Darren Weiss — the one more covered up on the left, there — during his recent trip to Antarctica

(AUDIO) Darren Weiss is Holding Up

(Right-click here to download.)

On this week’s episode of Humboldt Holding Up — LoCO’s pandemic-era podcast experiment that we’re still doing for some reason — we speak with Darren Weiss, longtime host of KHUM radio’s The Chicken Scratch Show, but more profitably a professional engineer who specializes in renewable energy. It is the latter pursuit that led to a recent opportunity to travel to Antarctica as part of an expedition to see the effects of climate change on our southernmost continent.

Click the audio player above or head over to Apple Podcasts to hear Weiss’s chat with LoCO’s Stephanie McGeary and Andrew Goff and/or scroll our list of past guests at the end of this post. Also, you can read more Weiss’ trip here or glance at a few pics taken along the journey below.

Playing backgammon aboard the Ocean Victory vessel

Penguins, of course