I want to be your 1st District Supervisor and I’m asking for your support in my campaign. I believe you, like my family, at your core refuse to accept the status quo. We will not just stand idly and see our County resources wasted; our County departments riddled with disorganization, mismanagement, and fraud; and our local government operated with disregard for public transparency and accountability. You know, I took a lot of heat when I stood up to the corporate healthcare giant that is Providence St. Joseph Health, and began to elevate the issues of poverty wages, poor working conditions, terrible staffing ratios and patient safety. I lost a couple of friends and was alienated from certain local social circles and some political circles as well. Do I regret it? Not for a moment – because it’s never the wrong time to do the right thing. Because of our efforts, local families are now able to live a better life and provide a better quality of living for their children.
Together, we have taken bold steps to protect our most vulnerable citizens, lobbied for a single payer healthcare system, protected our natural resources and rural way of life, stood with union labor, and united in solidarity to resist the current extreme national politics. At each of these moments, there were folk – even some within our own political parties – who insisted on polite patience and calculated political maneuvering. They said we were far too idealistic and asking far too much of our institutions and systems. But we stood together and never backed down and so we will continue in our determined effort to secure a seat on the County Board of Supervisors and begin reforming the County Government to work for the people once again.
Now more than ever, it is imperative for us to stand together and say loudly, publically and proudly that we are ready for change. We have an opportunity with this campaign to be future-makers, defined by our progressive values, inclusion and equity, a powerful counterweight to the craven political calculation and sinister scapegoating that we have witnessed from my opponent.
I am asking you to join our people-powered, working-class campaign. I would be honored to have your support. I look forward to talking with you one-on-one during our campaign, canvassing your neighborhood or getting to know you and your families during one of our many planned public events. I want to hear about what matters to you. If you have questions please feel free to reach out to our campaign and a member of my team will put you in contact with me to discuss your concerns and your vision for Humboldt County.