Farmer Hannah with her beautiful flowers

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Hannah Eiloeffel is Holding Up

Spring has sprung and it seems like there’s so much look forward to this year, including the array of fresh produce that will soon fill our stores, farmers markets and food boxes. Juicy tomatoes, how we’ve missed you!

Of course, this wouldn’t be possible without our local farmers, who have been working harder than ever to keep people fed during the pandemic.

A look at some goodies in a Table Bluff Farm food box

On this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up — the Lost Coast Outpost‘s COVID-era podcast— owner of Table Bluff Farm Hannah Eisloeffel manages to find some time between feeding chickens and planting carrots to discuss her passion for producing food, how the farm’s operations have changed during the pandemic and the abundance of support she’s had from her Humboldt community.

Other topics discussed with Eisloeffel include:

  • Providing delivery of affordable food through CSA boxes
  • How she’s utilized social media to share life on the farm (the good and the bad) and taking on the social media trolls 
  • Table Bluff Farm’s focus on regenerative agriculture and her advice for starting your own regenerative farm
  • The challenges and benefits of farming on the cold, windy bluff
  • more!

So satisfy your hunger for listening to other humans talking by clicking the audio player above to hear Farmer Hannah’s chat with Stephanie McGeary and Andrew Goff.