Has Eureka gadfly and Lost Coast Outpost columnist Matthew Owen announced his bid for the Eureka City Council yet? 

Not yet, Owen told the Outpost in line at Old Town Coffee and Chocolates yesterday morning.

“You’ll be the second to know,” Owen said, saying that he is pledged to give word of the official announcement of his candidacy to “Mr. Scoop” — presumably blogger and personal friend John Chiv — before he gives it to LoCO.

When Owen does announce his candidacy, it will be for the Second Ward City Council seat currently held by termed-out councilmember Linda Atkins, which was once held by Owen’s wife, Supervisor Virginia Bass.

Jon Yalcinkaya, blogger and former member of the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee, announced via blog post late last year that he would run for Atkins seat. The election will be held on November 8.

The Outpost will update with the date of Owen’s official announcement when it becomes available.