
August 2015

(UPDATED) Coastal Grove Charter School Caught Watering Grass (and Sidewalk) During Forbidden Hours

NEC Calls for Public Critiques of California Cannabis Voice-Humboldt Draft Ordinance

As Fish Kill Fears Grow, Hoopa Valley Tribe Blasts Bureau of Reclamation’s Draft Trinity River Release Plans

Huffman Demands Federal Action to Prevent Klamath River Fish Kill

July 2015

Academic Paper Suggests Legalizing Weed Would Help the Environment

Yurok Tribe Discovers Early Parasite Infestation in Klamath Salmon

June 2015

The Hammond Trail Will Soon Extend North to Scenic Drive, Thanks to New Land Acquisition

(VIDEO) Watch This Guy Free Climb a Local Redwood Tree for Science

Backpack of Porn, Jar of Syringes: Creamery District Cleans Up Vagrant Campsite at Jolly Giant Creek

Humboldt Kids Assemble to Clean South Spit, Yank Invasives, Form Giant Sturgeon

May 2015

That is Not Where That Goes: Discarded Waste Oil Spill Discovered Near Elk River

April 2015

Mass Open Cattle Grave Bulldozed; Location of Carcasses Now Unknown

Being the Change: Zoe and Emma On Untrashing Humboldt

Barely Half of Humboldt County Residents Believe Global Warming is Mostly Caused By Humans

EPIC Convinces Feds that Spotted Owl May Be Endangered

Judge Denies Environmental Groups’ Request for Attorney Fees in Richardson Grove Case

March 2015

Mining Corporation Backs Off Humboldt Bay

February 2015

Audubon Society Launches Campaign Against Proposed Oyster Farm on Humboldt Bay

Your Day in Ocean: Meet Senator McGuire

January 2015

Plastic Bag Monster Descends on Board of Supervisors

[GRAPHIC VIDEO] Anthropogenic Filth Along The Eel River

December 2014

Your Week in Ocean: The End is Near, Good Things Afoot

Conflicting Rulings Set Up Showdown in California Supreme Court for North Coast Railroad Lawsuit

Your Week in Ocean: #10DaysOfMPAs, MPA IPA, Coast Seafoods <3s Humboldt Baykeeper

Caltrans: Richardson Grove Realignment Project Still Going Forward

November 2014

Your Week in Ocean: “It Was The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Seen”

(UPDATE) Dear Former Hot Tub Owner, That is Not Where That Goes (PHOTOS)

Congressman Huffman Sounds Off on Keystone XL Pipeline

Fukushima Radioactivity Detected Off West Coast

[PHOTO] Transient Tenants Let Weeds Overrun NoHum Nest

October 2014

Your Week in Ocean: In Which Congressman Jared Huffman Invites You To Bring It (To the Seaside Social)

As Feds Look to Protect Pacific Fisher, Yard Signs Urge Growers to Avoid Rat Poison on Marijuana Grows

September 2014

Humboldt County Beaches, Now With Less Trash

Felled Billboards Removed for Coastal Cleanup Day

Here’s How Hundreds of People Are Working to Fix the Eel River Delta

BOR Releases More Trinity Water in Response to the Appearance of Fish-Killing Parasite

Why the Eel River Disappeared and What It Means for Fish

August 2014

After Blue-Green Algae Scare, Hoopa Valley Water Tests Clean

Rivers to Flow: Judge Denies Injunction on Trinity Water Release

[UPDATED] These Cool Photos Show How Aqua Dam Plugged a Levee Breach With Giant Water Bags

Li’l Steve Sillett Teaches Kids About Redwood Canopy Ecology

Public Meetings to Discuss the Impacts of Climate Change on Local Road Systems Begin Tonight

‘Fish Need Water! Let the River Flow!’: Tribal Members Protest in Sacramento (VIDEO/PHOTOS)

A Levee Breached Near CR, and Humboldt Bay is Now 50 Acres Bigger

Klamath River Advocates Set to Rally in Sacramento Tuesday

(VIDEO) ‘Fish Kill 2014?’: Yurok Youth Video Project Looks at a Developing Crisis

(PHOTOS) Dead Fish and Gill Rot in the Trinity River

‘There are fish missing the scales on their bellies and rolling on the bottom of the river’

July 2014

Fish Kill 2014? No Preventative Trinity River Water Releases This Year, Announces Bureau of Reclamation

$500 Fines For Water Wasters Start Friday

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