Humboldt, tensions are rising as a new cannabis cultivation operation seeks to expand its outdoor cultivation area. The Marcas Land Co., Inc. has applied for a Conditional Use Permit to increase their cultivation area to 19,595 square feet, along with 1,142 square feet for a nursery area. The project also includes plans to transition to 100 percent on-site renewable energy by January 1, 2026.
However, the main point of contention is the existing wet crossing of a fish-bearing stream on the property. Environmental groups and concerned citizens worry about the impact of vehicle traffic through the stream on the local ecosystem. The County Planning Commission must decide whether to approve the permit with conditions for the installation of a permanent bridge over the stream within two years.
Your party of adventurers is hired by a local environmental group to investigate the Marcas Land Co., Inc. operation and uncover any potential environmental violations or risks. As you delve into the situation, you discover a complex web of political intrigue, competing agendas, and hidden dangers.
During your investigation, you encounter employees of Marcas Land Co., Inc. who are fiercely protective of their operation and will stop at nothing to protect their livelihood. You also come across rival cannabis operators who see the expansion of Marcas Land Co., Inc. as a threat to their own businesses.
As you explore the property, you must navigate the treacherous terrain, encounter wildlife, and make difficult choices that will ultimately shape the future of the Pilot Ridge area. Will you support the installation of a bridge to protect the fish-bearing stream, or will you side with the cultivators who are resistant to change?
The fate of the Humboldt County ecosystem hangs in the balance, and only your party has the power to determine its future. Will you choose to protect the environment, or will you prioritize the interests of the cannabis industry? The choice is yours in this challenging Dungeons and Dragons campaign set in the County of Humboldt.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval revised • Attachment 1B- Operations Plan 1.19.21 new '24 • Attachment 1C- Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence in Support of Required Findings • Attachment 4A - SMP & MRP • Attachment 4B - LSAA • Attachment 4C - Less than 3 acre conversion • Attachment 4D - Riparian and Stream Assessment • Attachment 4E - Environmental Superiority Plan_updated • Attachment 4F - Well Reports • Attachment 4G - Water RIght H501532 • Attachment 4H - Road Evaluation Report • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 5A - Referral_DEH • Attachment 5B - Referral_Public Works • Attachment 5C - Referral_CDFW • Attachment 5D - Referral_CALFIRE • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
1. North Coast Highway Solar Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 204-171-045, 204-171-047, 204-081-002, 204-081-006, 204-081-007, 204-171-001 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering a request for a permit to build a solar power facility along the North Coast Highway. The facility would produce renewable energy for the power grid and include solar panels, trackers, inverters, and transformers. The project would occupy 11 acres of land with minimal impervious surfaces. The proposal includes mitigation measures for potential impacts on agricultural land and safety concerns related to glare from the panels. The recommendation is for the Planning Commission to approve the project with conditions. The project has been reviewed for environmental impacts and consulted with tribal groups. The owner, applicant, and agent are listed, and questions can be directed to the Senior Planner.
— LoCOBot

Once upon a time, in the County of Humboldt, there existed a beautiful yet unexplored land known as the Alton area. This area was filled with lush greenery, rolling fields, and a sense of tranquility that seemed untouched by time. The residents of the Alton area took great pride in the land, tending to their crops and livestock with care and respect.
One day, a group of individuals from North Coast Highway Solar 1, LLC arrived in the Alton area with a proposal that raised some eyebrows among the locals. They sought to construct a 2.8-megawatt solar photovoltaic power generation facility on a portion of the land in order to produce renewable energy for the power grid. The project would involve the installation of arrays of solar panels, transformers, and other electrical equipment on approximately 11 acres of the property.
The proposal was met with mixed reactions from the community. Some saw the potential benefits of producing renewable energy and reducing their carbon footprint, while others were concerned about the impact it would have on the agricultural land and the overall landscape of the area.
As the Planning Commission gathered for a public hearing to discuss the proposal, tensions ran high among the residents of the Alton area. The members of the commission reviewed the detailed plans, environmental assessments, and recommendations laid out before them. They listened to the concerns raised by the community members and weighed the potential benefits against the possible drawbacks of the project.
After much deliberation, the Planning Commission made their decision. They voted to adopt the resolution and approve the Conditional Use Permit for the North Coast Highway Solar project. However, they also included several conditions of approval and mitigation measures to address the concerns raised by the community.
The construction of the solar facility began shortly after the approval was granted. The residents of the Alton area watched as the arrays of solar panels were erected, transforming a portion of their beloved land into a modern marvel of renewable energy production. Despite their initial reservations, many began to see the potential for a more sustainable future and embraced the project with cautious optimism.
Over the years, the solar facility operated seamlessly, generating clean energy for the power grid and contributing to the fight against climate change. The agricultural practices on the remaining land continued to thrive, with sheep grazing, honeybee keeping, and crop planting all coexisting harmoniously alongside the solar panels.
The North Coast Highway Solar project became a symbol of progress and innovation in the Alton area, demonstrating that renewable energy and traditional agriculture could indeed work hand in hand. As the sun set on the landscape each day, casting a warm glow over the solar panels and the surrounding fields, the residents of the Alton area knew that they had taken a step towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - MMRP • Attachment 1C - Site Plan(s) • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - North Coast Highway Solar ISMND sans appendices • Attachment 3A - Appendix A Solar Glare Analysis • Attachment 3B - Appendix B CalEEMod Emissions Summary • Attachment 3C - Appendix C Biological Habitat Assessment • Attachment 3D - Appendix D Aquatic Resources Delineation • Attachment 3E - Appendix E Special Plant Species Survey Report • Attachment 3G - Appendix G Phase I ESA • Attachment 3H - Appendix H Phase II ESA • Attachment 3I - Appendix I Trip Generation Memo • Attachment 4 - Referral Agency Comments & Recommendations