Former Correctional Officer Cory Jordan Fisher Sr. was sentenced this morning to 106 years to life in prison for the sexual molestation of his two adopted sons and one biological son.

“There’s no way to describe this other than reprehensible conduct,” said sentencing Judge Timothy Canning, who presided over Fisher’s jury trial. Canning said Fisher’s two oldest sons had been looking forward to having a stable family, “and instead (Fisher) ended up destroying the family.”


Fisher was convicted of the years-long molestation of his adopted sons, John Does One and Two. The jury found him guilty of molesting his then 10-year-old son, John Doe Three, on one occasion.

The sentence consists of consecutive terms of 15 years to life on seven counts, with one additional year for one of the charges.

The 31-year-old Fisher did not make a statement and appeared calm during the sentencing, including when Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads read emotional letters from Doe One and Angela Fisher, the boys’ mother and Fisher’s former wife.

“This crime has affected me very badly in many ways,” wrote Doe One, who joined the Army at age 17 and is now stationed in South Korea. He said it’s difficult for him to interact with friends, family and the general public. He is short-tempered and impatient, bottling his feelings until “I lash out at loved ones.”

Dealing with his history of abuse has stressed his marriage, Doe One said, and having a normal sexual relationship with his wife was difficult at first because “certain acts in the bedroom would make me have flashbacks.”

Doe One said because California does not allow the death penalty, Fisher should be sentenced to life without possibility of parole.

Angela Fisher, in her letter, said the man she thought she knew, trusted and loved “dissipated into thin air.” She suffers for the pain of her children, who lost their childhood and innocence. Her own life has changed drastically, she said, with her family’s income dropping from $7,000 a month to $2,500 “with the same amount of bills.”

Angela Fisher now holds two jobs, working up to 65 hours a week seven days a week. She was forced to sell the family home “at a profit next to nothing,” and in the process give up pets that were like family.

She said it’s hard to imagine a future relationship because she could never trust another man around her children.

Angela was accompanied to court today by Does Two and Three. The youngest son, now 13, watched as his father was sentenced to life in prison. Fisher was ordered to have no contact whatsoever with family members, although it was agreed Doe Three is free to contact his father, if he wishes, after he turns 18.

Outside court, prosecutor Eads said the 106-year term is justified.

“I think this is justice,” Eads said. “I think it’s appropriate under the law. I think it’s appropriate for acknowledging the grievous acts perpetrated on the victims in this case.”

She thanked trial jurors for their time “on this emotional and trying case.”
Eads also was grateful to the victims who testified.

“I appreciate their bravery, including the James Does.”

The James Does were three inmates who testified Fisher sexually abused them when he workied as a correctional officer. The jury acquitted Fisher on all charges involving inmates. One of the inmates received $200,000 after filing a civil claim, and another received $25,000. The inmate who was given the $200,000 testified Fisher forced him to perform oral sex while holding a taser to his head. But during trial there was testimony that inmate had been trying for some time to cook up schemes for getting money from the county.

Former Deputy Conflict Counsel David Lee, who represented Fisher during trial, is now retired but appeared without charge today for the sentencing. Lee argued the sentence amounts to life without possibility of parole, which is akin to a sentence for premeditated murder.

“It’s excessive and I ask the court not to do it,” he said.

Lee said it was inappropriate the special enhancement charge of “multiple victims” was applied to each count, when it should have been included only once. By Lee’s calculation, the proper sentence is 23 years to life.

He indicated Fisher wants to be transported to state prison as quickly as possible.

During his time in local custody he has been segregated from the general population.

Angela Fisher had requested restitution be paid to her youngest son. She was awarded $2,500. Doe Two received restitution of $375.
