Left: Patrick Cleary about to tune his banjo; Right: Huckleberry Flint at the 2019 Humboldt Folklife Festival
(AUDIO) Patrick Cleary is Holding Up
Humboldt’s summer of returning joys continues this coming week with the first edition of the Humboldt Folklife Festival to take place out in Blue Lake since the fun-killing pandemic made gathering with community virtually impossible. Starting Thursday, Dell’Arte’s Rooney Amphitheater will again host a collection of the county’s finest musicians. And if you think recent hip replacement surgery is going to stop longtime festival organizer Patrick Cleary from tappin’ his toe (or jumpin’ up on stage), well, you don’t know Patrick.
On this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up — the Lost Coast Outpost’s feisty lo-fi podcast experiment — Cleary shares what it means to him to be able to again offer a forum for local performers to show their stuff and chats about the various acts scheduled to appear this year. We also discuss his time as head of the Humboldt Area Foundation and (full disclosure) LoCO‘s parent company Lost Coast Communications.
Click the audio player above or head over to Apple Podcasts to hear Patrick gab it up with LoCO’s Stephanie McGeary and Andrew Goff and/or make sure to take a gander at the below list of other locals we’ve convinced to Zoom with us.
- #98 Dancer/Choreographer Cleo DeOrio
- #97 House Builder Will Startare
- #96 Redwood News Anchor John Kennedy O’Connor
- #95 Election Roundup with Tom Wheeler and Hank Sims
- #94 Rocky Horror Show’s Craig Woods and Holly Portman
- #93 St. Joe Nurse Lauren Van Vlear
- #92 Planned Parenthood Northern California CEO Gilda Gonzales
- #91 Arcata Main Street Bellydancer Shoshanna
- #90 Antarctic Voyager Darren Weiss
- #89 Bounskee Creator Justin Schwartzman
- #88 Arcata Senior Planner Delo Freitas
- #87 Humboldt County Supervisor Virginia Bass
- #86 Annie’s Cambodian’s Laura Chau-Yang
- #85 Comedian Josh Barnes
- #84 Cal Poly Humboldt’s Jenn Capps, Connie Stewart & Mike Fisher
- #83 Eureka Artist Jesse Wiedel
- #82 Keyboard Veteran Brian Swislow
- #81 Lost Lewis Treasure Hunter Corey Lewis
- #80 “The Cannabis Conversation” Writer Jesse Duncan
- #79 Humboldt COAD’s Alison Sterling Nichols
- #78 Miranda’s Rescue Founder Shannon Miranda
- #77 Eureka Police Department Chief Steve Watson
- #76 ‘The Bartow Project’ Michelle Hernandez and Zuzka Sabata
- #75 Foggy Bottoms Boys Thomas and Cody Nicholson Stratton
- #74 North Coast News’ Nazy Javid
- #73 Pumpkin Carver Mike Craghead
- #72 Eureka Police Department Sergeant Leonard LaFrance
- #71 Eureka Artist Duane Flatmo
- #70 Arcata City Councilmember Sarah Schaefer
- #69 Humboldt Hot Air Director Neroli Devaney
- #68 St. Joe’s James Ladika and Austin Allison
- #67 Eureka Artist Richard Evans
- #66 NCRT’s Calder Johnson
- #65 TV Newsman Dave Silverbrand
- #63 Housing Policy Specialist Brian Heaton
- #62 Muralists Blake Reagan and Lucas Thornton
- #61 Arcata City Councilmember Emily Goldstein
- #60 Kayak Guide Eric Stockwell
- #59 Eureka City Councilmember Natalie Arroyo
- #58 Wiyot Cultural Center Manager Marnie Atkins
- #57 Humboldt County Growers’ Alliance’s Natalynne DeLapp
- #56 RREDC Executive Director Gregg Foster
- #55 Dell’Arte’s Michael Fields
- #54 Llama Wrangler Keagan Trischum
- #53 Crabs President David Sharp
- #52 Organic Dairy Farmers Kristina Radelfinger and Dorice Miranda
- #51 Former Arcata Mayor Alex Stillman
- #50 Cooperation Humboldt’s David Cobb
- #49 Ink People Center for the Arts’ Libby Maynard
- #48 Humboldt Bay Social Co-Owner Amy Cirincione O’Connor
- #47 Musician Lyndsey Battle
- #46 Mad River Brewing CEO Linda Cooley
- #45 LoCO Editor Hank Sims
- #44 Humboldt Republic’s Jason Brandi
- #43 Table Bluff Farmer Hannah Eisloeffel
- #42 Logger Bar Owner Kate Martin
- #41 Teacher/Rapper Zach “Zigzilla” Lehner
- #40 Madaket Captain “Zippo” Libby Tonning
- #39 Event Planner Alegria Sita
- #38 Food For People’s Anne Holcomb
- #37 AHHA President Nezzie Wade
- #36 Performance Artist Noël August/Tucker Noir
- #35 Eureka Mayor Susan Seaman
- #34 Eagle House Owner Jennifer Metz
- #33 Absynth Quartet Drummer Mike “Tofu” Schwartz
- #32 HACHR Executive Director Lasara Firefox Allen
- #31 Alchemy Distillery Owner Amy Bohner
- #30 Eureka City Councilmember Kati Moulton
- #29 Eureka City Councilmember Scott Bauer
- #28 Ungraceful Ager Barry Evans
- #27 Arcata City Councilmember Sofia Pereira
- #26 HumBrews Music Booker Laurel Weston
- #25 Eureka City Councilmember Kim Bergel
- #24 Film Commission’s Cassandra Hesseltine and Nate Adams
- #23 Marble Maker Topher Reynolds
- #22 Arcata Playhouse Director Jacqueline Dandeneau
- #21 Humboldt Political Junkie Eric Kirk
- #20 Rio Dell Mayor Debra Garnes
- #19 Second District Supervisor Estelle Fennell
- #18 Arcata Food Aficionado Jada Calypso Brotman
- #17 Body Piercer Jackie Silva
- #16 Dick Taylor Chocolate’s Adam Dick
- #15 FUHS Teachers Mark Thom and Inma Thompson
- #14 Eureka City Manager Miles Slattery
- #13 Savage Henry Co-Founder Chris Durant
- #12 Eureka Street Art Festival Organizer Jenna Catsos
- #11 SCRAP Humboldt Founder Tibora Bea
- #10 Gym Owner Tyler Parr
- #9 Six Rivers Brewery Co-Owner Meredith Maier
- #8 Multicultural Skincare Therapist Levia Love
- #7 Annie’s Cambodian Server and Social Worker Joshua Coppock
- #6 Eureka City Councilmember Austin Allison
- #5 HSU Professor Deidre Pike
- #4 Pastor Bethany Cseh
- #3 Singer/Songwriter Chris Parreira
- #2 Eureka City Councilmember Leslie Castellano
- #1 Arcata City Councilmember Paul Pitino