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Barry Evans is Holding Up

When life knocks you off your bike, you just got to get back up and keep riding, even if you’re 78 years old. At least, that’s been the attitude of local columnist Barry Evans, who is already back to cycling after his recent recovery from a pretty serious spill.

Evans tells us all about it in this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up. The longtime Old Town resident also discusses his love for the Old Town neighborhood and how he’s watched it adapt to the pandemic, his background as a civil engineer, his world travels and how he landed in Eureka.

Evans, Growing Old in Old Town

Oh, and Evans also talks a bit about the latest installment of his column “Growing Old Ungracefully” and why he thinks Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will make a great leader amid the pandemic.

Click the audio player above to hear Evans’ chat with LoCO’s Andrew Goff and Stephanie McGeary and/or scroll the the list of previous guests below.


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