Sentencing for convicted murderer Eric Jason Lively was postponed this morning to give the District Attorney’s Office time to respond to an expected defense motion for a new trial.

Judge Christopher Wilson’s courtroom was jammed with friends and relatives of 42-year-old Jesse Simpson, who died on May 3, 2017, after Lively’s pickup truck struck him at an intersection in Shelter Cove.  A jury convicted Lively of second-degree murder, which carries a term to 15 years to life in state prison.


Defense attorney Russ Clanton said he plans to file a motion for new trial, which is routine in homicide cases. Deputy District Attorney Adrian Kamada, who is out of the office this week, will need time to respond to that motion.

In addition, Wilson and attorneys had not received necessary reports from the Probation Department.

One of Simpson’s family members, his sister Crystal Wise, was allowed to address the judge this morning because she traveled to Humboldt County from Simpson’s home state of Oklahoma. She won’t be able to return later.

Wise, her voice barely audible in the courtroom audience, said Simpson not only had strong support in the community of Shelter Cove, but also in the Oklahoma town where he grew up. He was so famous as a high school athlete, she said, that his picture still hangs in the high school gym.

She described her brother as non-judgmental person who always gave others “a chance to show him who they were and what they were.”

“Jesse never had a bad word to say about anyone,” Wise said.

Lively, wearing an orange jail jumpsuit and standing next to his attorney in the jury box, listened quietly as she spoke. According to trial testimony, he had been threatening to kill Simpson for days before he ran over him. He was convinced Simpson and others were stealing from him and having sex with his ex-girlfriend.

This morning Judge Wilson thanked Simpson’s sister for her comments and said they would taken into consideration at sentencing.

The sentencing and motion for new trial are scheduled for March 28.
