The preliminary hearing for new charges against murder suspect Jon David Goldberg has been put off until Friday.


This morning Judge Dale Reinholtsen granted a continuance motion by Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal, who is in trial on another case and couldn’t be there for the hearing set for today. Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo objected, saying he was ready to proceed.

Goldberg, a 37-year-old Bridgeville resident, is already scheduled for trial for the alleged murder of his close friend Timothy Smith, who had been having an affair with Goldberg’s wife. The new allegations are that he also assaulted his wife and brandished a firearm at about the same time.

The estimated two-hour hearing on the new charges is set for Friday afternoon. Both Bernthal and Russo are expected to call witnesses.

Goldberg is accused of shooting Smith to death in the front yard of Smith’s Fortuna home on Sept. 26. He remains in custody on $1 million bail.



The arraignment and trial-setting for suspected killer Maxx Carson Robison was delayed this morning until March 28.


Deputy Public Defender Jennifer Dixon told Judge Dale Reinholtsen that she and Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer had agreed to pushing back the arraignment, which had been scheduled for today.

Robison was recently held to answer on charges that he murdered 19-year-old Rihanna McKenzie, and attempted to murder her boyfriend Elisha Mansell, when he opened fire on Mansell’s car outside McCullen’s Motel on June 30. During a tape-recorded phone call he made from jail, Robison admitted he shot at the car but said he didn’t know anyone was inside.

In early February Robison, 22, was prepared to admit to second-degree murder and be sentenced to 37 years to life in prison. He changed his mind at the last minute and decided to go forward with his case.

He remains in custody on $1.6 million bail.