
June 2020

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Kristen Lark, Ranger of the Six River National Forest’s Mad River Ranger District

County Receives $300K in EPA Funding to Continue Toxic Cleanup and Development on the Samoa Peninsula

May 2020

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Humboldt Social Media-Friendly Naturalist John Griffith

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Roundup — Dams, Billboards, Wildfire Smoke and All the Recent News

THE ECONEWS REPORT: An Existential Toolkit for the Climate Generation

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Welcome to the Wonderful New World of Electric Bicycles!

April 2020

Redwood Forests Can Play ‘Exceptionally Large Role’ in California’s Climate Change Strategy, According to Research Just Published by HSU and the Save the Redwoods League

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Backyard Birding for the Bored!

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Humboldt’s Climate Action Plan, With County Planner Connor McGuigan

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Victory Gardens!

March 2020

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Rep. Jared Huffman on the Federal COVID-19 Response

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Let’s Talk About Transportation Emissions

THE ECONEWS REPORT: How Can We Be Happy, Healthy, Effective Activists and People?

Klamath River Nonprofit Has Enough Money to Complete Dam Removal, It Announces After Key Federal Filing

February 2020

THE ECONEWS REPORT: The Wildlands Conservancy Protects Valuable California Ecology by Buying it Up

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Local Hugo-Award Winning Author Becky Chambers Talks About Her Worlds and This One

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Dead Billboards, The Great Redwood Trail and More!

As the Planet Heats Up, The County Plans to Address Rising Sea Levels With an Emissions Reduction Plan and a Slow Retreat Strategy

A Delegation of Norwegians is on a Whirlwind Tour of Humboldt, Scoping Green Economic Development Opportunities

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Monte Merrick, Wildlife Rescuer, Tells Us About His Work and Offers Some Tips

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Lessons From Terra-Gen

January 2020

NESTING SEASON! Be Careful With Tree and Shrub Work Between Now and September Says Arcata, Which Offers Helpful Tips

Sign Company Owner Threatens Lawsuit as Harbor District Looks to Ban New Billboards, Prohibit Repairs to Old Ones In Its Jurisdiction

THE ECONEWS REPORT: How Can We Make the Outdoors an Inclusive Space?

Terra-Gen Critics Said We Should Wait for Offshore Wind, But Will That Project Spark an Even Nastier Debate?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: What Does ‘Urbanism’ Mean in a Place Like Humboldt County?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: How Does Our Electric Grid Actually Work?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Are Humboldt Bay King Tides a Harbinger of Sea Level Rise?

Got Ideas About How Humboldt Can Reduce Its Carbon Footprint? City of Eureka, County Government to Hold ‘Climate Action Plan Public Workshop’ Later This Month

December 2019

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Poet Jerry Martien Helps Soothe Your Soul this Solstice

CHRISTMAS CONSERVATION! ‘Significant’ Stands of Port Orford Cedar Near Willow Creek Protected in New Northcoast Regional Land Trust Deal

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Wiyot Tribal Representatives Talk About Their Objections to the Terra-Gen Wind Project

Conservation Nonprofit Buys Chunk of Mogul’s Massive Ranch on the Eel, in the Path of the ‘Great Redwood Trail’; Group Still Looking for Donations to Acquire the Rest

November 2019

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Here Comes the Electric Vehicle Parade!

The Planning Commission Could Reach a Decision on the Humboldt Wind Energy Project Tonight

THE ECONEWS REPORT: ‘We Cannot Move Fast Enough on This’

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Is Your Pot Killing Northern Spotted Owls?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Living Through a Firestorm, with Jon Humboldt Gates

October 2019

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Where’s the Mercury in Humboldt Bay Coming From?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Massive Bird Declines Foretell a Silent Spring

THE ECONEWS REPORT: The Klamath River is a Person, My Friend

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Trump’s Cartoon Supervillains and Their Surprising Ally in Gov. Gavin Newsom

September 2019

THE ECONEWS REPORT: Let’s Not Deify People, Even If They’re Awesome Activists Like Greta Thunberg

PETA Buys Bus Ads Opposing Fish Farm on Samoa Peninsula: ‘You Can’t Be a Fish-Eating Environmentalist’

(PHOTOS + VIDEO) The Yurok Tribe is Leading a Massive Restoration Project on the Trinity River, and the Fish are Coming Back

THE ECONEWS REPORT: What Can Tsunamis Teach Us About Combating Climate Change?

THE ECONEWS REPORT: It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And We’re SO DEPRESSED)

Local Enviro Groups Demand Changes to Proposed Terra-Gen Wind Energy Project Slated for Ridges South of Rio Dell

THE ECONEWS REPORT: They’re Back! Your Loveable Environmental Curmudgeons Have a New Show on KHUM and LoCO

August 2019

Yurok Tribe Acquires 50,000 Acres From Green Diamond; Land Along Blue Creek, Other Klamath Tributaries Will Be Managed for Conservation

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