Wednesday, Dec. 11

Eureka Natural Foods to Start Carrying Singer/Songwriters
Are people still using “hump day”? Well, today is that.
Should you wish to hump out of the house, please note that you have two opportunities to see renowned singer/songwriter/Jewel amigo Steve Poltz today. The easiest, most traditional way is this evening at HumBrews where he’ll be sharing a stage with local opener, the mighty John Ludington. Music in a music venue. It will feel familiar.
However if that’s too normal for you, take a late lunch break and head over to Eureka Natural Foods at about 1 p.m. There, Poltz will be serenading DJ Mike Dronkers who just happens to be broadcasting live today as part of KHUM’s food drive. We hear the booth is set up near the Stacy’s Pita Chips display, but you also have the option of tuning in to 104.3/104.7 if you’re afraid of weird chips.
Now, your Lowdown fulfills a legal requirement: No Steve Poltz blurb is complete without noting that he co-wrote Jewel’s “You Were Meant For Me.” So, not only are we doing that, here’s a video of the man performing it. There. Now you cannot sue us.
-Andrew Goff
Top Events!
(Look ahead!)
Pints for Non-Profits
Redwood Curtain Brewing Company, Arcata
/ 3-11 p.m.
/ Free
Benefitting the Jacoby Creek Land Trust. Dutch raffle for hand knitted hats and scarfs. Food from Natures Serving.
/ Web site
Kill, Baby, Kill (1966)
Arcata Theatre Lounge
/ 6 p.m.
/ $5
One of the more prominent works of Italy’s premier horror stylist Mario Bava, this occult murder mystery interweaves elements of the traditional giallo thriller formula with an unusual Gothic ghost story.
/ Web site
Free Conservation Lecture
Sequoia Park Zoo
/ 7 p.m.
David Garcelon of the Institute for Wildlife Studies will describe how he spearheaded the effort to return Bald eagles to the Channel Islands at the Zoo’s free December Conservation Lecture.
/ Web site
Steve Poltz
Humboldt Brews
/ 8 p.m.
/ $10
/ 21+
“One of the most beloved songwriters of his generation.” John Ludington opens.
/ Web site
All Events!
KHUM Wants Your Food
KHUM Radio 104.3/104.7
/ 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
All week long, KHUM will broadcast live from area grocery stores in an effort to gather funds and foods for Food For People. Click for a list of times and locations.
HSU Forestry Club Christmas Tree Sale
See Event Description
/ 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
Trees for your house. You clean up the needles.
43rd Annual Christmas Home Tour and Tea
Fortuna Monday Club
/ 1-9 p.m.
/ $15
This year the homes will be decked out in a theme Christmas in Candyland.
/ Web site
Jay Dancing Bear
/ 5 p.m.
Acoustic originals.
/ Web site
Free Community Classes
Essential Elements Wellness Spa & Sauna
/ 5:30-7 p.m.
/ Free
/ Web site
Randles, LaBolle and Amirkhan
Mad River Brewery Tasting Room
/ 6 p.m.
/ Free
A trio of Humboldt’s best jazz musicians while you sip.
/ Web site
Humboldt Hard Court Bike Polo
Highland Park
/ 6 p.m.
/ Free
Like horse polo minus the stable fees.
/ Web site
Buddy Reed
Blondies Food and Drink
/ 6 p.m.
Low down blues.
/ Web site
GMO Free Humboldt Volunteer Meetings
Arcata Co-op Community Kitchen
/ 6-7 p.m.
/ Free
/ Web site
Eureka Fair Wage Act Meeting
Labor Temple
/ 6:15 p.m.
Supporters of the Eureka initiative to require employers with more than 25 employees to provide a $12 minimum wage gather.
Open Mic
Old Town Coffee And Chocolates (Old Town)
/ 6:30 p.m.
Music and spoken word. Hosted by Mike Anderson.
/ Web site
Root Beer Float Party
The Ink Annex
/ 7-10 p.m.
/ Free
Meet people and support the Anarchist Bookfair.
/ Web site
The Hypnotic Transference
The Siren’s Song Tavern
/ 8 p.m.
Psychedelic metal and garage rock.
/ Web site
Laura Meyer
Six Rivers Brewery
/ 8-11 p.m.
/ Free
Acoustic blues.
/ Web site
No Covers
/ 8 p.m.
Jazz improvisational duo.
/ Web site
Jeff Landen
Logger Bar
/ 8:30 p.m.
/ 21+
Local slide guitarist.
/ Web site
Little Red Lion
/ 9 p.m.
/ 21+
How could this be a bad idea?
Whomp Whomp Wednesday
/ 9 p.m.
HumCo craves beats.
Rude Lion Sound
Toby and Jacks
/ 10 p.m.
/ 21+
Were you just thinking, “Is there anyplace that has Dancehall Wednesdays?” Here it is!
Movie Showtimes
Broadway Cinema
- DALLAS BUYERS CLUB: 12:15, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15
- DELIVERY MAN: 12:30, 3:10, 5:45, 8:20
- ENDER S GAME: 3:25, 8:35
- FREE BIRDS 2D: 12:00, 2:10
- FROZEN 2D: 11:55, 12:35, 1:10, 2:35, 3:15, 5:55, 7:50, 8:30
- FROZEN 3D: 5:15
- GRAVITY 3D: 1:00, 6:15
- HOMEFRONT: 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25
- HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE: 12:20, 2:20, 3:40, 5:40, 7:00, 9:00
- LAST VEGAS: 3:00, 5:35, 8:10
- OUT OF THE FURNACE: 12:40, 3:30, 6:20, 9:10
- THOR: THE DARK WORLD 2D: 12:50, 3:30, 6:10, 8:50
Mill Creek Cinema
- DELIVERY MAN: 3:10, 5:50, 8:55
- FROZEN 2D: 3:35, 5:20, 6:20, 8:00
- FROZEN 3D: 8:25
- HOMEFRONT: 4:20, 6:50, 9:25
- HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE: 4:10, 6:00, 7:30, 9:10
- OUT OF THE FURNACE: 3:20, 6:10, 9:00
- THOR: THE DARK WORLD 2D: 3:45, 6:30, 9:15
Minor Theatre
- 12 YEARS A SLAVE: 3:00, 6:00, 9:00
- ALL IS LOST: 3:15, 6:15, 9:10