Jurors in the sexual assault trial of former Correctional Officer Cory Jordan Fisher Sr. heard nearly four hours of closing arguments today, and it’s not over yet.

Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads methodically laid out the accusations of Fisher’s accusers, who are his three sons and three inmates at Humboldt County Correctional Facility, and explained how what Fisher allegedly did violates California law.

Deputy Conflict Counsel David Lee, representing Fisher, suggested the three child victims are lying, and flat-out accused the three inmates of making up their stories. None of the inmates reported being abused by Fisher until after they heard he had been charged with child molestation.


Eads is expected to make her rebuttal argument tomorrow morning, and then the case will go to the jury. The 31-year-old Fisher faces life in prison if convicted of the most serious charges, including sodomy and forced oral copulation of a child.

Eads argued all six victims had issues in common: “He has the power; he has the control. They have to submit. They were all told nobody would believe them.”

The boys, two of them Fisher’s adopted sons and one his biological son, were subjected to years of physical abuse. Fisher himself admitted on the witness stand that he abused the kids and their mother.

The oldest son, now 23 and in the Army, was allegedly sexually abused from age 9 until age 17. Jurors heard graphic testimony about Fisher ejaculating in the boy’s mouth, sodomizing him and forcing the boy to sodomize him. The second son, now 20, also testified he endured years of sexual abuse, beginning when he was 6 or 7. And the youngest boy, now nearly 13, testified to one incident of Fisher touching his privates.

Lee suggested the older boys made up the stories of sexual assault to get back at Fisher for the physical abuse, and because they were angry that their mother allowed Fisher back in the family home after he assaulted and seriously injured the second-oldest son.

The Outpost will provide a full report after Eads makes her rebuttal argument tomorrow morning.
